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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Travelmego

  1. Ok, I have wrestled with this issue a lot as you all can see. I am going to go to Mexico as it is my only real option. I have decided that I will simply ask that the doctor and the staff all have their noses covered during the surgery. Of course, I will phrase it in a way that is polite and not insulting (but still firm!). I think they would comply. It is not like it is an unreasonable requirement. I would ask that all of us looking for surgery in Mexico ask our coordinators if the doctor would be willing to have everyone masked with nose covered. That way the coordinators will know it is an issue for many people and give that feedback to the doctors. Are you all with me?
  2. I will response more in the morning - so tired now. I like a good discussion and appreciate everyone's input. I guess it isn't just about the mask for me but what that signifies overall. If a person can't even wear the mask in (what I consider at this time) to be a proper manner, or get their staff to do it - something so basic....then how can I trust their over all sanitation? Gah - it's so hard to figure it out. Throw in Mexican corruption and how can one trust ANYTHING? All we have are posts and videos of people giving feedback. All we have are what coordinators claim. Mind you, I am 99 percent likely to go to Mexico for surgery. However, I am just wrestling with the same issues probably a LOT of people have when considering surgery there.
  3. Really excited for you. Please keep a record of every step of the way.
  4. I understand what you are saying zmdh. I have seen a few articles questioning if masks themselves are necessary.I have seen more articles and protocols stating that the mask must be worn snugly over the face and nose and tied correctly. My issue is that we hear all the time about infections in USA hospitals. We are told time and again to be diligent. In a hospital I go to regularly there is a sign to ask if people (doctors and nurses) washed their hands - that it is not considered rude. I would be just as concerned with a US surgeon that they have a good reputation, their infection, leak and complication rates are low, and that the hospital maintains sterile practices. It is a really difficult decision to make and we all want to find the surgeon we feel confident with. Since there are issues with so many of these videos and (what I consider) not properly wearing a mask, I just don't know what to do. I am leaning toward requesting that the doctor and all staff wear the mask with nose covered prior to booking the surgery. Yes, some might consider it a small thing to focus on but to me it is a glaring big red flag. I need to have it resolved somehow. I really do need to go to Mexico for surgery.
  5. Travelmego

    Dr. Fernando Garcia?

    How many surgeries does Dr. Garcia do a day?
  6. I honestly can't imagine a surgeon being unwilling to work on a patient who has surgery outside of the USA. Like someone mentioned above - what if a person lives overseas for a few years and moves back to the USA? Perhaps I am naive but I would be very surprised - especially if it is a teaching hospital.
  7. I am a travel queen! See my name? All things travel here. Be right back! ...ok back. I see everyone already answered everything lol. All I can add is that you can expedite your passport for an extra 60 bucks and get it back in like 3 weeks. Agree that it is well worth it to get the passport over the card unless you just never go international. Even if you are allowed to board a domestic (within the USA) flight with birth certificate and state ID, you will still need a passport to get across the Mexican border. So you do need a passport. You even need a passport to go to and from Canada now. "Entry to the US by land or sea: Regardless of your final destination in Mexico, all U.S. citizens age 16 or over must present either a U.S. passport book or card to re-enter the U.S. by land or sea." http://mexico.usembassy.gov/eng/eacs_sheet.html - Re: seatbelt extender - I just ask the flight attendant standing at the door as I board. They always look at your boarding pass so to direct you to your seat. That is the perfect opportunity to mention it. You should not need an extra seat as you don't sound that large. Also, having your husband sit beside you means you don't have to worry about taking up space from the person beside you. Agree 1000000% on not over packing. Anything you really need if you forget, your husband can go out and buy. Wheelchair - definitely book the wheelchair - do it when you buy the ticket (or call them after you purchase it). By the way, some airlines charge you extra if you call them on the phone to buy it rather than use their website (like 25 bucks extra!). You can also print out your boarding passes at home so you can skip having to do that at the airport. Yay.
  8. I can't answer for Canada but, being from the USA, I would hopefully be able to hightail it to the nearest hospital in San Diego so my insurance would cover it. The problem with that is if I would be able to get through Tijuana traffic which is supposed to be a nightmare. A coordinator told me traffic is a big factor in why they do their stuff in a hospital rather than a clinic setting. I think i am going to look for travel insurance with emergency evacuation benefits (caution - be sure to tell them you are getting surgery). Here is a link I just googled and found - am not endorsing it. http://www.visitorscoverage.com/travel-insurance/medical-tourism-insurance/ By law, in the USA, the emergency room has to stabilize you even if you have no means of paying so even if I didn't have insurance I would at least be stabilized. I have seen a few threads where it seems Canadian insurance actually covers surgery in Mexico? I didn't read through them so is that true? If so, would it cover you in the USA for emergency treatment? Correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't any treatment needed with a sleeve be an emergency situation? Or, are you thinking about if you decided to revise to a bypass where whether a surgeon would work on you would be an issue?
  9. I agree with the person that said she is meeting her own fears in this issue. However, there seem to be other issues regarding the quality of her friendship aside from just her disagreeing with WLS. Specifically, why did she announce your surgery to the world? She didn't mention your name but I am sure many people that know her know who her 'best friend' is. What kind of 'best friend' would broadcast your private business like that? It is hard to lose a 'friend' but often the relationships are unequal. Sometimes, something happens that highlights the inequity. I am assuming you showed her plenty of support through all of her issues. Now, when you need the favor returned, she makes it all about her. As painful as it is to realize, I am betting you have been her supportive, 'narcissistic fix' all along. I am also betting that she has been a pretty domineering friend, and you realized this at some deeper level. That is why it took months for you to tell her about it. You were already trying to get out from under her controlling ways. Perhaps you can write her a letter summarizing the points you agree with from the posts above. I would suggest NOT writing a letter trying to make her see reason in an effort to salvage the friendship. That just feeds her narcissistic need. Don't expect nor even hope for a response from her - that just continues the negative drama. Rather, state your points on why you are getting surgery (in a firm, non-compromising tone) and close with something like - "Even though our friendship is at a crossroads and we both are choosing to go in different directions, I do wish you well in your life and your struggles. I have good memories of the time we shared. Take care." That way you feel you have closure and have said what you want to get off your chest. At the same time, It allows for an amicable parting so she doesn't go on some loony vendetta.
  10. Just have a few standby lines to ward off advances. "I'm so flattered, but I am married." Then change the subject to someone innocuous: "Boy, it's supposed to rain AGAIN, can you believe it?" Yea, I know - we feel we should not be flattered when someone makes an advance on you - "What am I, a cheap hooker?" but in reality the person might have had to work up the courage to approach you. One can let someone down while still being kind, right? Just get a few lines like this and you won't feel awkward. If you are not seeing anyone and you don't want to lie, "I'm so flattered, but I am not available.(smile, pause).... Boy, it's supposed to rain AGAIN, can you believe it?" I don't think street harassment is a big problem in the USA but in some locations overseas it definitely is. Wear sunglasses and headphones (not turned on) and be aware of your surroundings.
  11. Travelmego

    Site a little confusing?

    Are the sleevers former lap banders who had revision, by any chance?
  12. Ok I fixed it. Thanks for the heads up. I could have sworn it said Elias Ortiz. I was all happy cuz there was someone in the 4500 who had everyone with full masks on. Darn! Did you all notice that Arial Ortiz seemed to be losing his breath while speaking? Not that it means anything - I just noticed it. If anyone has links to videos of surgeries - it would be great if you could send them to me. Preferably by private message so I can put them in the right slot.
  13. Congratulations! Glad to hear you are doing so well. I would love to hear an update on your entire experience in Mexico when you feel up to it.
  14. Travelmego


    Aww! Congratulations!
  15. Hi, Thank you for the tips - What is Hibiclens -and just curious but how does applying it the night before help? Won't the body just get recontaminated from the sheets and stuff while you sleep? I have never heard of Hibiclens before. What are nares? (I can google it) By the way, I didn't mean the articles specifically for you because I know you already knew the info lol. I made a thread with a bunch of videos of various surgeons in Mexico doing the sleeve. Check it out and tell me what you think of them if you have time. I would love your feedback. Rodriguez is a bit pricey for me.How much did he charge you extra for being a revision? Usually it is 500, I think. That does bring him down into my second option range of 6,500. However, I still am hoping to find a surgeon in the 4,500 range that 'ticks the boxes' as someone in another thread said. If nothing else, hopefully this thread will make people more aware of the issue and demand excellent sterile techniques from whichever doctor they choose regardless where that doctor is located. In the case of Mexico, if the coordinators realize that people are paying attention to this, they will give that feedback to the doctors who will be forced to improve. Hopefully, they won't just make a video of themselves with better techniques but not practice it in reality. Not to be an a## but I think everyone should ask for a video of the operating procedure both inside the body, and outside in the larger room. Since it is so difficult to sue in Mexico - the only thing keeping doctors from cutting corners etc. is word of mouth and video evidence. They will know people can put the video on youtube where anyone can see what's up. That way surgeons are held accountable. The smart and business minded doctor would immediately start doing this so as to draw business his/her way since there seems to be an issue. I would be fine paying an extra 50 to have video of the entire room. It costs very little to set up a few cameras and hook them to a laptop.

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