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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Travelmego

  1. Thank you for your response. I know what you mean about the bypass. I was all for the bypass when I first started out but after reading about the less post surgery adjustments I have been leaning toward the sleeve. I was told that you don't have to take the diet supplements for life with the sleeve. I will have to check this out some more. Even if one does have to take supplements - that is still better than HAVING to take diabetes medicine. Supplements are easy to obtain anywhere. This is an issue for me because I like to travel extensively overseas (for months at a time), and getting the diabetes medicine is difficult - especially when my insurance only pays for 30 days at a time. I would have to have it shipped to me each month and it has to be refrigerated. It just isn't very feasible. Another issue I have with the bypass is that you can't eat certain foods. I would like to be able to eat as normal a diet as I can but in much less quantities obviously. And lastly, the sleeve is supposed to get rid of the hunger sensation. That appeals to me. I am not sure if the bypass eliminated the hunger stuff as well.
  2. I am leaning toward the sleeve but this post makes me double think. I used to get bad acid in my stomach and I always had a bottle of tums by my bed. However, about a year and half ago I found out I was type 2 diabetic and changed my diet - eliminating most processed carbs and cutting way back on even whole grains. Since then, i have not needed tums more than 1 or 2 times (usually after caving and eating too much pizza). I don't even keep a bottle around any more. Would this be of concern for getting the sleeve? I think my acid was entirely diet related but I don't know how that works.
  3. Travelmego

    Obesity IS a Disease

    Bravo! Cheering! About damn time! Applause!
  4. Travelmego

    Cats Vs Dogs (Share your pet pics)

    I like dogs but have been around cats lately - so they are growing on me.
  5. Travelmego

    6 months post op 100 pounds down!

    Hey congrats- that is AMAZING!
  6. I am not going in thinking to revise. I want to take the option that meets my goals with the least potential complications post surgery - including quality of lifestyle. Right now, it seems the sleeve is the option that best meets these goals. If the sleeve doesn't work as well as I hope, then I want to know what options I have post sleeve. On the other hand, there are excellent results for the bypass 'curing' diabetes. If the option of revision to bypass is too difficult, and there is a high chance the sleeve won't work, then I would opt for the bypass and not the sleeve. I am not convinced yet, however, that the bypass is my only real option. It is such a difficult decision!
  7. This is a topic I have been considering too. I really want the sleeve because I don't want to deal with nutrient issues later. I am type 2 but it is controlled fairly well (A1C was a 6 last time). I don't want to be tied to medication any more so bariatric is definitely the way to go. The sleeve DOES help put diabetes into remission right? Can one go back later and have the bypass as a revision if the sleeve doesn't go far enough?
  8. Travelmego

    Shopping is fun again!

    This is a great idea! However, the site says 79 dollars a month for the 3 outfit plan? How did you get it for 39? Was it a special?
  9. This was a very helpful post - both the description and the pictures. I wonder about how the hotel provided the meals - did they do it frequently or once a day? I like how you showed how the meals were served. I am assuming the ice cubes were made from bottled water (I hope!). So jello is considered a clear liquid? You just KNOW the hotel staff are making all kinds of jokes about the numerous heavy men and women who go through there. OH WELL! We won't be fat American tourists for much longer!
  10. Ya - do that. Anyway - it is always good to have an extra passport that is not expired on hand.
  11. Are you asking what to get for the pre-op diet? Or post-op? Or both? I would also love to see a list of stuff for all stages.
  12. Going on a green card shouldn't be a problem but definitely check with immigration services. I know certain types of visas (obv a visa is not the same as a greencard) limit how many times a person can enter and exit the country. asm - I would be leery of him trying to use the green card to get back in if his passport is expired. I don't know though. I wonder if a fully American citizen can get back in the country on an expired passport. I am assuming one could, but would there be some hurdles to jump first? It is an interesting question. Please let us know what you decide to do and what info you find out.
  13. If you have a prescription then I doubt you would have any problems. Just keep the pills in the bottle labelled with your name and keep a copy of the prescription with you. Don't mix pills into one bottle.
  14. Hey, how are you doing now?
  15. Explain to her how you feel emotionally after you have done so much for them. Then ask her if she (and he) would at least be willing to listen past their first reaction. That will put them on the spot of at least having to hear you out. Then find out exactly what her (and his) objections are. Listen and repeat their objections for clarification while writing them down. Use something like, "Ok I hear your objection that Tijuana is not safe for Americans." That way the feel they are being heard as well. Get all their initial objections, and then do research and present them with counter arguments. One by one. Be prepared for followup objections and repeat the process.
  16. Ok, to reply to your replies to my questions 1-2. In house financing - yea I will just call and find out. I doubt I would go that route. I think I can come up with the cash. However, I would like to know all my options as I have other obligations. Your paypal suggestion is quite interesting and a way to think outside the box. Brava. 3. The clinic I have been looking at with Dr. PDL offers a free dental and eye exams. I would love to get some work done as I am due. I usually get it overseas when I am travelling anyway. I wonder if there is an eye surgery that can correct a slight astigmatism....anyway 4. Ok now this is such an interesting approach to check out the equipment - I don't blame you for checking this stuff out. I just wouldn't have thought to. See- this would be so useful for surgeons to make available. I totally get starting a project like the google document and then real life getting in the way. We don't have to go all OCD like you did when researching.However, if we are able to make a list of even 20 questions and some tips on how to research, it would be very useful. No hurries, no obligation, but we can try right? Just add to it slowly? Maybe make a thread for suggestions of questions. For example, Dr. PDL is board certified in the USA as well as Mexico. We could include informtion on how to verify that. What do you think? Willing to give it a shot? 5. No worries about saying what made you change your mind on the board. I will look for your inbox. Further questions section: -I don't know that I have any issues like apnea or cardio now, but I didn't know I had diabetes until recently either. I will probably get tests done for these 2 things b4 I go. Sadly, my insurance will cover the bypass but not the sleeve. Isn't that messed up? - I wonder if they would bump me up. Considering I have about 100k miles with this one airline now (and that is after having used a ton), they should! I love the wheelchair or carts. I always use one or the other when I have to lug it through a huge airport. I learned that long ago because I have back issues. Addition: Hey check this out - someone has made a nice blog page with resources for researching mexican doctors - http://wasabubblebutt.blogspot.com/2010/03/researching-mexican-or-us-sleeve.html
  17. Oh, that is a good point about post surgery bloating etc. I was thinking it would be better to go home and recover there. I think I would like to stay in Tijuana though - on a beach! Perhaps I should make it a vacation but then I would have to fly back alone cuz mom wouldn't be able to be gone that long. Congrats again on being 70 lbs down. That must feel wonderful. Did you find the pre-surgery diet difficult? BTW is there a forum here where you can make your own 'personal' thread as a diary on your journey rather than having to keep a separate blog?
  18. You all are so amazing. I didn't realize there were more replies on this thread as I am still getting used to this site. Noob! Kindle, thanks for the info. I will read her posts to see what happened. One surgery with complications doesn't surprise me, or put me off but if post op contact is bad then....as it stands right now I am having trouble getting hold of anyone at the hospital to ask questions. It's bizarre - the main voicemail box is full so I can't leave a message, and the person who did respond via email said they were travelling and would contact me within 48 hours and it has been a week. I have emailed several times since. This is not inspiring confidence. Is there a place to put a personal weight loss thread so one can keep adding posts and not have to have a separate blog? Stacy - You raise some good points I had not thought of (and I will check the youtube videos...good idea). 1. Do most of these places provide private rooms? 2. How many surgeries a day does the doctor perform? 3. Does the doctor speak English (I assume most do). Happy - congratulations on your loss! How did your doctor know he had a good reputation? Do you know, by any chance? I am just asking so I can maybe consult similar sources. Covatila - indeed, you are human - and it is hard to do 100 percent, you know? I am glad to hear you have adjusted so well. I see it has only bene like not even 2 months for you and you lost 70 lbs! Wow - is that even possible? I must be reading that wrong. Ahh ZMDH, you have been such a font of useful information (like everyone has!) 1. Ok, I will avoid the independent booking agencies - your assessment sounds reasonable. I would much prefer to have a coordiator out of the doctor's office. 2. How do you qualify for in house financing - any idea? The PDL website said you need to have a bank account and a credit card. I am pretty sure it is more complicated than that lol. It's not a lot of money to pay anyway - but still, I have to come up with it and the time slot to have the surgery that works best for me is June (ish). 3. Ok, I will just ask for what possible hidden costs. I am thinking of getting some dental done down there as well. I usually have it done when I travel overseas. 4. I have a best friend that is graduating a surgery residency. I should ask him to check out the pictures. Wow you actually checked supply line origins and manufacture history? Wow - I don't even know what that would tell you but adding it to my list lol. WOW. You should make up a checklist for people to ask each doctor. Would you?! That would be so awesome. We could work on a google doc together if you want. I would love to see your posts on the research process. I saw one and it was loaded with information. Would you mind telling me what made you uncomfortable with Jerusalem Hospital? I am definitely going to check out your doctor and the others people have mentioned. Cost due to the time factor is an issue for me. I am hoping I can find one at a reasonable price that I am confident with. --------------------------- Ok and I came up with a few more questions. -Do most of these places provide private rooms? -The surgeons in the usa are concerend with sleep apnea being diagnosed prior to surgery. I have never been diagnosed with it but is this something I should check before going down there? What about cardio tests that they ask for in the usa? - Do the doctors put your legs in the pressure things to avoid blood clots? - What is it like flying back so soon after surgery?
  19. Travelmego

    Rosie O'Donnell new pics posted today

    I always liked Rosie. I think we should only say nice things about her in case she is one of us on here or reading these forums. She should be supported in her journey just like every one else - with love and compassion.
  20. Travelmego

    Just beginning - so confused.

    Losingsoon- Glad you are feeling better today As far as I understand, the physician supervised diet is required to show that you have tried (and failed) other means besides bariatric surgery to lose weight. This is the reason they have the doctor document reason for failing - for example, unable to exercise due to lower back pain,or medications you are on...whatever. I just googled to see what I could come up with. I found this page: http://obesitycoverage.com/am-i-covered/check-my-insurance/item/medicaid-s-criteria-for-weight-loss-surgery-coverage Under the Medicare Pre-approval Requirements" section is this: "Documented participation in a medically supervised weight loss program. Typically, you must show that you have participated and failed more than one program." SO, if this is verified, then that should take some stress off your back. It's not hard to fail a diet, is it?
  21. Ok questions I should ask or find answers to: 1. Surgeons experience with sleeve. Number of laprascopic sleeve surgeries done. 2. Complications/leak rate 3. Has the surgeon had a patient die? 4. Surgeons education - what schools, what degrees, specific bariatric training 5. Does the surgeon and staff all cover their mouth and nose in operating room? (Ok, see my other post for why I added that.) 6. Post surgery infection rate? (Will they tell us this?) 7. Does he do a line of sutures behind the staples? 8. What kinds of leak tests does he do? 9. Do we get a video of the surgery, leak tests, and all medical records when we leave? In english? 10. Do we see the sleeve post surgery? I don't even know if they do this but I have heard stories of surgeons NOT taking out the stomach so.... 11. Is the surgeon bilingual? 12. Does the staff and nurses speak english? 13. How many surgeries does he/she peform a day? 14. Do you do your own surgery or do you have ghost or student surgeons? Location and stay 1. Is the surgery performed in a full hospital with trauma center/icu and a blood bank (as opposed to a clinic). 2. How many beds in the hospital 3. How long does one stay in the hospital itself. 4. What kind of oversight is done when staying in the hotel post hospital? 5. Private rooms? 6. Room for travelling companion? 7. Full time - around the clock medical staff in hospital? What else?
  22. Hello good people, Everyone keeps saying 'do your own research' on these doctors in Mexico...but HOW? I am not looking for just general advice (read forums, read reviews etc.) but looking for specifics - phone numbers, reputable sources, reputable journals, malpractice agencies, etc. Also, what exactly should we ask about or look for? Best Regards
  23. Travelmego

    Greetings from the other side!

    Hey congratulations! So exciting that you are through to the other side and starting this part of your journey. Please keep us updated!
  24. Travelmego

    Officially Sleeved

    Congratulations! I look forward to hearing about your journey.
  25. Hi Zmdh, Thank you for your offer to help. I don't even know what questions I should be asking in order to do research. Can we start there? Best Regards

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