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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. JUDE

    help, feelin blue

    Hi, I was banded on 6th October and I've been having the same issues. My pants actually feel tight on me again today and I know why - I've been drinking cordial because I felt so thirsty and have been snacking on stuff too. We went out to dinner last night at a friends and I managed to have seconds of dessert - admitedly the portion size was very small but my son looked across the table and said "Mum you should be full!" in a quiet voice, but I did feel pretty lousy. I have my first fill appointment tomorrow so I'm hoping that will make a difference. The other issue for me is alcohol - the several glasses of wine still go down very easily and this isn't going to help the weight loss overall. That's another thing to struggle with - it's much easier for me not to eat than not to have a glass/bottle of wine while watching TV each night. Anyone else have that problem? cheers! Jude
  2. Hi, I'm two weeks banded today. I'm finding I can eat most things as long as I chew them well and don't eat too quickly. Have managed chicken breast and white rice which I didn't expect to be able to stomach. Tried a small piece of steak but that really was too much - even one bite - it stuck so I won't be doing that again. I'm trying hard to remember not to drink 20 minutes before or after meals which is a bit tricky as I do drink a lot of water. The other issue is the red wine - it still goes down as easily as it ever did and of course it's just liquid calories so I figure my loss is going to be very slow but there has to be a change as I am eating only a quarter of what I did before. I guess time will tell. I'm down 10kg so far with another 35 to go. Good luck to everyone. Jude
  3. Hi all, It's now 9 days since I was banded and after the initial bad start I'm feeling pretty good. I'm staying off work this week but wondering if it's such a good idea - lots of temptations here at home as usual. In reality though I can only really eat the equivalent of two tablespoons of food before i feel uncomfortable. I used to eat that much standing at the stove before I even sat down at the table for my meal so that's something. As for the scales - they tell me I've put 1kg back on!!!! I think I'm going to hide them so that I can't be distracted or think that it's not working. I've pulled out all of the clothes that I've grown out of in the past 12-24 months and made sure that there are buttons where there should be (I used to pop them off regularly!) so that when they do fit I can wear them straight away. I've given away 2 more big bags of clothes that I don't want to wear ever again even if I am thinner - while I want to look like the old me - I don't want to look EXACTLY like the old me! Glad this site is here. see ya Jude
  4. Hi Tia, I have health fund full coverage in Aus and my out of pocket expenses have been $4000 plus $500 for the anaesthetist. There was a refund from medicare and one from the health fund. If you can wait it might be worth joining a health fund after shopping around to see who pays the biggest benefit then waiting for the qualifying time. You could book your surgery well before the end of the waiting period so that you had it to look forward to as soon as you qualified. That way you wouldn't have such a big debt to manage. hope this helps Jude
  5. Hi everyone, I've like to echo the thanks of the other Tenacious Tens banded this month. I've never been involved in a chat room or anything similar before but this site and this group has been invaluable at what could potentially have been a difficult time. Thanks to Holly for organising it and to all the contributors for sharing. For the first time in a long time I can move my wedding ring around freely on my finger - which is great considering I was very close to having to have it cut off - not something you want to do after 27 years of marriage. I'll let you all know when I can actually take it off - haven't been able to do that for at least 10 years. bye for now. Jude
  6. Hi there, sounds like it would be cheaper for you to get it done in Australia - is it worth enquiring? Jude
  7. JUDE

    cant finish liquids/pain!!

    Hi there, I was banded on Saturday 6th Oct and had really bad pain, couldn't keep anything down - even sips of water or ice cubes. Even though I'd just been banded (and there's not usually any fill in the band) my surgeon said to come back in and he would take some of the fill out as he in fact had put in a small amount. He took 3ml out through the port and the relief was immediate - I could drink a glass of water immediately and he said I had to drink at least 2 litres in the next 2 hours which I did. I haven't had a single twinge of discomfort since and that happened Wednesday which was day 4 post op. Phone your surgeon and suggest that your band is too tight - what is happening to you shouldn't be so and it's not healthy to have so little fluid capacity. Hope this helps. Jude
  8. Hi all, and thanks for the good wishes. I had an horrendous night again last night so the first phone call this morning was to the surgeon's office. I explained that I had difficulty keeping anything down and that whenever I tried to lie down I experienced a choking/drowning sensation which made me vomit. He said "your band is probably too tight - come in an see me right away and I'll fix it for you" - and he did. He took out I think 70ml (could be wrong on the amount) and immediately I could sit up and drink a 500ml glass of water - a miracle!!!! I couldn't believe it. He got me to promise to drink 2-3 litres of Gatorade over the next 12 hours which I'll do. I have had some liquid yoghurt and a small amount of mashed potatoes and gravy which I had cooked for the family yesterday. I look and feel 100% better. So you were all right - I needed to get back to the doctor and the problem is now solved. I'll just wait for my next appointment at the end of next week and talk about tightening up the band then. Can't tell you how much better I feel. thanks for your support. Jude:)
  9. JUDE

    Need your love, support group!

    Dear Holly, You've been so kind in thinking of me and I've been so wrapped up in myself I didn't even realise that you haven't had your surgery yet. I'm really sorry. I hope that all goes well for you today as I'm sure it will. If you need to get back on the web when you get home then go for it. I will be around as am off work for the next two weeks. I'm just wondering how I'm going to fill my days and hours if I can no longer turn to food for something to do when I'm bored, being greedy, etc, etc. I've no idea what it's going to mean. Same goes for alchohol - I'm going to be rich! We're in it together! Chat tomorrow. Best wishes-I'll be thinking of you. Jude
  10. JUDE

    2 days post op

    Hi Sillybro, I'm two days post op too - banded on 6/10 in Sydney but from the Boro originally! Feeling disgusting at the moment - uncomfortable, lots of reflux and feeling like I'm going to vomit - ugly. I'm encouraged though by other people's feedback and as the day has gone on I've felt better so no doubt will be better again tomorrow. I've had to sleep sitting up the past two nights as couldn't lie down without feeling dreadful and reflux. I'm hoping that will soon return to normal too. Stick with it - you're not alone. Jude
  11. Hi Jane, You sound like you're having a terrible time. I hope you manage to get some help. Have you tried taking someone you trust with you to see your surgeon? Are you seeing your GP as well? Would your GP be prepared to discuss your experiences with your surgeon - might get a reaction? You could keep a journal for a week of your experiences and take it to the GP and surgeon with you. Just put down the facts, no frills and see if that will help you get a suitable response. Let us know how you get along. Cheers Jude
  12. JUDE

    Optifast Help

    Hi all, I saw a thread previously about Australian food choices but couldn't follow it. Is there a site somewhere that has an Aussie base so that I can follow up on options for the future? I was banded on Saturday 6/10/07 so looking for help in the coming weeks. thanks Jude:help:
  13. JUDE

    Optifast Help

    Hi, I like the Optifast coffee milkshake. tastes just like iced coffee to me and easy to drink. I am two days post op - banded 6/10/07 and struggling with sips of water - so actually looking forward to a coffee milkshake!!! cheers Jude
  14. JUDE

    Day 4, post-op...and I'm craving solids!

    Hi there, I was banded on Saturday 6th. As my doctor was telling me on day one post op that I wouldn't feel hungry for at least a week I was thinking "I'm feeling hungry now!". I'm just trying to get over the fact I can't keep a sip of water down at the moment. then I'll think about food. On the drinks - I found Optifast coffee milkshake to have a really good flavour - just like iced coffee to me and not fake or sickly like the chocolate or vanilla. Might be worth trying.
  15. Hi all, I was banded on Saturday 6th October. I have to admit I'm struggling - spent last night and the one before sitting up as every time I lie down I vomit. The ports have been a little uncomfortable but nothing too drastic. I feel like I have the worst reflux - pain in my chest like a lump that is only relieved when I vomit/reflux. Obviously aware that vomiting is a no, no so I'm trying to stay upright. Finding it difficult to keep even small sips of water down but I know it's only day two post op. Anyone out there? Feeling very sorry for myself!
  16. JUDE

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hi, I'm being banded on Saturday in Sydney and it's the first time I've read about the issues with bands being too tight and causing pain. How can I avoid this? How many refills etc should I expect in the first couple of months? Do you eat too much just because you can? My doc tells me that the band won't stop me feeling hungry - how do you feel then? I'm starting to get a bit worried. Jude
  17. JUDE

    No Sex In 9 Years

    Hi Melbear, I'm being banded in Sydney on 6th October so you and I will be on the journey together. As to whether you should be banded or not - I really wish that I had been done 10 years ago - I've struggled with weight all through my 40's including extreme dieting on Duramine and low carb diets with B12 injections thrown in. I stayed the same for 3 years then as soon as I was off the pills the weight piled back on plus more - the usual story. You will be fine - you've got the support of others in the same boat who share a lot of your problems. I'm gunning for you. Best of luck. talk soon. Hi Tizen33, You're the first person to have said that you are afraid of becoming more attractive - it's something that I have grappled with too. It's much easier being fat. You don't have to wonder whether the looks you get are because someone likes you - you know they're just thinking you're fat! Weird isn't it. I take on a whole new persona when I'm thin and frankly it makes me feel vulnerable - it also makes me feel dangerous! I'm looking forward to the journey. bye for now.
  18. JUDE

    We are the TENaciousTENS!

    Hi Tens, I will be banded on 6th October in Sydney Australia. The payment system is obviously different here. I am fully insured so have to pay an upfront $500 (USD350) for private hospital. I then expect to be out of pocked approx $4000 (USD3000). So, it's not small change but it's going to be worth it. I haven't had to have anything like the build up that some of you have had. There was an information night at the hospital, followed by two appointments with the surgeon and my confirmed banding date. The whole process has only taken 6 weeks. I went a bit crazy for the first couple of weeks and ate like I was going to have to starve for the rest of my life - but I've got my head round it and have been much more sensible for the past couple of weeks. I have been advised to have 2 shakes per day and 1 low cal meal. I've been using Optifast coffee flavour which is just like iced coffee so not too bad. Only 4 days to go. I'll let you know how I feel. Cheers
  19. JUDE

    Pre-op Lap Band Shopping List

    Hi, thanks for your reply. Can't remember what my BMI is but I'm 124kg and 5'10" so need to lose around 50kg - except that I remember being that thin when in my mid-20's and frankly it wasn't a very good look. I'm going to aim to lose around 30kg - but most importantly I want to stay that way. Can't stand the yo yo dieting that I've been experiencing my entire adult life. My doctor described me as being 'chronically overweight' in her referral to the surgeon. Bit embarrassing really. It is good to have this site as I haven't shared my plans with anyone other than immediate family so need some external support. Interesting isn't it that I don't want to share this with my closest friends. I guess there is a degree of discomfort but mostly I don't want to have to explain my decision and put up with the objections. I'd rather just lose the weight. I'll probably tell people that I'm on Weight Watchers - much more acceptable! Also, having lost 20kg on at least 5 occasions in the past I hate the scrutiny that you go through - people have the best intentions in saying wow you look great etc but in some ways I hate the visibilty. Going to be an interesting journey. thanks for your reply.
  20. JUDE

    Pre-op Lap Band Shopping List

    Hi, really interested in the fact that your doctor didn't put you on the liquid diet. I have had feedback from another person who was banded 2 years ago and didn't do the diet either despite needing to loose 150lbs. what reason did your doctor give for you not needing to do the diet? I have my surgery on Saturday 6th October here in Sydney, Aust. Doing my best with the liquids so far. would like to keep in touch. cheers!

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