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Posts posted by kadybug

  1. I lost about 1 kg per week consistently week after week after week. No stalls! No massive losses! Just followed the instructions. I have never consistently lost this amount week after week on any other diet programme. Congratulations on this loss! It means you are on track and following the programme. Don't push too hard to eat too much too soon. This is massive surgery and your new sleeve will still be quite swollen for months yet.

    Thanks Jenpez. Feel better now. :)

  2. I weighed my self today,(weigh every wed.) it is my 2 week anniversary. I was pretty bummed as I only lost 1.3 kgs this week. Now I know it's better than a poke in the eye with a stick but considering it was a good week if I managed to eat 1/2 weetbix and 1/4 cup of Soup I was kinda hoping for a bit more.. I am having a musashi HP shake for brekki and an opti for afternoon tea to keep up my Protein.< /p>

    Now I am dreading next week in case I gain.( I read all your posts about the dreaded 3 week gain) What was everyone else's average weekly loss?


  3. I'm doing great. Was meant to be on fluids only til Wednesday but couldn't stand it anymore. Ate puréed veggies for dinner last night. I've lost 9.8kgs so can't complain. Your loss looks great too. I've been wondering if those Soup makers are any good . I have been living on Soups through my Fluid stage. Keep up the good work!

    Go girl! Your are losing heaps now!!! Awesome!

    Just wondering do you ever get hungry at all?? I have to force my self to eat. Kinda strange.

    So glad you are doing ok!

    Dal :)

  4. Hi everyone <br> I am scheduled for surgery in Perth late June. Excited and nervous! Any tips / tricks you wish you knew? Any advice would be great xx


    My advice is to wash your hair and shave your legs the night before your op as it's a bit hard to do your hair in hosp with a drip in and I haven't attempted my legs yet. (I am 12 days post op)

    Also my dad bought me a Soup maker and it is my best friend. All I do is add the ingredients and it makes it into Soup in 21 mins.. And it blends it all up for me!! ( I made potato, leek and bacon tonight)

    Dal :)

  5. You're lucky. I have one more week of liquids then 2 weeks of purée then 1 week of soft foods. I am SO over liquids!

    I am bit sick of liquids too! I haven't had anything but Soup and custard.

    You should check out my surgeons website (drvictorliew.com) he has all the info on the after surgery diet that I have to follow.

    we are allowed purée too but I don't know what I should purée so I just make different Soups every couple of days.

    Can't wait to move to soft next wed!!!

  6. Musashi High Protein is high in protein and low in calories and is pretty thin and easy to drink when made up from Water. vanilla with a tsp of coffee powder is great. This is the High Protein not the Low Carb. Get it at Priceline.

    Thanks misty, I actually just bought some musashi HP chocolate one at the chemist warehouse this am. It's pretty yuk but I will deal with it as it better protein than Optifast. I will look out for vanilla next time.

  7. Oh that's right I remember you told me Allamanda. I had mine at Wesley. You have been through this with your husband away AND breast feeding! You are awesome. Because I went through Weightloss Solutions, who have been really supportive, I have paid quite a lot for aftercare etc but I am happy. I have put on approx 50 kgs in the last 5 years because I have been taking prednisone so I am looking forward to -that's along way for u to go though. From the time I started my shakes until yesterday I had only lost 4 kgs which is really disappointing. I am really not sure why it is so low. I too had pumpkin Soup yesterday it tasted wonderful.

    I am a asthmatic and spend a lot of my life on prednisone also. It's a b***h isn't it!! But I am now under the care of a new respiratory specialist ( who as a added bonus is a hottie!) and haven't had to use it since February and I feel so much better for it!! Have a great day

    Ps 4 kgs is still great and just think it is 4 kgs you will never 'find' again :)

  8. Glad to hear everything is going well. I actually think we're pretty darn brave this surgery is not for the feint hearted. I feel as though all I do is drink also. Where did you have your surgery? I am feeling a lot better today. I have a really nasty bruise under my chin that I came out of theatre with. I would love to know how I got it. Tummy feels a lot better today. I took my reflux tablet before I went to sleep last night and woke up at 2 am with it sitting dissolved in the back of my throat. Tasted absolutely disgusting. Taking it 2 hours before I go to sleep tonight! Today's the first day I have felt a bit more human I'm positive it's the coffee I had this morning.

    Thats great your doing well. I had surgery on wed at about 12 and when I woke up In recovery I had really bad nausea. I was dry reaching and it was horrible. Thankfully I didn't vomit but it was awful. It stayed with me til late Thursday nite and then suddenly I felt better.

    Now I feel fine. My dr doesn't give nexium once we leave hospital but I did have to take them there and they were horrible to swallow. When I take my panadol it takes me bout 20 mins to get them down. It's the worst when they get stuck.

    I have to have 50 grms of Protein a day so it is such a mission trying to down my opti. I have got it down to 45 mins! I am going to chemist today to find a more higher Protein source. Haven't even attempted a coffee yet as my dr said to get my opti in before other fluids! I did make some pumpkin Soup last night and it was soo awesome.

    Haven't lost any weight yet from the surgery but I had actually gained weight when I got back from hosp. Funny really but I know it's from all the Fluid we are retaining, but I was back down to pre surgery weight yesterday. A total of 7.4 kgs In just over 2 weeks is nothing to complain about!

    My hubby works away and is not back til the 16th of June so I want to have reached 10 kgs by then!!

    Take it easy:)

    Ps breast feeding is going great!! So it is totally possible

  9. Holy crap!!!!' Tomorrow is the day!!! I am so terrified I feel like I will be bolting out the hospital with my gown and undies on. I hope this is normal. Keep telling myself that this time tomorrow it will all be over. On the plus side. I lost 6.4 kilos on the 2 weeks if opti which I am pretty stocked with. Brings my bmi down to 33. Good luck ozikiwi for your op tomoz. Talk soon Dal:) Ps. I am just drinking my final Pepsi max!! Good bye my love, it's been fun

  10. The suicide rate thing is odd. I bet it is the same as people with obesity! You need to focus on facts and not hearsay.<br><br> I Celebrate one year tomorrow and would like to lose 5 kg more. For me it has been so easy. I chose sleeve because I wanted "one and done" and my surgeon ( Dr Adib) anyways recommends the sleeve now except for people who have a history of reflux. I have a friend who switched to bypass because of the reflux issues and I know that if my reflux becomes unmanageable with Nexium I may need to revise to bypass in future. <br><br> I don't remember the total cost of my surgery but I had $6500 out of pocket. I would do it again and pay twice as much.

    Wow misty. You are amazing. I have read all your journey and think you are so inspirational and I love how you are always so positive. Can you pls post a pic tomoz for your anniversary..

    Wow hard to believe this time next week will be the eve of our surgery @@Ozikiwi !!!

    So excited, a little nervous but mainly excited.

    Just can't wait for the actual op to be over.

    I have lost 4kgs already on my first week of opti. Quite surprised as was t expecting to lose that much. (Starting weight 100.6kgs, 168cms 35BMI)

    Bring it on I say:)

    Have a great day guys

  11. Ok day 5 of opti down and I feel really good, like I can totally do this!! Was dreading Mother's Day picnic but it was surprisingly easy to not eat and I am not even hungry at all! Just had my shake for dinner and it's the first night where I don't even feel like eating my veges. How was your day @@Ozikiwi? Hope everyone had an awesome Mother's Day. Dal :)

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