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Posts posted by InfiniteButterfly

  1. I'm almost 13 weeks out and down 75 lbs...and my big accomplishments so far are: doing my first 5k this past weekend (the Color Run, which we actually walked, but we still did it!) The goal for next summer in addition to the Color Run, is the Run for Your Life, Beast on the Bay (a 10-mile obstacle course) and hopefully a triathlon.

    More personally, taking steps for surgery gave me the self-confidence necessary to go back to college...which is long overdue. And the big one: I'm able to shop for regular clothes now. I don't have to go into the plus section any more! I was so very excited to be able to buy an XL in regular activewear at Sears...I desperately needed some new workout clothes since my old ones are falling down :D I was so freaking happy about that!

  2. I will echo what a lot of other people have said: MOST people in a gym don't really care about other people. They are there to get their workout in, and don't bother other people. You will occasionally get an entitled asshole, but they're everywhere and not just exclusive to gyms.

    I will say that when I started heavy-duty exercising, I was more than 300 lbs. I didn't go to a gym (just couldn't afford it), but I walked and cycled. And some of the most encouragement I've had, outside my family, were strangers that passed me on the bike trail. A nod of encouragement, a few kind words...people who are in shape tend to know how hard it is to get there and maintain it, and I see a lot more encouragement than discouragement in exercise environments.

    If you're more comfortable going at off-times until you get used to going, by all means do it. The important part is getting out there and getting the exercise :D

  3. I've cried at more than one of my psych appointments. But then, I continued seeing my therapist even after the mandated visit. Crying and being emotional is certainly permitted. They're trying to evaluate your mental state and fitness for surgery to make sure you'll be a successful candidate. Some psychs just rubber-stamp it (for lack of a better term), some are genuinely involved in the process and want you to be successful.

    Part of my approval stemmed from being willing to continue to work through the process with my psychologist (and I do know I'm very lucky to have insurance that covers these visits) because I do credit at least part of my success to having someone who is very familiar with the process (most of her patients are bariatrics patients) and understands what I'm going through at the various stages. It depends on your psych though.

    Was your psych a recommendation from your surgeon/bariatrics team?

  4. I have come back to the Forum because my weight is creeping back on. I have committed to WLS eating again, but I know I need to exercise as well. I would like to have someone partner with me because I can't do this on my own. I have a Fitbit that will keep track of my activity. My goal for the next week is to get 10,000 steps in daily.

    Any takers?

    I've actually joined a 'fitness challenge' on FB via I'mperfectlife. Basically, you set your exercise goal for the month (mine this month is cycling 200 miles), and log your amount daily. I've found the community there very supportive, and it's helps accountability. You could always start a similar thread on here for say, August Fitness Challenge: Set a goal and stick to it! If you set your own goal, you don't have to compete with anyone but yourself, and others would be welcome to join in for support.

  5. I made a tortilla pizza when my kids were eating French bread pizza the other day. Loved it! I used a bit of sauce, deli ham and mozzarella (ham because it's a bit more Protein than pepperoni...which I really don't like anyway)

    I've also tried portabello shell pizza, using a portabello mushroom cap for the crust. It's pretty good too, but those mushrooms are very filling! I can't even eat one cap :)

  6. Hubby bought me a new bike just before my surgery (so I would have it ready and waiting when I was recovered enough to ride). We've ridden the past few years, and I was up to regular 10-20 miles/week over the past few summers (although the more I rode, the more I ate. Thankfully, I can't do that now!)

    I absolutely LOVE my bike. I probably wouldn't get near as much exercise if I didn't have it. It feels so good to get out there and just go :D

  7. This is one of my huge pet peeves.

    My kids have been warned (with the threat of no more treats ever) if they touch my Protein bars or the food set aside for me without asking. And I do actually have to be fairly strict with them, because my eldest is spectrum, so it has to be made very clear to him what is his and what isn't (otherwise, he'll eat the kitchen).

    I have a large tupperware container with my name on it that I keep my higher Protein Bars in. Luckily, they don't like the powders, although they quite like the premade shakes (and they get the ones that are too sweet for me to tolerate. It makes a good, fast Breakfast for them when they're running late)

    I understand the aggravation.

  8. Chike, Click, Javapro...all caffeinated Protein drinks. (although if you're not an iced coffee fan, you may not like them)

    To me, the pain of carbonation's not worth it. I'm not a pop drinker, I stopped that a year or two ago and won't go back. It's absolutely not worth it to me. I accidentally had ONE carbonated drink about six weeks out (I picked up a flavored Water at the store, neglecting to see it was made with sparkling water). One sip and I was in agony. Never again. It's not worth the pain. Plus...pop is way too sweet for my tastebuds post-surgery anyway. I can barely drink anything but plain Water (and my coffee...can't forget my coffee) because the sweet turns my stomach.

  9. Not even once.

    Yes, stalls are frustrating, and the wrinkling skin isn't the greatest to look at...but my general health and overall well-being are so much improved that I never second-guessed my decision. I wanted this for a long time before we had the means to get it for me, and I was ready. More than ready.

    Your dietitian's probably not concerned because everyone loses at their own pace. You're still trending downward. Are you exercising? You didn't mention. I couldn't eat 1000 calories a day until I was exercising regularly and burning off what I ate (like I said, everyone's different, so this is just my experience). Good luck.

  10. Something I just tried - and I am well into solid foods, is the mashed cauliflower substitute for mashed potates, I served it with Swiss Steak and it was a huge hit with the entire family. Simmered the cauliflower in chicken broth until tender(soft) and whirred it in the food processor with a little butter and milk, added salt and pepper to taste. It is all gone! Family loved it and I have two kids who love Mashed Potatoes, neither of them have an ounce of fat on them by the way - I am the only one in the whole family on a diet LOL

    I had read a few places to substitute mashed cauliflower for mashed potatoes. I'm definitely going to have to try this. I used to love mashed potatoes, so finding a good substitute would be nice :D Plus, cauliflower's the only vegetable my kids all actually like, so I could get them to eat it as well :D Win-win all around :D

  11. I didn't cheat at all on the two-week liquid pre-op diet. I was far too worried about what would happen if my liver didn't shrink to where the doctor wanted it to be. I waited too long for this surgery to mess up at that point. I'd already said goodbye to food and had a few food funerals before that point, but when I hit the deadline that was it. And after the first two or three days, it really wasn't that bad.

  12. When my bf wanted to go out to eat, we chose to go to a food court where I could take my own food. He took my daughter to Dairy Queen for lunch one day as well, and I ate my cheese stick before going in, and drank Water while they ate. I enjoyed the conversation.

    If you want an outing that doesn't involve food, invite them somewhere. Like a walk in the park? A movie?

  13. This doesn't relate directly to weight loss, but they are words that I've held dear for a long time. They are words that got me through my divorce and all of it's aftermath. Words that got me through a lot of bad times.

    "Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it's the quiet voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow."

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