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Posts posted by MthrEffinPrncss1126

  1. My initial consultation for RNY is tomorrow in Winchester. Excited, anxious, nervous and READY to go on this journey!

    How did your appt go? We will be on the journey together, I had my initial appt last week with the surgeon and my first weigh in today! Meeting with the nutritionist and for my psy evual and my 2nd weigh in on July 15th.

  2. Congratulations! I'm a September surgery patient too. Tight now I'm set for the 23rd. Like you I cannot wait for summer to be over. Who would have thought we would be saying that after such a cold winter!

    It will be over before we know it!! The time is already flying. I have already started limiting myself with certain foods. I would rather start now then when they tell me so that it's less of a shock to my body.

  3. I can finally say that I am officially scheduled for surgery. Scheduled for September 29th, what a way to wrap up the summer and work on the new me for next year.

    After dealing with being overweight for so many years, I never thought that I would be looking forward to that day that I feel comfortable in my skin again so much.

  4. You look amazing! So, we know all if this isn't just from the surgery...what are your secrets? I'm currently waiting for my surgery date, what should I start doing today that will help me achieve your results? exercise routine? food aversions? Tips?? Again, you look amazing!

    Thanks... Ok what you can start doing from now is to eliminate junk food..sodas..sugar and fats.. And get used to drink lots of Water... I lost 30 before surgery on a diet of chicken..tuna.. Fish.. Lots of veggies and lettuce. No candies.. No soda. No bread. No Pasta or rice :( it was hard but I made it. Then the rest of the weight is coming out from the surgery.. I walk every day at least 20 min. Three healthy meals a day. For sugar I use splenda. And for juices I get the sugar free ones. I try to avoid bread. But once in a while I have a slice of bread with scrambled eggs or tuna. (I love bread and rice) but they don't help. Most of the time I try to replace it with unsalted crackers. I drink a lot Water even if I'm not tursty just to get used to the 64 onz a day. I buy everything fat free or low fat.

    Congrats on the new you! I love to hear everyone's success stories, it's making my journey so much easier!

  5. I am 7 days post op & I am struggling with Protein too. I can't find a shake that I like. I am not a big fan of chocolate. Has anyone ever just ate Greek yogurt in place of the shakes? I would think as long as I am getting the Protein in then that is all that matters. The hospital where I did my surgery has a very strict program & they do not allow exceptions. But it's my body & I think I am intelligent enough to make revisions if they work for me. Protein Shake has 30 grams of protein & Greek yogurt has 16 grams so if I eat 2 yogurts during the day as Snacks I would be getting 36 grams plus what I get from my 3 meals.

    There's a website I buy my shakes from called Chike Nutrition. U can buy a sample pack that lets u try each flavor for like 6.00. They r THE BEST shakes & only ones I can actually enjoy. They also have a high protein iced coffee as well if u enjoy coffee (I'm not a coffee drinker, but my fiancé loves it! I highly recommend u give it a try. If u decide to try, please let me know what u think. Good luck to u

    Thanks for the info

  6. Hi NieMarie

    It sounds like your track is significantly different than the one I underwent. When I completed the pre-op testing, they analyzed the results and then determined that other specific tests were required. This was the second round of pre-op testing. These were done by specialist in their fields. If they find no problems during the first round of pre-op tests, then there is no second round of testing required. It sounds like you are getting close to the end.

    Yah. It definitely sounds really different. I live in Philadelphia that maybe why. I already gotten my blood work an urine test done right after I left my seminar and the bariatric center called me back within acouple of days saying everything was in good standing. I think of it this way. The quicker you get the pre-op stuff done the better, my surgeon said the same as well because itll have you waiting and waiting. Thanks for the insite as well. Did you have surgery already?

    What type of insurance do you have?

  7. I too have a long road ahead of me. At my current weight of 330lbs, I am hoping to be back to 160lbs. It has been 17 yrs since I've seen that number on my scale.

    I have always struggled with weight gain, after having my son 14 yrs ago I have tried diet after diet. I run daily 3-5 miles, working with a body coach, count every calorie I take in....and to my surprise, gain weight.

    I have been tossing WLS back and forth for a few months now and I have finally made an appt with my surgeon, meeting him on May 27 with my 1st WL seminar that same night. I don't have many requirements with my insurance company before I can submit for approval. So I'm hoping for a smooth road and hopefully, fingers crossed, I can have my surgery scheduled sometime in August!

    I am ready to conquer the road ahead, and take back control of my body. It's a great feeling to know I will be able to run in marathons with my son in the near future!!

    Bobby Jo

  8. <p>Congratulations. It took me almost a year from when I started the process until I had the surgery. As far as recommendations prior to surgery, here are a few:</p> <p>* Make sure you do your walking each day prior to surgery. It will help in your recovery.</p> <p>* Find a Protein drink you can live with. There are many types. Some can tastes worse than others. I found mixing the Protein powder in a blender gave it better consistency.</p> <p>* Make sure you have a pill splitter and a pill crusher at home.</p> <p>* My hospital allowed my wife to stay in my room for the two nights I was there. This was a good thing. If your hospital allows it, you might have someone stay with you after surgery.</p> <p>* Purchase the many types of (prescribed) Vitamins you will need prior to surgery. That way, you will not have to be chasing around finding them right after surgery.</p> <p>* You might schedule your surgery for Monday thru Thursday and avoid Friday. During the recovery, many surgeons are off on the weekends. I had my operation on Friday, and I was dealing with alternate staff during recovery.</p> <p>* Make sure you get plenty of sleep in the night or two before surgery. I had to get up once every two hours round the clock in the hospital to get my walking in.</p> <p>* In the beginning, you will be relying on Protein drinks and Vitamins. They will be keeping you alive. Given the small volume of meals, there is so little nutrition. When you are up-and-about town, you will need a form of Protein drinks that you can take with you. You cannot take your blender with you wherever you go. In my opinion the blending glasses that you shake do not mix as well as a blender. Later you can meet this need of an on-the-go protein supplement in the form of a Protein Bar. But at the beginning you cannot. So you might obtain a few super concentrated protein drinks for when you are out. One example is Protein Ice available at GNC. It has 42 grams of protein, zero carbs. In my opinion, it taste terrible, but my wife seems to think it tasted O.K.</p>

    Thanks for the helpful tips!

  9. <p>I am going thru Anthem bc/bs...and I noticed that my surgeons office gave me my co-pay and deductible, after they showed almost a $5000 insurance write off. They agree to do it for the lessor amount covered by insurance. I thought to myself, "Oh wow, I would hate to be self pay, they charge them more", but who knows, you cannot get a straight answer when it comes to cost in the medical field. Hang in there.</p>

    I am also using anthem bc/bs. My total cost should be somewhere around $2500...way better then the initial cost of surgery. When are you scheduled for?

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