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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by keri

  1. keri

    Chicago luncheon?

    Hello Chicago!!! Are we meeting on Sunday???? I'm up for it- name the time and place and I will be there! I'm so jealous of the Vegas Bash- I hope I get to meet you guys! Let me know..... :)
  2. keri

    Daisydoodle returns...

    Daisydoodle- I'm so sorry for your loss. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Be kind to yourself- lots of rest. Take care.
  3. keri

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    Great Pics- keep em' coming!!!! You can't see me, but I'm GREEN with envy- you gals had too much fun. That's it! I want to come next year! Hopefully my then getting me in a bathing suit might be less tramatizing.... Glad you all had fun--- you are probably in recovery mode today! Lisa- Would you be willing to share your Toxic Tea recipe???
  4. keri

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    With you in spirit-have some Toxic Tea for ME!!! oh and a meatball. Have fun little bandsters!
  5. Hey- I need to stay away from the fridge- anyone on want to sign in to the chat room?
  6. keri

    Chicago luncheon?

    I can do the 18th whatever time- I'm open- I 'd love to meet some other bandsters! Come on guys.....let's get together!
  7. Hi Guys- Just wanted to find out how all the June babies are doing! I was banded on 6/15 and I have had 2 fills(one real fill and 7 days later a little more) I'm down 32 lbs. but have been for several weeks- i'm at a plateau and I don't like it! I know I sometimes make bad food choices- the bad thing is I can eat just about anything.......I'm trying to go for Protein, fruit and veggies- but sometimes chips and chocolate find their way into my mouth! I'm tightening the belt now! Going to join the local fitnes center- weights, bikes, treadmills, classes and I'm committing to 4 days a week. Must drink more Water too! And how about those Vitamins I bought and haven't opened? That's it- my inner drill sargent is going to kick my @ss into shape. How are you all doing???
  8. Hello All- I'm feeling a little down about my weight loss- I was doing well and am down 32-33 lbs. but I've plateaued for several weeks- and now, I'm eating crap! I think my mood severly effects what I eat- since I stopped losing I've had baked chips, chocolate, Cookies, 2 HAMBURGERS!!! I hadn't been to a fast food place in months and now I've had dinner from Taco Bell (bean burrito) (nachos) and McDonalds (small chzburger and small fries) twice. I feel like a failure and I just started- I need help getting back on track..... HELP ME BANDSTERS!
  9. keri

    Chicago luncheon?

    I could do the 18th anytime- does that work for everyone? If not we can pick a different day... Loop Restaurant suggestions? I went on MetroMix- and read thru a few- Gourmand Cafe- on 728 S. Dearborn is supposed to have some healthy, affordable options- Russian Tea Time- sounds cool- again some healthy options-it's on 77 East Adams- and both of these are in the loop area and accessable to the red line/cabs. Just a few thoughts- I'm totally open to different dates, locations, etc. Can't wait to meet you guys!
  10. keri

    Chicago luncheon?

    I have family coming in town this weekend- and I know Mandy can't do the next weekend- How about the third weekend in Sept? I may be able to do a week day depending on my work schedule... Let's do it guys- I can't go to the Vegas bash and I'm so jealous- I want to meet some bandsters! Location doesn't matter- downtown, northside, burbs- I'm open- just give me an address- cause I have no sense of direction!!
  11. keri

    Tomorrow-- Now I'm nervous

    Hotlikeher- We are all thinking about you today! Tou will do great- no worries. Very soon.....you will be home and relaxing- Take care of yourself and let others take care of you- drink plenty of h20, relax, walk, relax I just know you will do great!
  12. keri

    What is wrong with me?

    You Guys are the BEST! I did a lot better yesterday and i'm ready to conquer that "dragon" that Jack always talks about! Nouriche for Breakfast, Low-carb Lean cuisine for lunch, H20-a-go-go and last night was our 13 Anniversary- so I had 1/2 of a tomato, basil, mozz salad and that about filled me up- I had about 3 bites of really good pork tenderlion with mushrooms- I looked at my spouse and said- I'm full- my little band is working! I'm journaling on fitday and damnit if I'm not going to take control of this situation- YAHOO! I LOVE MY BAND!! Thanks again- my little (and soon to be littler) "Band" of Angels
  13. keri

    Hello June Bandsters!

    Kim- Okay, now I'm jealous- 43 lbs.!! You go girl- Can you give me a sample of your daily menu- I need a kick in the but to get me back on track!
  14. keri

    Chicago luncheon?

    Hi- I'd love to meet you guys- I live nw of the city- could meet in the burbs or city. Let me know some potential dates for September!
  15. keri

    A snack idea and a super low calorie drink!

    Hi Keri- Great snack idea- I love it- I'm a Keri too!
  16. keri

    So tell me, whats everybody drinking?

    I love sugar free Tropicana Orange aid, light minutemaid lemonade and crystal light- but I drink Water the most- and iced tea if I need caffeine- H20, H20, H20, but I still gotta have an iced, Sugar free Hazelnut, skim, latte from Starbucks once/week or so......
  17. Hello my lovely Bandster buddies- I had to share a yummy lunch/dinner idea- There is this flat bread- called Flax Roll ups made by Damascus Bakeries high in Omega 3's, 110 calories a slice, 3 grams of fat, 15 grams of carbs, 12 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber I got it at a Super Target in the grocery section- it's square shaped. Anyway- I sauteed some spinach in olive oil, added chopped garlic, and leftover cooked shrimp- which i diced- sauteed all together with some black pepper- spread it on the flax roll up- sprinkled a little parmesean cheese on top and broiled until it melted- slice into 4 squares and ate about 1/2 of it- so yummy. You could try it with pizza sauce, veggies and cheese. Gotta love spinach and garlic. Anyone for a kiss? Just jokes- Take care. I LOVE MY BAND!!!!
  18. keri


    Hi- I had no problems with my underwire after surgery- my port is lower on my tummy-like the middle- above belly button- below the twins. The only incicsion that I was careful with was the one in the middle right below my twins- it was very tiny- but I wore the bras that didn't touch it for a few weeks- I know everyones bodies and incision placement is different- you may want to ask your doc- where your port would be. Take care I LOVE MY BAND!!!!!
  19. keri

    Hello Illinois!!!!

    Hi All- I live northwest of Chicago and was banded on 6/15 with Dr. Horgan- I love my band..... Best wishes to you all.
  20. keri

    So tell me about you.....

    Date of Surgery June 15, 2005 Weight the day of surgery: 331 Current Weight: 306 What size: 26 Height: 5'8" I love my Band!!!!
  21. keri

    Halloween Time

    Porcln doll- I love Hallowen as well- it's my fav holiday- We have a huge Halloween party every year (adults only- must be in costume) This will be our 13th year- we decorate the yard and house with a theme- my favorite was killer circus clowns....very creepy- this year will be Aliens/UFO's- We have adults fighting for costume prizes such as "Most likely to get a date in your costume", "least likely to get a date in your costume" etc... We have been in past years: Black widow spiders(complete with elegant gloves and one of those long cigarette holder thingees) Members of KISS, The bride and frankenstein, Powerpuff girls, Boy George, etc. This year we are going as Glenda the good witch and the Wicked witch- I have this periwinkle organza skirt (from being a maid of honor) that I'll wear- I have to make a top to be Glenda- we are trying to convince some friends to come as flying monkeys!! We have so much fun- I can't wait- Wish I could stop by the terror dome- I love haunted houses- I do get really scared- but I still go.... Have fun planning!
  22. keri

    Name That Tune ?

    Diva Del- Do Right Woman by Aretha....one of my most favorite songs in the world! I tried to discover a little something to make me sweeter Oh baby refrain from breakin my heart I'm so in love with you I'll be forever blue....
  23. keri

    Definately Unhappy....

    Chattropper and Mandy- I had the same dr. and have had a very different experience- I'm not negating anything you've been thru at all- I'm sorry you've had such a bad experience- I've had one fill and a little extra fill- and now I feel restriction and am losing- slowly- but surely. I know not everyone's experiences are the same- mine has been great. I just felt like I should put this out there- I really hope things are getting better for you guys and wish you the very best. Take Care of yourself.
  24. keri

    Game: 5 Letters

    RSTLP run silently thru lilly pads OVZER
  25. keri

    Game: This or That

    swimming pool! who knows whats in the bottom of that lake! movie night or game night?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
