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Posts posted by valstar

  1. Hey Tenancious Tens,

    I'm evesdropping (sp?) on your threads. I'm an August bandster. I am feeling a little depressed the last few days for the first time since surgery and I have been reading for some inspiration. I figured I would read your posts because I was so inspired in the first weks after surgery. I think I am just going through the grieving ofthe lost of my comforter- food. I can relate to feeling like an addict. Don't get me wrong, I lost 37 lbs so I am working this tool but the last couple of days have been rough. Anyway, Good luck to all! Keep me in your prayers. I m feeling more inspired since reading these and other posts. Like they say in the rooms (AA/NA) Keep coming back, It works if you work it!:D


  2. Wow Guys,

    I'm liking this inspiration! Your weight loses are amazing! I had surgery8/31 and have lost 32 lbs (although I haven't weighed myself this week because I have had a rough one) I have had 1 fill a couple of weeks ago 1.5 cc in a 10 cc band. I go for another fill on 11/12. I am not going toweigh myself until Saturday or Sunday so I can right the wrongs I have done this past weekend. Wish me luck guys, I know its emotional eating. I am felingblue and need to snap out of it. I'm glad to have your good testamonies to inspire me.


  3. Hey Guys,

    I needed this today. First time I have been on since 10/22 and I'm feeling a little blue. I had my first fill on 10/15. (1.5 cc in a 10 cc band) I felt a little restrition but not much. I have another fill schedule for 11/12. I have been doing so well but this weekend, yesterday and today I have just struggled with not feeling satisfied. I want and have had ice cream and Cookies and potatoe chips. I had lost 32 pounds as of last Thursday since surgery (8/31). I'm sure that I would not be happy if I got on the scale today. I am just in a bad place right now and need some help to snap out of it. Reading this post has helped because I recognize that it's my brain and not my stomache. I also know that I need to check in here and other places more often. I guess it's like going to NA or AA - you need to keep coming back. Hi, I'm Val and I'm an adict. Thanks for letting me talk. :faint:


  4. Hey Alex,

    That wait is a bummer but the weight is even more of one! Just remember that over the holiday. You've been here before so just remember to make good choices. Good luck!



    319 H/314 Surgery/289 first goal 9/30/07 :clap2:/275 second goal 12/8/07 (my 47th b-day present)

    October exercise goal 10 days of 12

  5. Hang in there Stonersmom! I just had my first fill on Monday and I still am feeling hungry. I have just put myself on a weight watchers type diet until I can get another fill. Try eating really slowly. Also I have increased my Water intake before I eat. If you are still hungry try low calorie, healthy Snacks but don't go into starvation mode, it will slow down your weight loss. We can do this Crazy 8's! We have to just trust the process. Good Luck.



    319/314 S/ 289 1st G (made it 9/30 :clap2:)/ 274 2nd G 12/8 (my 47 B-day present)

  6. I just had my first fill on Monday, also. I don't feel much of a restriction. The Dr. put in 1.5 cc and said to call in a week if I am still hungry. Right now, I'm just trying to eat slowly and nutritiously. I am also trying to drink Water before I eat so I can ward off the lion. I have to say though that I am not as hungry as I was before the fill but not as satisfied a I want to be. I had never heard that it takes time to feel the restriction. I guess we'll see about that. I know I have not lost any weight in the past week so I hope to see better results now that I have the fill. Good luck all!



    319/314 S/289 1st G (9/30) Made it!:clap2:/274 2nd G (12/8 my 47 b-day present)

  7. Hi all, I did the 5k walk for breast cancer research today. :clap2: I'm feeling surprisingly well. Just a little tightness in my calf. Let's see how I feel tomorrow! I've been doing the eliptical and the stationary bike at least 4 x's a week. I get my first fill tomorrow! I'lltalk to you guys after that!:eek:


  8. I WAS BORN IN: Philadelphia, PA

    AND GREW UP IN: Philadelphia, PA

    I MOVED AWAY FROM HOME WHEN/BECAUSE: I went to college for 4 years in western PA and then came back home.

    SINCE THEN I'VE LIVED:Philadelphia, PA

    I TRAVEL AS OFTEN: as I can with 2 kids (6 and 12) and a DH


    BEST VACATION EVER, THAT I'D REPEAT IN A HEARTBEAT: My honeymoon 13 years ago in Aruba!

    WORST VACATION EVER, THAT WILL HAUNT ME TIL I DIE: We took a train from Philadelphia to Orlando with a hyperactive 2 year old who threw up all over me when we got there a day before our luggage.

    DREAM VACATION IF TIME AND MONEY WERE NO OBJECT: I would vacation for 2 weeks a month for a year to 12 different countries. I would have a private guide who would know all the special places I should go and see as well as dignitaries and celebrities in those countries. I would purchase expensive souvenirs from each place for my family and friends.


    This was fun! I went on a cruise last year (NCL) with my kids and husband. We had a ball! Would love to do that again with just my husband!


  9. I am having my first fill on Monday. I feel you on eating myself out of house and home. :hungry: I can't wait. So, is that how the fills work. It is only tight until you lose weight and then you have to get another fill? And if that is the case, why would you need to have fill removed? I am a little confused about this process. Any information you can share would be appreciated. Also, will I be able to drive myself home after the fill?


  10. I am feeling more energized in the last 2 weeks. I have really cut down my coffee intake and I am working out in the morning. I also am sleeping with the CPAP which I think is the biggest difference for me. I think for the first time in many years I am getting adecent nights sleep.. Speaking of that, good night zzzzz!:notagree



    319/314 surgery/289 current/274 minigoal 12/8 my 47th b-day gift/214 goal


  11. I had surgery 8/30 and I only told close friends and family. My parents are deceased. My initial weight loss was so dramatic that people were asking what's going on. I have since shared the info with many people. At first i felt ashamed that I needed help to lose the weight but now, I know that even with the surgery I have to make choices so I am still in control. I know 2 people who have had the surgery and are not losing. I am losing because of my choices. I am owning my decision to have this surgery and I am owning the weight I have lost, I am the master of my fate! I am proud of my decision and I am proud that even without the fill I have made good choices and am still losing. (my first fill is 10/15!) I haven't heard any negative comments. Some friends and my DH were afraid for me because they weren't familiar with the procedure but I schooled them and they have been very supportive. Again, I'm proud of myself, I could have wallowed in self-pity and self loathing but I made a decision that I am worth more than that. I love myself enough today to eat right and use this tool to be a healthier me and I don't care who knows it!

    I've rattled on long enough! Good luck to all in this journey wether you share or not stay on track!:eek:



    319 H/314 surgery/289 current/274 mini goal 12/8 my 47th b-day gift/214 g


  12. This is great topic. I am overwhelmed by all I've read. I agree you are all brave and so many of you have bits and pieces of me in your story that I am feeling a little choked up. I too have replaced my food obsession with these boards. Even when I don't post, I am reading a couple of times a day.

    My family called me fat since 4th or 5th grade. That certainly didn't help me. My father once told me he would give me 100.00 if I lost 20lbs. At the time, I weighed 150 lbs. I was in 7th grade. I couldn't do it. I felt like a loser, all the time. I was smart, corny and fat. I had 1 good friend who was a toothpick! My parents divorced when I was in 3rd grade and I think I used food as a comfort and also as something I had control over. I began to love food. I loved sweets (the sweeter the better) and I loved fried foods. and Breads!!! I made sandwiches out of everything even spaghetti! I never felt full until I was stuffed. I ate/eat when I am bored, lonely, feeling down and when tired. Even with the band, I have to go to my room and get in the bed and just refuse to get up and go to the kitchen because I will eat until I fall asleep. drinks are another reson I am fat. Every one in my family drank from 32oz cups which we would refill all night - Iced tea, lemonade, Pepsi, never Water. I think the first few pounds I lost was when I stopped drinking while I ate and replacing the sugary drinks with water. I still obsess over food and what's the next meal I just feel like the band has given me more control (there's that word again). I can say no and stop myself before I over do it. I am just starting this journey but I know I feel better already. I have done some counseling and will probably have to do some more. I don't want to replace one addiciton with another even if it is these boards. Although right now I feel like they are helping to keep me focused and sane.

    Good luck all and thank you for sharing.



    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p>

    Starting weight 319 7/5/07<o:p></o:p>

    surgery weight 314 8/30/07

    current weight 289 9/28/07<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 15pt; HEIGHT: 22.5pt" alt="0" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata src="file:///C:UsersPHILLY~1AppDataLocalTempmsohtml102clip_image001.gif" o:href="  http://www.lapbandtalk.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif "></v:imagedata></v:shape>


  13. OH MY GOD! I am starving all the time now! I can't wait until my fill. I can't have it for another 2 weeks. I feel like I am going to gain some of the weight I lost back! Who wants that? Not me! I am really working hard to make good choices. When people say I've lost weight, I just want to scream because I feel like if I'm not careful, my answer will have to be "no, I haven't!" Ths part will end soon! hang in there fellow August bandsters! We will persevere! "Hold it right there, Pal! Back away from the fries!":cool:

    Good luck!




    Go E-A-G-L-E-S!

    319/314 (surgery)/289 (current)/214 goal

  14. Journal what you are eating so you can see where your calories are coming from. Begin exercising if you are not currently. Try to increase your activity level. Cut down on sugary drinks. Increase your Water intake. Don't eat for 3 hours before you go to bed. Cut out white stuff (sugar, flour). Make incremental changes in your diet but don't diet. Diet's are for a period of time. This has to be lifestyle changes. Raed some of te posts on basics for beginners. There are some grea sites for journalling. I use www.fitday.com It calculates calories, Proteins, fats, sugars and more when you type in what you've eaten. It also has a place for writing thoughts and feelings. This is important because for many of us, food is not our only issue. The food represents other things (comfort, stress buster, company, addiction, etc) and even when you are banded, you will need a way to have those needs met.

    Good luck to you!





    Go E-A-G-L-E-S!

    319/314 (surgery)/289 (current)/ 214 goal

  15. Wendall, I always appreciate your posts. My DH was feeling a little insecure but I keep telling him I love him and he is the only man for me. He is trying to be so supportive. He told me the other day that one of his friends noticed my weight loss and was staring at me. He is proud of my work to accomplish this goal but he admits to being a little frightened of what the change may bring to our relationship. He also likes my curves. Once again, I assured him, I will always be curvy.

    Women are usually seen as the ones needing reassurance but remember, many times, men are just big, little boys who need to know they are loved and needed.

    Keeping talking to your SO and keep finding ways to let him/her know that your weight loss is for you and not for finding a replacement for them.

    Good luck! ;)




    Go E-A-G-L-E-S! Go Phillies! (I still believe!)

    319/314 (surgery)/289 (current)/214 (goal)

  16. It's terrible but it's normal! This is the part that is really going to require your willpower. I am with you. I had surgery 8/30 and can't have a fill for 2 more weeks. I feel like I could eat a horse!:hungry::hungry: I have to admit that I have not always made the best choice but I a doing better than I ever have. I have found that i must plan ahead and prepare. If I don't allow myself to get to the point where I am starving, I am much better about making healthy choices. Remeber what they keep saying "this is a tool". I get tired of hearing it but it's the truth. This is where you start to make healthier choices and where you train yourself for the future. Good luck fellow bandster!





    Go E-A-G-L-E-S!

    319/314 (surgery)/289 (current)/214 Goal

  17. I have family, a DH, 2 kids and 2 cats, and I love them dearly! I came home from the hospital on Sat morning. I was sooo glad when Monday came and they were gone to work and school. I just wanted to be alone so I could just rest and sleep. I wouldn't drive after anesthesia or if you are on strong pain meds but just moving around the house, you should be fine!

    Good Luck!


    319 July 5, 2007

    314 Aug 30, 2007 Surgery:clap2:

    289 first goal (hit it 9/25/07!):eek:

    274 second goal 12/8/07 (my 47 b-day present to me)

  18. You guys are truly an inspiration to me! I to want to lose at least 85lbs. It is hard for me to imagine 100 which what I would like to say! I had surgery 8/30/07 and when I hear the stories of people not losing or gaining it is sooo scary! I am trying to stay the course. I am exercising more than I ever have. I am looking forward to being able to run the walking courses I am doing now. I am still the slow one on the eliptical machine but I'm there and that's a start! I ahven't had my first fill and I am needing it! I am really hungry these days but Ive been making healthy choices for the most part.

    Thanks for the inspiration! I want to be in that second group, too!


    319 July 5, 2007

    314 Aug 30, 2007 Surgery:clap2:

    289 first goal (hit it 9/25/07!):whoo:

    274 second goal 12/8/07 (my 47 b-day present to me)

  19. Way to go Amy! It is so wonderful to feel that way and so many don't even feel like that after they've lost the weight. You've got a head start! I had a therapist that said try to see yourself the waay you want to be in your dreams and then you can do it! if you believe it, you'll acheive it!:whoo::whoo::whoo:



    Starting weight 319 7/5/07

    surgery weight 314 8/30/07

    current weight 289 9/28/07:clap2:

    1st goal 40 lbs by 12/8/07 (my 47 b-day present)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
