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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gordonfamily3

  1. Those both sound good. Thanks for sharing!!!!
  2. gordonfamily3

    I have a collar bone

    You look great!!!!! I am finally going to get my new do sometime this month. I like it and might have to take the picture to show my girl. Something simple is what I want and I really like it.
  3. gordonfamily3

    Frustrated Beyond Belief!!!

    Oh hang in there.....it's a struggle but once the process starts lets hope it will flow kind of easy.... :biggrin:
  4. My exp w/ Carefirst BCBS is sometimes they are fast but most of the time they take the full time. I work for my doctor now doing the insurance and well I haven't had any problems with them they can be slow. :biggrin: Hang in there it will happen before you know it. Good Luck!!!!!
  5. gordonfamily3

    Pain in the upper chest area.

    I had some pain in my shoulder and back....it was gas pains and it was very painful!!!!! I would say if it don't get better soon I would call your surgeons nurse and check with them. Congrats on being banded!!!!
  6. gordonfamily3

    Will insurance cover complications/ repairs?

    I work in the insurance for my surgeon and this situation would be hard to answer. My exp is that is their isn't WLS coverage they will pay to have it removed but not to repair it. However that has just be my exp w/ the insurance companies that I have dealt with. UHC being one of them. Sorry I know that wasn't the news you were looking for but wanted to share what I had exp with. Now also if you are denied you could appeal and they could always approve it. So who knows with insureance companies. Now I have seen most of them cover the fills becuase right now there is no CPT code for the actual fills right now. I am sure they are to come soon. Let's have positive thoughts....that nothing will happen to you.
  7. gordonfamily3

    Do you have to have more fills with J&J?

    Well I don't think you will need any more or less fills but it's a new band so I can't say for sure. I think just like company they always think their band is the best. :mad: So I think it will just be getting the J&J band out there and seeing the results in it compared to the Allergan bands. Good luck on your upcoming surgery most importantly!!!!
  8. Well I was banded here in NC so I don't know any of the doc on MX but good luck in your search for both you and your husband.
  9. gordonfamily3

    Different types of bands used.....

    I know they have an AP band that is large and small. Also johnson and johnson are coming out w/ one. Then of course their is the orginal one like I have. For the AP band it kind of has a groves that is suppose to help prevent slippage. The J&J band is smooth but they say that it's slippage rate is low also. So I don't know that anyone really knows...it's now there is another band for docs to choose from. It's not a solo market anymore. :mad:
  10. I would say just 5 days out you could still be a little swallowen so yes it's possible you could be eating or drinking too fast. Try slowing down an remeber right after surgery you are going to be pretty tight because of the surgery. When do you see your suregon for a follow up? If it gets worse I would call the nurse at the doctors office. But sounds pretty normal to me.... Hang in there and CONGRATS on your band!
  11. That is great news!!!! I work for a local surgeon and that is exciting. I will have some great news for those struggling to get their weight history. Thanks for the info!!!!!
  12. I have to tell ya'll that I was banded June 05 and my very first friends were met on here. There were 4 of us as the time and we met and walked Concord Mills in July - our group of 4 has grown to over 25 and most times now close to 30. It's amazing what can come from little groups that meet on-line. I have some of my best friends from the boards and I love it. I am on myspace....but I have some much going on I don't get out there much. I am slaker o some things. haha
  13. gordonfamily3

    just waiting

    Congrats on your approval!!!!! I work for my surgeon now and I deal with all the insurance companies. UGH!!!! Can you believe I still have hair. haha... I tell all my patients that it can take up to 30 days but on average I get the answers back w/ in 2 weeks. Some very good ones I get back in 24 to 48 hours. UHC has an on-line subbmission process and it normally only take them 7 - 10 days to complete the process so I submit all my through the web now. :thumbup: Good luck to all those waiting!!!!!
  14. gordonfamily3

    come on in junesters 2005

    I was banded June 13th 2005....I can't believe it's been 2 1/2 years. Where does the time go. I am not on here a lot as I frequent another board more but I like having a thread for bandster of the same month and year...pretty neat.
  15. gordonfamily3

    Minnesota anyone?

    I am not from MN but I my DH's aunt/uncle/cousins just moved up there over the summer. He is in the Army Reserves. Anyway we spent just over a week in New Prage (that might be spelled wrong) It was nice, way out there and there were TONS of CORN FIELDS everywhere. :thumbup: haha... We are going to try and go back for a visit this summer also.....it was nice just wouldn't want to live there.
  16. gordonfamily3

    mrs carol snead

    Welcome to the boards..... The pre-op process seems like it takes forever, but hang in there and you will be there before you know it. :thumbup:
  17. I am in Concord not super close but not real far either. :thumbup: Congrats on the upcoming surgery!!!!!
  18. gordonfamily3

    Saturday Dec 8th

    We will be meeting this Saturday for our monthy support group. It's at Southeast Bariatrics office on Randolph Rd. We are bringing Snacks and doing an ornament exchange....it starts @ 11:30 and it's going to be a lot of fun. Hope you can join us....
  19. gordonfamily3

    NC Intro Thread...

    Welcome....It's fun to see and meet new people. Although I am not on here much it's great to see others getting banded and for those living close to us. If you ever want to meet up for lunch feel free to let me know.... We also have a support group that meets the 2nd saturday of each month at the office of Southeast Bariatrics. It's a pretty central location for everyone and it's free place to meet. Some of us go out to lunch after wards.... feel free to join us anytime.
  20. gordonfamily3

    Nags Head, Kitty Hawk, KDH

    Nope but if you make it towards the middle of the state I know us NC folks are always up for a meeting. You know there are a lot of peeps from the Charlotte area....we all still together just don't post here much anymore.
  21. gordonfamily3

    Walk from Obesity

    Join us on Sat Sept 29th for the Charlotte's first walk. It's going to be huge, fun and something you don't want to miss. You can join on-line @ The Walk from Obesity then click join a walk. Under NC go to Charlotte and sign up. We have a banded group called "Banded B2G Buddies" if you want to join us or just donate or sign up to walk w/ out a team.... If you can't walk and want to help please email Annie Lee @ alee@southeastbariatrics.com We need help also..... Come and be apart of Charlotte's first walk from obesity!!!!
  22. I wanted to pass this along as I am not on this site much.... We have a local support group for the lap-band that meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at Southeast Bariatrics. It's open to anyone who wants to come and have fun and get support. That is what we are there for.....The time 11:30 and out next one is Oct 13th. The nutritionist and fitness ladies will be giving good free advice so don't miss it. Hope you can join us...plan ahead....always the 2nd saturday of each month.
  23. gordonfamily3

    NC Intro Thread...

    Welcome.... I know medcost as a general rule covers bariatric surgery. It iwll depend on your employer if they carry the rider for WLS. Just call them and ask if they cover CPT code 43770 (which is the lap band.) We are having Charlotte area get together on Saturday off Speedway Blvd at Texas Land and Cattle. It's at 11:30 if you would like to join us please go to Band2gether.net (b2g) Lap-band Support Forums - Powered by vBulletin under USA and then NC you will find more info. Again welcome!!!!!
  24. gordonfamily3

    NC gang

    Starr girl we miss you!!!! WE have a picnic coming up on June 23rd. We are glad you are back!!!!
  25. gordonfamily3

    NC Intro Thread...

    Hey Brit - Welcome! I know Dr Voellinger in Charlotte has a lap-band seminar once a month. June's will be June 25th. I know it's a little drive for you but it's well worth it. Good Luck and there is nothing like being pre-pared early.

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