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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Parvathi

  1. Parvathi

    What size do you want to be?

    I started out in a 22/24 Australian (20/22 US). I now wear a loose 14 Australian or a tight 12 Australian (12/10 US). I'll be satisfied when I can fit comfortably into ANY size 12 Aus or 10 US, instead of just some of them. I'm not really a single digit kinda girl *shrugs*. I've always been curvy and want to stay that way to some extent
  2. Parvathi

    PS Pictures

    Wow - thank you all so much for your kind words! I nearly cried reading this thread. I guess I just never expected to get this far - I half expected the band to be like every other failed diet program I'd tried. I'm so glad I was wrong!! Kell - I had originally set my goal weight as 70kgs .. or maybe even 65kgs. I'm at 74 right now and while I'd love my thighs to be smaller and my bum to not be so umm ... huge, lol, I do feel quite comfortable where I am. I might try to lose another few kilos over the next few months, but I'm not going to stress about it either way. You ready to meet in Canberra?? hehe FunnyDuddies - my port was never really directly under that scar for some reason. My doc doesn't use flouro, he always just feels around, finds the port and sticks the needle in. He's never had any trouble doing it before, so fingers crossed, he still won't have any lol. That said, my port does feel like it might be deeper now .. dunno, might just be me *shrugs*. The tattoo I got when I was young and dumb. I've regretted it for ages. After I had my daughter, where there were single lines previously (like the outline), they had stretched into double and triple lines. It looked really bad. My surgeon wasn't able to get rid of it all without making my boobs smaller than I wanted, or extra scarring. I'll probably have what's left of it lasered off eventually. Here's my only before picture. I was really good at hiding from cameras for many years lol. Some sneaky person snapped this while we were on a weekend getaway, about 5 months before the band and right at the peak of my highest weight (around 262 lbs). I knew I was big, but until I saw that picture, I didn't realize exactly HOW big I was:- Again, thank you all soooooooo much! You've made my day and no one's gonna wipe this smile away today hehe
  3. Parvathi

    The new me!

    Wow Diane!! Paula's right - you look like you've dropped 100 lbs. You're looking fabulous!! Surely you don't have much further to go? And your waist is getting TINY!!! Well done
  4. Parvathi

    I've been gone way to long!!! Bandiversary!!

    Congratulations Jamie, on all that you've accomplished this past year!!! We lost exactly the same amount on our bandiversaries lol. Miss seeing your posts around. Hope the pc troubles all get straightened out soon
  5. Parvathi

    My New Puppy

    Okay, so this is very much off topic lol, but I just had to post a picture of my new puppy, Bailey. He's a Maltese x Shih Tzu and is oh so sweet! All he wants to do is cuddle at the moment
  6. Parvathi

    First fill *ouch*

    You are doing so fantastic!! Keep up the great work I don't do lidocain before getting a fill. The first fill definitely was more uncomfortable than the later ones. I attribute this to a) the doctor becoming familiar with my port and myself becoming familiar with what a fill feels like. It does get better though Oh .. and while I'm here, just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed reading your posts since you've come here!
  7. Parvathi

    2 years ago today...

    I can't really add anything that the others haven't already stated. You are without a doubt, a huge inspiration. I admire your strength and conviction more than you could know. If I were to lose my band, I can see me being completely negative and wanting to lay blame. I haven't for one second seen you do that. You're such a strong person! I wish you the best in your journey. You definitely deserve it!
  8. Parvathi

    Kathy-One Year Later

    Wow Kathy - you're looking soooooooooo fantastic!!! 182 feels great, doesn't it?!? hehe Keep up the excellent work and Happy Bandiversary!
  9. Parvathi

    I'm Home :) PS Update - Long

    Thanks everyone!! Ya'll rawk! Kel, they actually didn't take much at all off. Just under 2kgs total, evidently. He said on the stomach and hips he took off about 1kg. Said the tummy really was mostly skin, that's why it was so little. Then on the boobs, took off approximately 400 grams each breast. The PS gods frowned on me night before last, I guess from making it sound too easy lol. I went to bed and OMG was my bed flat! I guess I'd kept my knees up a bit and my back up a bit at the hospital, so my stomach muscles hadn't had to stretch too much. They did NOT like lying down flat. I ended up sleeping on the couch - and well, not sleeping much at all. Then yesterday I didn't manage to do anything other than shower and watch tv lol. It's not that I'm in major pain - just can't seem to get comfortable. I'm used to sleeping on my stomach or side, which I can't do at the moment, as well as used to sleeping naked. I have to sleep with this binder on my stomach and bra on for the next 3 weeks. Plus, ya know how when you're healing, things start itching? Well, my nipples are itchy lol. I keep envisioning waking up having scratched off my nipples and covered in blood lol. Gross, I know. My favorite part of the day though is shower time, cause I get to take off the bra and stomach binder (which feels great) and see the results (which feels even better hehe). Last night I did sleep in my bed. I took 2 panadol, read for an hour, put a pillow under my knees, turned the electric blanket on (lol it makes me feel loved) and drifted off quite comfortably. At 1:45, Bailey, who'd been sleeping with my daughter cause I can't be bothered to get up and take him out at the moment when he wakes up, came crying to my bedside. Poor thing can go upstairs, but hasn't learned to go downstairs yet lol, so I knew he was there to stay unless I took him down. I plopped him in bed with me and he slept all night long with his head on my shoulder. Was sweet The hubby gets home tomorrow morning and I can't wait! I've already told him he's taking pictures straight away hehe. He made a trip to Victoria's Secret for me with my new sizes. I've never been able to shop there cause they didn't go up to a G cup lol.
  10. Tomorrow morning I go in hospital for a tummy tuck, breast reduction and a bit of lipo on the hips. I never thought I'd be here. I've decided that while I'm not at my original goal weight, I am happy where I am. I'm not skinny by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel comfortable. I can shop in regular shops now and my doctor says I'm within a healthy weight range. I wear a size 12 US or 14 AU now. I may lose another 5kgs or so in the next few months, but I'm not going to stress over it. My hubby took the dreaded before photos for me. They're horrid lol, but I expected that. He's out of the country on business until one week post op, so I'll have him take the first after shots then. Anyway, if ya'll could spare a good thought, white light or prayer to send this way, I sure would appreciate it! I think I'm more nervous this time than I was before the band, because this surgery is very much, just for vanity reasons for me. I'm just trying to keep busy so I don't think about it lol... And thanks everyone, for your support the past few months. I wouldn't be here without it.
  11. Parvathi

    Good Thoughts Needed - PS Tomorrow

    Thanks heaps everyone!! I'm just putting the finishing touches in my bag, then its time to drop the kiddo off at school, take my parents out for Breakfast (which I can't eat lol) and scoot on over to the hospital. I could vomit I'm so nervous lol, but that'll pass when they knock me out hehe. See ya'll soon
  12. Parvathi

    So hungry today and can't take it!!!

    I remember this time well. After the inital swelling from surgery went down, I was soooooooo hungry. 2 weeks of liquids and four weeks of mushies was hell lol. But you can do it. Its not worth the risk of having the band slip. Add in some Protein, as it will keep you full longer. Things will start to look up soon - promise :eek:
  13. Parvathi

    I put on my

    What a fantastic NSV!!! I gave up on my skinny jeans and threw them out years ago lol .. but now you're making me wish I had kept them. Congratulations Carla!! That's a wonderful accomplishment :eek:
  14. Parvathi


    I love your new belly button!!! lol .. will it stay an outtie? I think outtie's are cute I hope my pants are big enough to fit the swelling in :/ I've gotten rid of all my big stuff, but I've warned the family that I'll live in my pajamas and trackie daks for the first few weeks. Just call me Mrs Frumpy lol.
  15. Parvathi


    I keep coming back here and looking at the pics. I can't get over it .. its amazing!! Having perky boobies has always been a dream of mine lol. I'm soooooooo happy for you, Kell!! How's the pain feeling these days?
  16. Parvathi

    My New Puppy

    David said I couldn't have one either .. but I bugged him everyday for several weeks, heaps! He even designated a "no puppy talk" day once lol. Finally, he caved, as I insisted it would be good company for me while he's gone on his business trips (and I think he was just tired of hearing me talk about puppies and emailing him pictures of puppies).
  17. Parvathi

    Melbourne Get Together

    I'll be there with bells on And bandages or binders LOL...
  18. Parvathi

    I've lost all motivation!!

    Don't fret, Diane - I'm in the exact same boat! I've been soooooo hungry lately and craving nothing but junk, which hasn't happened for about the past 10 months lol. But the past few weeks, I want chips and chocolate and BREAD! I have a feeling it has something to do with quitting smoking/starting zoloft/being so darn close to goal. We can get back on the wagon though. I don't know how yet lol, but I know its possible and when I find out, I'll come tell ya!! Oh .. and on Friday, I am having a full unfill for PS. If someone would like to come pin me down so I don't go to the Italian restuarant I've been wanting (and then to the icecream shop beside it), I'd very much appreciate it.
  19. Parvathi

    Melbourne Get Together

    Oops - just now saw this!! I'd love to. This week is crazy busy for me cause I'm trying to get stuff done before the surgery, but if ya'll meet up, let me know and I'll try to get there I go in hospital next Monday morning .. oh joy heh.
  20. Parvathi

    Jeez I feel fantastic!

    What an excellent, uplifting post!! I'm glad to hear you're feeling so good, both physically and mentally. It definitely does help to motivate when you've got those NSV's racking up
  21. Parvathi

    My New Puppy

    LOL thanks everyone!! My hubby travels alot, so this lil guy is just perfect for cuddling up when I'm feeling lonely. He's already found his spot in our bed, right between our pillows :/ He's gonna be sooooooooooo rotten heh, and I'm lovin it *g* Now I've just gotta find to sneak him into the hospital when I have my PS, cause I hate leaving him at home lol. Pat - that's seriously disturbing I nearly spat my coffee hehe.
  22. Parvathi


    Soooooooooo glad you're feeling a bit better!! Sounds like the worst of it is definitely over. Nipples that stick out rather than down and a flat stomach sounds oh so good! hehe Take it easy and use this time to rest ... you're gonna have your hands full getting ready for the wedding soon enough lol.
  23. Parvathi

    tummy tuck with lapband

    Thanks for the info, NewSho! That really does help. I'm having a bit of fill removed before surgery, but not all of it. Luckily, my band doctor is very close by and I never have an issue getting in to see him, so if while recovering I feel I need a fill, I can go get one relatively easily. On a scale of 1 - 10, where would you say the pain was? I'm having a breast reduction at the same time, so I'm expecting to be out of commission for quite a while lol...
  24. hahaha - I'm guilty of doing that too, Kathy! Thought I was the only one... :paranoid
  25. Parvathi

    tummy tuck with lapband

    I think its in the normal position lol .. about 4 inches left and two inches above, my navel.

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