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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    allielee got a reaction from ProudGrammy in What are you most proud of since wls? Or what are you striving for? Most memorable moment?   
    I'm most proud that now I match my husband.. He is a great looking fit body builder.. We have been married very happily 23 years and he loved me completely at 305 pounds and never once said anything but that I was beautiful and sexy. Now I feel like I match those words.
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    allielee got a reaction from ProudGrammy in What are you most proud of since wls? Or what are you striving for? Most memorable moment?   
    I'm most proud that now I match my husband.. He is a great looking fit body builder.. We have been married very happily 23 years and he loved me completely at 305 pounds and never once said anything but that I was beautiful and sexy. Now I feel like I match those words.
  3. Like
    allielee got a reaction from ProudGrammy in What are you most proud of since wls? Or what are you striving for? Most memorable moment?   
    I'm most proud that now I match my husband.. He is a great looking fit body builder.. We have been married very happily 23 years and he loved me completely at 305 pounds and never once said anything but that I was beautiful and sexy. Now I feel like I match those words.
  4. Like
    allielee got a reaction from ProudGrammy in What are you most proud of since wls? Or what are you striving for? Most memorable moment?   
    I'm most proud that now I match my husband.. He is a great looking fit body builder.. We have been married very happily 23 years and he loved me completely at 305 pounds and never once said anything but that I was beautiful and sexy. Now I feel like I match those words.
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    allielee got a reaction from 2muchfun in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    Again, good luck.
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    allielee reacted to CowgirlJane in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    Allie.. I am sorry you have gone through this. I know your pain . I don't agree about deleting this thread however. People can say what they will about me or my story but it's the truth. I don't post to in any way influence the currently banded but rather for pre ops to hear all sides of the story so they have way more info than I did.
    I fully realize that some are very successful and I applaud them heartily. ..but the band is much harder to live with and I know that to be true.
    What I notice is that the "band community" seems to blame the patients when things go wrong. It was like that 10 years ago too which shamed me into thinking it was all my fault and that I would fail with any WLS. My only regret is that I beat myself up for so long over it. 10 years of my life I felt like the most miserable excuse of a human who could be obese AFTER WLS.
    Threads like this let the readers make their own decisions. While it is true I am only one naive revisionista... I have lost over 160# since my revision and am maintaining. That did not happen for me when banded.. so for what it's worth..it is my story and if it helps one other person it's worth it.
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    allielee reacted to chris73 in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    Just thought it was obvious ?
    You are so passive aggressive.
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    allielee reacted to CowgirlJane in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    I am not cozy on Facebook with any band bashers. I share my experience and observations when asked on a thread like this because I think people should know the bad and sad stories too before making the decision. The people I know with bands are real life. ..Most got bands in the 5 plus years ago range although I know 4 people that were banded more recently. Back in the day there was a very active bandster community where I live and we got together monthly and many stayed in touch. Only one person I know from the 12 plus years ago era still has her band and I haven't talked to her in a few years so who knows.
    I hope the band design and techniques have improved and that people choosing it have great success but that wasn't my experience.
    You didn't choose to comment on my statement that I believe that in general complications are under reported in these abstracts and papers - and I gave a specific example related to the sleeve and long term risk of reflux. Too many people go into this not taking seriously the very real long term concerns with ANY WLS.
    I now view that my thinking when choosing the band was flawed. I was led to believe that I would just eat small quantities of healthy foods and be satisfied and satiated. That didn't happen. I had this fantasy, which was encouraged by some of the paperwork I was given that it was a good thing that the band would need to be removed. . Like I'd reach a point where I just didn't need it. At least for me, that was never and will never be the case. I should have chosen the bypass when I was banded but that apparently was not the path I was meant to follow.
    And I have taken responsibility for my contribution to losing only 70 and regaining it plus more (over time once i could no longer tolerate fill) while banded. I took those lessons and made a very critical decision when I revised which was choosing a surgeon who emphasize follow up. I needed that and learned that from my band experience how important it was to get a "reset" on my ways of eating and to have more help available.
    What I will never understand is why people who are not having complications want to blame the patients who do have them. Perhaps it is a way to feel safer from the risks? All I know is I spent way too long loathing myself for my "band failure" when in truth it was never an effective tool for me even before the complications became unbearable. The lapband was very miserable for me and I should have had it removed after 2-3 not 10 years.
    I am glad there are choices out there. I think the band is a reasonable choice for lower BMI people who are properly educated on it (it was harder to manage than the sleeve) and have a reason they prefer the band but it does not change the fact that there are alot of failures and people investigating options should know that. Plication is a newer one too.. and I am sure new techniques will continue to be developed.
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    allielee reacted to chris73 in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    @@2muchfun, why are you being so aggressive and rude to the new person that joins the conversation.
    I do believe the topic if the thread is "why did you convert from lap band to sleeve?"
    Not let's see how much we can carry the flag for allergen.
    What is your deal man ?!
    You bash anyone who jumps into the conversation. A conversation you have no business in as it is not about which is better but why you Switched.
    Band support threads exist, go there and carry your flag, but please stop.
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    allielee reacted to Bandarella in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    @@Alex Brecher sorry I didn't see your post. Arguing ensues when someone starts using negative descriptors as @@2muchfun did towards me. Everyone here was discussing the pros and cons up to that point. It was a productive conversation for some time....
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    allielee reacted to chris73 in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    Perhaps you should read the entire thread before you make accusations against me.
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    allielee reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    Yes, people should not insult each other.
    But what's with locking up threads when there are disagreements?
    Often good information is revealed in threads with the biggest disagreements.
    This happens to be a controversial topic. That means there'll be controversy. And debate.
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    allielee reacted to chris73 in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    I have not yet seen any of your studies.
    Anything that needs additional surgery or removal constitutes failure.
    I have a band and was once in a rose colored world. The rate of additional surgeries to correct "issues" is in my opinion unacceptable.
    In ca the lap band has virtually disappeared.
    You seem very angry, no one is insulting your choice, but however expressing their experiences and feelings about the band.
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    allielee reacted to Bandarella in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    @@2muchfun this is a discussion. Insulting me only serves to reflect on you. I have no "axe to grind".
    I got an email notification of new posts on this thread...if the person I responded to can be respectful of my experience, why can't you?
    The surgeons' guide to lapband by allergan. Full of stats.
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    allielee reacted to chris73 in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    We will see how he feels in a few years.
    The fallacy that the band last forever will soon become his own nightmare.
    We post our opinions so others can make up their mind based on that. No one needs to be in attack mode.
    If defending the homor makes you feel better, go ahead, but so far you have not stated any facts as you are so barking for from others.
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    allielee got a reaction from Bandarella in Lap band or sleeve? Why did you get revision to sleeve?   
    I was a huge band supporter, banded in 2008 lost all my weight in 9 months stayed at goal for almost 6 years no problems.. The bam I started having major issues, couldn't keep anything down, for a complete unfill still vomiting.. I followed all the band rules for 6 years! No Pasta, no rice no bread no soda.. Never ate more than a cup of food at a time I didn't drink with meals etc.. My band failed. I was devastated. It didn't slip and it wasn't anything to do with me. It had eroded. I still am super upset I paid $18,500 for that damn thing. Yes it helped me to lose the weight I just wish I had had bypass first. I had to be revised from band to bypass on May 21, 2014 and honestly it's been amazing! I haven't had any dumping at all and I am healthy. If you think your band will stick with you I pray you are right but out of the 5 friends of mine who had it I was the only one who's lasted over 5 years. @@2muchfun I understand your eagerness and joy with your band I used to be you. I pray you don't have issues as soooooo many do. I honestly only know of a handful who still have a lapband that is still doing great over 6 years with no issues and I only know of them from these type of posts.
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    allielee got a reaction from deedadumble in Plastics scheduled for July 22nd   
    Hey deedadumble.. I am also homozygous for c776t mthfr .. I did have a DVT so be careful.. I had full plastics in 2008 before I found out I had it.. Just know you will need blood thinners for two weeks after surgery. Now every surgery I just make sure I have my blood thinners ready.. Good luck!!!
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    allielee got a reaction from ladyjenn in did anyone feel wiered about not being able to wear deordernt   
    I put deodorant on an hour after I got out of recovery. You can use baby wipes and deodorant as soon as you are in recovery.. Don't "sweat it" haha
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    allielee reacted to Sreeves in August 6th lap band to gastric bypass surgery   
    Hi everyone! I am not scheduled yet but have my final appointment (nutritionist) on Aug 13 before going to insurance for approval. I am assuming I will be a September surgery patient. Allielee it is very good to hear that you are finding life after bypass easier than with the band. I never found anything about the band to be neither easy nor intuitive. I am so looking forward to my second last chance to take control of my health. Sface if the August people don't wanna hang out I will hang out with you! Of course the more the merrier, though!
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    allielee got a reaction from BeagleLover in I stopped counting calories, is that bad?   
    I didn't when I had my lapband and I lost all my weight and I don't anymore that I have RNY I find for me counting calories was making me food obsessed. I find I am losing and doing awesome without counting anything. I feel great as well. I do track my weight on mfp which has been amazing for me to understand stalls and be able to see the progress I am making. Counting just made me constantly think of food. I don't really have hunger now and just make sure I eat 3 times a day. It's working for me
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    allielee reacted to BeagleLover in I stopped counting calories, is that bad?   
    Heck no! Isn't that one of the benefits of having the surgery--- getting away from all that dieting shhhtuff! My NUT said, if you count anything, count Protein grams to make sure you're getting enough. I imagine, after you do that for a few months, you'd have it down & wouldn't even have to do that.
    Congratulations on your continuing progress. It sounds like you're working hard.
  22. Like
    allielee got a reaction from RNBSN786 in Salads   
    I had salad at 4 weeks out.. No issues. I prefer baby spinach as my "lettuce" but I always have a Protein with it. For dressing I went to the store and examined all the dressing lol took about an hour but bought 10 different types that have low sugar.. I so far have loved a couple of them. I prefer not light dressings especially since I may have just 1 tablespoon. It's worth it to me to have a yummy dressing than one full of chemicals to make it low fat or light. A couple extra calories is no biggie to me lol
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    allielee got a reaction from LipstickLady in "My special food"   
    Really? Dang that was harsh! I have raised two children successfully, both went to college, never arrested, never once in trouble and my kids would ransack the cupboards in the short time I took a shower. Do you even have children?? Lol Making comments like this is not ok in my opinion..
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    allielee reacted to LipstickLady in "My special food"   
    Usually when someone says "no offense", what follows is quite offensive. Case in point above.
    Who said that kids were "running riot" "all day"? What a bizarre assumption. We don't even know how old the children are, do we? Do we now have to micromanage our children to be considered good parents? Sucks for me, then.
  25. Like
    allielee got a reaction from SugarFreeMe in I'm 5'5" , 370# which surgery?   
    I disagree DS I think all the wls are bashed equally. I agree that we should only be talking about our PERSONAL experiences with the wls . Not others experiences. I have had lapband and rny .. Each has there own pros and cons. Each work and don't work. No one needs to get upset when the choice they choose isn't the choice someone else chooses. I was very successful with my lapband and would still be a huge advocate for it if it hasn't eroded. I'm sure I would have had success with being sleeved as well. I am self pay and after seeing the sleeve to rny revision board decided I didn't want to take the chance I would have issues with GERD. Each wls is awesome and each has issues. The point is talking about your personal experience to help others make the choice that is best for them. It's all good people we are all working towards the same goal to be healthy!

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