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Posts posted by lachica39

  1. now I know the reason be hide the high medical cost. my insurance paid $30, 000 to the hospital for 4 hours of care. that is a damn rip-off.

    2 years ago I was involved in a MVA and hospital billed my insurance for $12 grand but with discounts ended up charging only $300.

    You hear everyday of uninsured families losing everything to pay high medical bills, are they offered these discounts. hell no! something needs to be done in this country

    I thank God everyday that I have insurance.

  2. I think our problem is we want to lose this weight so bad. I know you have heard this before, but we didn't gain this weight overnight nor are we going to lose it overnight.

    8 pds in a month is great and you should be proud of that accomplishment.

    the first month we lose weight rather quick and get disappointed when we lose only 5 or 10 pds the second month. Like Salsa said its all about making the right choices. yes its hard and if you blow it one day, start fresh the next day.

    to this day I feel guilty about my potions, but I can tell you, I'm eating 1/4 of what I use to eat probably less. I guess I was expecting the worse, living on a cup of food or less per meal, I know I don't want to live like that.

    my goal is to be weigh under 200 by the end of the year. I'm not asking for 150, 160 or even 170. maybe 180/190. that will be a miracle.

    have faith, keep up the good work and you will reach your goal

  3. damn, I just recieved a bill for $1000.00 for "nurse services" what the hell is "NURSE SERVICES" I call my insurance and its a bill from the nurse that supposely assitsted my Doc. during my surgery. I havent recieved an acutally bill from the Docs office, just explantion of benefits from insurance company.I wasnt informed of this, so I am refusing to pay and will discuss this at my next appt. Its very disappointing to me how they can make all these charges or have assistants that are not covered by insurance. I'm freaking p*****. I'm about to blow a gasket.

    aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Ok I feel better, loca spell is over. LOL

  4. ladies you are all doing great, I have not had a fill yet and have my 2 month f/u on Wednesday. I am still undecided. Again I enjoy this new feeling of eating what I want, but in smaller amounts. ( its a trip!) I drink Water with my meals and yes occasionally eat something I know I shouldn't. but all in all I am quite satisfied with the whole process.

    The thought of the Doc. inserting a needle in me is frighting to me and I know I will have to face the music at one point, but until then I will continue to enjoy the ride.

    am I fooling myself?

  5. I have been going through a slight case of blues. I have been trying to get my spirits up with music, walking, even eating and nothing. I should see my Doc. if this continues, but I don't want to take meds. was on them 10 yrs ago.

    I guess I'm just being a sour puss today

  6. right on ladies, I have not wanted or needed a fill and am steadily losing weight, yes I get hungry and when I smell something dilis (like passing MickeyDs) I always say, damn that smells so good, but keep going.

    everyday is different for me, theres days were I can eat a normal meal and other days that I'm just not hungry. on those days I make sure I have a Protein drink.

    I was scheduled for my first fill 1/30 and after talking with my Doc. it was decided I would wait until next month. I have an appt. 2/28 and at this time, I think I will go another month with no fill.

    I like to keep my appts because they get me pumped up to continue my path on exercise and eating well.

    I weighed myself yesterday and am down to 248, but will not change my ticker until 2/28 when its official

    keep up the good work ladies, dont feel quilty about having no fills, but when needed and if the time comes, get one

  7. Ok, dont laugh give this a try. rub Vicks vaporub on your chest,neck and back. It really works. My mother rubbed on me when I was a kid, I used it on my kids, and even my grandbabies get rubdowns. message it onto the skin, it not only sooths a cough but helps with pain. I promise it will work.

  8. I miss eating, I too can eat everything (except pizza) and do in moderation. but its sad not to fill up my plate. I'm always the first one

    to finish eating and bum everyone else that are trying to enjoy their meal. I haven't had a fill yet and am actually doing quite well. I am always surprised how little food I eat, but just once in a while I what to pig out on a six dollar burger ( haven't attempted and not interested, now thats sad) my emotions go up and down (no, I'm not psycho) but now I need to find another outlet. mmm maybe I should try s*x

  9. Good evening ladies, with the cold season here, can anyone suggest over the counter cold remedies I can take safely with band. I would normally bye tylenol cold. I have no fever, just a itchy throat and cough. I am using Halls drops but I think I need something that will last.

    Thank you all in advance for any suggestions.

  10. well, it finally happen

    I was hoping he was gone for good or at least for a couple months, but he found me. I tried to hide, but had no luck. his back with a vengeance, my little friend HUNGER. he had me fooled for awhile but has been visiting me in the evening. I still am eating 1/4 of what I would normally eat.

    example:1 boil egg (breakfast)

    1/4 cup cottage cheese (mid-morning snack)

    2 mixed seafood tostadas (lunch)

    1 1/2 cups bean Soup (dinner) with 2 slices French bread

    I cant believe I ate 2 slices of French bread. carbs and night hunger has always been my downfall. I have not weighed in since 1/30 so I hope I have not gained any weight. I have not had a fill and what to enjoy eating with no sliming/pbing or whatever else fills can cause, but I will now consider a small fill.

    I don't ever what to return to my former life of binge eating that cause me to gain weight.

    Am I fooling myself?

  11. How soon did you start exercising after surgery? Day 0ne, walking 5-15

    minutes, more for relief.

    What kinds of activities? Walking, Walking, Walking. Trying to work in the bands. mmmm that will be my personal goal for Feb.

    Were you active prior to surgery? I started walking the day after my seminar. back in Sept.

    Jachut, I have a question for you. I will be purchasing a threadmill or elliptical machine. I have seen prices from as low as $300 to over $1000. My question is, do you get a better workout with the elliptical?(my first choice)

  12. Hi bandedaggie. you will feel normal again soon. I am 6 wks out, I think it varys with everyone. I know I started feeling normal about week 5. I tend to forget I'd surgery until I eat and yeah! full on 1/4 of what I used to consume. take it easy, follow your Drs. orders and you will have a full and happy recovery

  13. Yahoo. No fill.

    I was sceduled for a fill today and Doc told me maybe next month. I am so relieved, I was preparing myself for a fill so I could just get over it. I dont know how long this feeling will last, my goal for Feb. is to lose 8 pds. so that I can be under 250

    God has truely blessed me.

  14. Oh Nicey, first off, I'm also new at this and I havent needed a fill.

    But let me tell you, no one should have to suffer sliming or pb or being over the toilet. I see it so much on this forum like its a given. please think about having an unfill, maybe your body is in starvation mode and that could be the reason of slow weight loss. I myself snack throughout the day and my Dr. recommends it to prevent this promblems

    just my opinion

  15. It cross my mind for years to have by-pass (didnt even do much research on it) that is until I saw a commercial about banding, I called that day to order the information packet. that was in August of 2007. I was so excited, it meant I didnt have to have my stomach cut in half (what happens to the remainging part?)and whatever else is switched around.

    I immediently started researching all the sites on banding. I read the pros and cons. (food getting stuck, slow weight loss, slipage) but I knew right there and then that this was what I have been waiting all these years for.

    when I did attend the seminar, the Doc there did not believe in banding, stating it was a waste of time, more bothersome than not, alot of people at that time decided to have bybass, I chose banding with the Docs. partner and am happy with my choice.

    Personnaly, I would not have surgery without first meeting my surgeon. I was having elective surgery, otherwise if it was an emergency situation I wouldnt care. I did meet him at my pre-op (my request) and felt better about my choice.

    I'm new to this and learning how to eat again. no fills yet. losing weight at a steady pace. only complaint, I'm gassy and have problems with Constipation, knew this would happen with the high protien intake.

    good luck on your decision, only you can make the right choice

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