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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lachica39

  1. Hi ladies, its been so long. everyone is doing fantastic.

    I did go in for my fill back in August and boy do I feel it.I lost 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks and losing at about 2 Pd's a week, goodbye plateau. like luv2teach, I'm surviving on Soups, fruit, cheese, Protein drinks, nuts not really eating meals with any nutritional value. its more like snacking. and honestly I'm no longer hungry. I eat because I have to.

    I have lost another 5 pounds and now weigh in at 230. but is it worth it? what affect will this have on my health. I miss eating salads and meat. no more steak, chicken, hamburgers, nothing, nada oh my gosh I turning vegan! I chew the hell out of my food and at least once a week I have that god awful slimming, ugh! so disgusting.

    I do need to get my a** up off the couch, 2 months now with no exercise, just been lazy reading, watching t.v. crocheting 2 baby blankets. I need someone to give a swift kick in the booty.

    ladies, keep up the good work, you are all doing fantastic.

    lets see want tomorrow brings.

  2. I did inform my family and co-workers. I have a co-worker who had by-pass surgery and she been telling parents (I'm a secretary in a large daycare program) and mutual friends who I havent told, Its starting to irritate me now. after awhile you get tired of same questions and expectations from people. I am who I am, not a lapband. like Amanda stated above, are they going to see you as a failure if the weight doesnt fly off

  3. Hi ladies,

    I want to thank you all for your suggestions, I came to realize I am my worst enemy. I finally realize that I was eating to much to fast and this has been causing the slimming episodes. I have been trying to eat foods that I can no longer tolerate; breads, Pasta, steak and making bad choices, candy, cupcakes(I cant eat regular bread, yet I can eat cupcakes, go figure) chips, shakes. I have not been honest with myself and others. I eat out of boredom, stress, periods of sadness.

    I had a great talk with my PC and she has put me on anti-depression meds, I continue to miss my mother who I lost in May. I find myself crying and eating. I will seek out the help of Hospice and will hopefully be able to start grief therapy.

    My appt with Dr. C also went well, I did get another fill. I informed him I would start taking Paxil and he was very encouraging.

    my next step is to get back to excising daily, I have started using my resistant bands.

    my last slimming episode was Sunday on oatmeal, hmm! but again it was in a restaurant and me talk, talk, talking (I should take the hint, stay out of restaurants) its been a tough journey, yet I have no regrets. I know I will succeed and beat this.

    thank you all again

  4. lachica39

    OK ladies, if you recall, I have not lost any more weight since 4/30/08

    it is depressing and frustrating. I have a appt. tomorrow and will discuss my options with the Doc. I am still debating on an unfill.

    I need to eat during the day (not hungry or slimming) and eat to much in the evening.

    but here is my before and after pics. seeing my before and after pics is somewhat satisfying but enough is enough



  5. lazy and love food. the question is, if it were that simple I could lose weight. As I go through this process I think it might be more. depression, unfulfilled marriage (hard to admit) job.

    I always think that if only I lost weight I would be happy, but? I have finally came to the conclusion that I need help. I will discuss my depression with my Doc. and go from there.

    I hate playing the blame game and will see what options I have.(meds, counseling)

  6. I need some help

    I have not lost any weight since April, (last fill in April) thats 4 long months. I'm exercising 4 -5 days a week, I cant eat during the day and when I do, I am always excusing myself to the bathroom to vomit, I pig out in the evening.

    I finally have an appt on the 20th and am debating on getting my 4th fill. its so frustrating at times.


  7. 7 months with no weight loss for the last 3 months

    I must be eating too much, I am constantly posting I am not losing weight due to NOT eating enough, but I now know thats a bunch of Bull.

    today I ate almost a whole bag of corn chips, I ask myself what the hell was I doing and got up and threw the bag in the garbage (outside) I had a bad feeling that if I would have Thrown it in the kitchen pale I would have took it out and finished it off. How disgusting is that?

    I have a follow up in August and will be more aggressive with my fills.

    starting tomorrow I will log everything I stick in my month. I am so upset with myself and need to take responsibility for my actions


    struggling and not knowing were to go

  8. Hi Pamela,

    congrats. I am also a pt. of Dr. C. his a great doctor. there are actually quite a few Pt's of his in this forum. we should really try to start a thread to talk about the ups and downs of banding. I did really great my first 4 months of banding but have been on a permanent plateau for the last 3 months.

    Its sort of discouraging but I have finally decided to have another fill. I still have 40 lbs to go, (my personal goal) and who knows if I can start losing again I might try to lose more.

    good luck on your wonderful new journey

  9. Congrats to all my fellow bander's, you are all doing great

    I'm six months out, and I have been on a 6 week plateau. I am working my butt off. I completed 22 days out of 30 days of intense walking. but no weight loss. (45 mins)

    I have dropped a pant size and can now buy 20's which is awesome. my stomach is lifting and getting smaller, not flat mind you but it doesn't stick out so much, which is a plus.

    I will see my Doc to discuss my options, I don't want another fill and am still thinking about getting a slight unfill. call me crazy but I feel like I should be eating more.

    continue to great work.

  10. Dr. S

    after reading a copy of questions/responses, would I have to wait to have a TT. I am at 240 right now and would like to lose 40 more.

    I have a large hanging belly that I would like to have removed. Do I have to wait or can I successfully have it removed at this stage or weight loss?

    Does insurance cover this procedure?

    removing this problem area would really help with my self esteem

    thank you in advance

  11. busy busy busy

    June is my busiest month at work. I'm a preschool secretary, our preschoolers are graduating on the 27 and there is so much planing to do, plus I'm completing my registrations for the new year. 52 new kids will start July 1. tons of paper work. but this year has actually gone very well.

    trying to stay on the band wagon, excersizing, eating well (most of the time) and feeling good

    If only I can reach the 50 lb mark.

  12. Hi ladies, checking in to see how everyone is doing, of course the Merry Losers rock!

    I had a great day, up at 5:30 for my daily walk (16 days out of 20)

    I went for my year eye exam and the staff amazed at my weight loss

    it really feels good to see the reaction on people I haven't seen in a while.

    although I haven't loss much, if any since my last weigh in 6 weeks ago, I see the change in my body. my stomach is actually lifting and I can see my Teddy Bear (its been lost for awhile) lol

    I happy to see everyone doing well and happy.

    keep up the good work


  13. OK, after reading this thread noticing a few of you have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed with HT and take synthroid 300 mcg 6 days a week. I am always tired and force myself to exercise everyday. my question is, is there a thread specifically for HT. maybe one should get started. I don't want to blame my HT for being fat, but even my Doc says its going to be a tough road.

  14. where has the time gone, I cant believe that I will soon hit my six month anniversary. I have struggled these last three months, not eating well, gorging on junk food (if thats possible) not exercising. and of course not losing weight. I want to hit the the 230's by the end of this month. I will take 239 as long as I'm under the big 240.

    I honestly feel like I'm not eating enough, my body needs food. I don't write everything down, but I have a Protein Drink every morning, I have about a cup of food for lunch, most days its nothing. and for dinner, its like what ever.

    lately I have been eating chips, cupcakes, Cookies. damn I need to get back on the Atkins diet and eliminate all carbs.

    I have starting walking again. 7 out of 9 days so far, 45 minutes at a very fast pace.

    I havent weighed myself this month, I will wait until the end of the month.

    everyone stay stong. we can beat this.

  15. Wow Gilmore, I glad everything worked out well for you. scar tissue, thats scary, I have a few friends that suffered terribly with scar tissued that formed after surgery.

    like you, I often wondered about rejection. we do have a foreign object in us. I do take cq10 which my Doc recommended before surgery and after. it supposed to help you heal faster.

    all my concerns have been put to rest. fill was a success, no more pain. I guess the Doc. was right, just a pulled muscle

    I would like all by band family to pray for my mother Rose, she is terminally ill with advance pancreatic cancer, on top of sclederma. she was hospitalized for 5 weeks after surgery. they removed part of her stomach and intestine (Whipple surgery) I joke with her that she had by-pass surgery. she is home now with hospice support we want her remaining days to be filled with love and support. I drive down on Fridays and stay until Sunday to relieve my sisters.

    it has been a tough road, and I have not been watching my food intake, I have been eating nothing but junk food. sweets, chips you name it, I ate it. again this habit goes way back to my days of gorging during painful times in my life.

    one of my favorite verses is Joshua 1:9

    I command you: be firm and steadfast! Do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.

  16. ladies, I don't know if I have what you consider restriction, I can and do eat 10 0z of food. (tv dinner) I also asked my Doc if this can harm the band or my pouch and he said that as long as I chewed my food to nothing it will be ok.

    compared to what a typical day of eating was in the past ( fast food, super size, 2 or 3 sandwiches, 2nd or 3rds for dinner, milk and Cereal as a midnight snake, candy, cupcakes, soda, you get the picture) I eat like a bird.

    after this third fill, I tried a few french fries and couldn't eat them, they felt heavy, yet I ate the hamburger (no bun) with no problem

    today, I had dinner with my sister at a mexican rest. and ate a dozen small shrimps, yup! 12 pieces of shrimp. no tortillas, about a tbs. of rice and Beans. it took me about 45 minutes, but I ate them all.

    am I in denial?

  17. Girlmoose, I have noticed a small sharp pain near my port, sort of like a pince. I was worried and spoke with my Doc. and he push and prodded the whole area and told me it could be a bruised muscle. I can feel the pain when I bend over or catch myself slouching.

    I got my 3nd fill .5cc's I'm now up to 3 cc's. I feeling good about it.

    Dr. C is very happy with my progress. I still tend to eat to much, but as long as I continue to walk 3-5 days a week I balance out.

    Heres some interesting info, I spoke to my Doc. about my concerns with how much food I actually eat and stretching my pouch. I can eat a whole tv dinner (south beach) and thats 10 Oz's of food. I was told that as long as I chew my food to basically nothing it will digest more easily and not just sit there (which could cause stretching)?


  18. don't get discouraged ladies, my doc. had me extend my stomach and hold, he also said my port was capsulized (?) which I think is scar tissue. He had to use a longgggg needle.

    the second fill went without a hitch, I lost enough sub-cutaneous fat (yahoo!) and he was able to use a regular needle

    like Fannymae mentioned. we do have excess fat on our tummy's which will and can interfere with fills

  19. I had a interesting morning, getting ready for work. just before I walked out the door, I remembered my morning vits. well what do you know, one of the gel capsules got stuck, no problem I thought, it will go down, a little burp should do it, was I ever wrong. as I was getting on the freeway, I slimed ( thank goodness I had a napkin) saved the day, so I though a few moments later, BAM I a whammy of a slime episode, it was like Linda Blair in the exorcise. LOL! I was late for work today.

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