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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lachica39

  1. lachica39


    congratulations Tamika, read, read, read. if you go the complications posts, read them and dont go back. Start practicing your chewing, putting your fork down between bites and excercise. let us know your surgery date.
  2. congrats. please keep us posted with pics
  3. lachica39


    good to hear your feeling better, what I would suggest is always apply a little pressure to the area with a pillow or your hand whenever you are coughing or getting up/down. nobocy told me at the hospital, but I was told at previous surgerys to do this, it really helps
  4. lachica39

    December Surgery Dates

    ladies, I believe we had over 125 Dec. banders. I remember reading someone from the first week of Dec. did not get banded due to scar tissue. is there a way we can set up a poll to get the totals. just curious
  5. lachica39

    Rewards....help please

    my reward to myself will be a HUG & HIGHFIVE. when I hit 250, oh my gosh, its going to be something special SC
  6. lachica39

    December Post-Op Thread

    Hi ladies, 8 days out Had my post-op today,surgicul tape remove, my incisions look like scratch marks, tape was not removed from port site. I am doing well, a little tired after long days out. I am not hungry! have been on only liquids, broth, cranberry juice, jello and water. the Dr. wants me to start on protein based liquids which includes cream of wheat,cream soups, yogurt and protein drink. I just cant do it. I tried it on day 3 and was uncomfortable for the rest of the day and had a little sliming, I never want to feel that again. I tried again yesterday and watered down my cream soup and made 3 meals out of it. uncomfortable, but no sliming I did go to pollo loco today with my hubby and ordered their soup, I asked for pure broth, there were a few tiny tiny peices of carrot and I was able to eat them. today per docs instruction I made a protien drink, it now taste to sweet and I could only drink 2 ozs. I will finish the rest tonight. I return to work on Monday, hubbys worried because I am not eating much, I will continue to work on it. enough already, I am glad everyone is doing well. lets see want the next few weeks bring us. SC
  7. lachica39

    Pain up under ribs in the evenings

    Aubrie, I'm new at this, but I would call my Dr. I don't know if more experienced banders would say this is "normal" but you should not be suffering. SC
  8. lachica39

    Major Milestone

    ladies, congratualtions on your ongoing success. I dont remember the last time I was an 18, hope to join you soon SC
  9. lachica39

    feelin' Blue

    my first day of surgery I was reading my post-op diet for the 100th time and I became sad, scared and cried . I wanted to call that damn Dr. and tell him to take this s--t out of me. I was thinking of an excuse to get it out, the same thought came back to me the next day, stupid me I was on the site looking over complications (will never go back there) and I was thinking of the what ifs can happen 5-10 years from now. I wanted this s--t out. I was freaking out and keeping it to myself. I finally told my husband and kids what I was going through and they reassured me I made the right decision. it passed, I am 5 days out and am so excited and ready for this. When you feel like banding was a mistake, think of all the things you will be able to do when you are healthier. I have a goal set for 2008, camping ,hiking with my family and how hot I am going to look in my shorts. ok and my health lol you to will come get through this, I know I will be going through emotional up and downs, but with support, great people from this site you will be ok. god bless you and happy new year SC banded 12/26/07
  10. lachica39

    Gas Bloat?

    Hi caligirl, I been able to burp and f--t with no prob. but I was using gas-x strips to get it going. you have to walk as much as you can and even if it hurts, you need to lie on your side, it really works sc banded 12/26/07
  11. lachica39

    Is it bad not to want a first fill?

    Gus, I want to prolong having a filll for as long as possible, it scares the hell out of me, when the time does come, I will not be agressive with fillls. I want to live a normal life without worries about something getting stuck. I hope my band, excersize and will power work for me. Am I kidding myself?
  12. lachica39

    December Surgery Dates

    ladies and gents, we are down to the last 4, very special people to be banded on Dec 31 - as you can see we all had great outcomes and will you. good luck and happy new year Justin Chrisann imb316 mvg1269 SC banded 12/26/07
  13. Hi Roberta, follow all above advice. it really works. breathing out works wonders. feel your lungs with air and blow out for as long as you can. coughing and turning side to side also helps I have a question for evrybody, nobody talks much about the risks of blood clots, I have to walk around for 15 mins. x 3 daily plus ankle rotations, toe pumps and tracing out the alphabet x3 daily. nobody else has to do this. just curious SC banded 12/26/07
  14. lachica39

    Phentermine and the band

    Julie, yur should feel so pround of your wieght lost and keeping it off for 1 1/2 yrs. you have lost over 100 pds right? what if you dont get to your goal of 185 pds, would that be so bad? My goal is to get to 200, its been over 15 years since I weighed even close to that. I wish you luck in your continue success. SC banded 12/26/07
  15. lachica39

    December Post-Op Thread

    Hi ladies, I did it, got banded Wednsday the 26. no nausea, very little pain. I cant belive it! I'm banded, yahoo!!! I had very little pain, no nausea wants so ever. I showered today, felt so good. I have a little pain due to gas, but it is tolerable. went to walmart today to buy a few items day 3, I can start on protien based liquids. 1% milk with protien powder, cream Soups (yummy) cream of wheat, unsweetened fruit juices and sugar free jello/pudding I happy to hear all my fellow lap-B's are doing well. I'm not hungry right now, just trying to keep hydrated with plenty of fluids. need to walk 20 min. 3 times a day per Dr. orders, to cold outside brought in the gazelle glinder SC banded 12/26/07
  16. hi ladies, I was banded 12/26. a little gassy. I have been sleeping on the couch half laying/sitting. I have noticed if I rest a little bit on my side it tends to relieve some of the gas. I am not ready to sleep in my bed, I might try it in a couple days. DH is missing my warm body. I dont know where my port is, I have 4 incision mid section, a little higher actually and one lonely one just under my bra line, centered perfectly. I started using my giselle glinder today, instant relief from gas. I am not using any pain meds at this time, and when I do I use less than 1/2 the dose. SC banded 12/26/07
  17. sherri, when you say emergency unfill. what caused it SC banded 12/26/07
  18. lachica39

    I just cant wait!

    ladies, welcome. just had my surgery 12/26. it was a piece of cake.mmm stay positive and if you decide to go into the forums about complications on lapband read and learn and dont go back to them. read all the postive things people have to say. there are thousands. good luck on your journey to we8ight lost SC banded 12/26/07
  19. lachica39

    Fill doctor in No CA who takes insurance

    juliegeraci, why dont you try Dr. Corian in Modesto. his my Doc. he has a plan for unlimited fills and unfills when insurance no longer covers fills. his number is (209)525-3170 SC banded 12/26/07
  20. lachica39

    Falling off the wagon.... Help!

    Kissmygrits, stop, your making me laugh so hard, I felt a stich pop (lol) ladies I am just starting, so no real hunger yet. on liquids for 2 weeks so as not to stretch the pouch. all of you are doing great. I am pround of your honesty in telling it like it is. I was reading my post-op booklet and started to cry I thought I would never be able to eat again, I love food, its my baby. just curious, how can someone lose weight on 1000 calories a day, when I was on my atkins diet, there was no need to count colories. I just wondering, can you do low carb. with banding. Am I fooling myself SC banded 12/26/07
  21. lachica39

    Banded Yesterday 12/27

    congratulations, I am so happy everyone is doing well post-op, after reading some of the threads decribing all the horrors of surgery that any of us went through with it (banding) December Banders Rock SC banded 12/26/07
  22. lachica39

    December Surgery Dates

    Brownbkae you will do great, I dont know how many lap-B's are christian, but have faith in Jesus and you will have a great outcome. I was actually watching EWTN at the hospital. I went into surgury with peace in my heart and if you do have nausea, they have meds. actually the sleeping Doc gave me some before surgery. God bless you SC banded 12/26/07
  23. lachica39

    100 Lbs. Post Op.

    Right on BWdave, I only have one question, "Is the sex better" congradulations, and they say banders dont lose weight, you just proved them wrong SC banded 12/26/07
  24. lachica39

    December Surgery Dates

    Hi ladies, I did it, got banded yesterday. no nausea, very little pain. I cant belive it! I'm banded, yahoo!!!. I had very little pain, no nausea wants so ever. I can not shower for 48 hours (smelly lol) I will have a sponge bath. I have a little pain on one incision site ( I bet its the port) but it is tolerable. I need to buy a few things at Walmart, creamy soups, yogurt suger free items (I know, I had the list of items to buy ahead of time, but didnt do it) I think it will feel good to get out a little. I hope my fellow lap-B's are recovery well Dec 26 - Miss Polly jenncore Palarin Tcuts gayle21 Kennergirl and Red1733 SC banded 12/26/07
  25. lachica39

    Just Plain Scared!

    Hi Jazzywoman Oh my gosh, those same thoughts entered my head, but you missed one, whats the old man going to do with my life insurance (lol) stay positive. I am finally at that stage,(I Think) lol! It also helps to go shopping for something gorgeous to wear to the hospital. I bought myself a really nice walking outfit ( I dont know what they call them, these are no ordinary sweats) from L. Bryants. I will look fab. walking in and fabulous walking out. I was watching a tv program and the sleep Dr. stated that patients that went in the day of surgery in happy and positive moods recovered faster. all my lapband brothers and sisters are in my prayers. SC surgery 12/26/07

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
