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Posts posted by Gone4Now

  1. Hi, TAP!!!! :frown:

    Had a great weekend in Dallas w/Lu & KC. Great times...

    For the foodies: We tried a bunch of the fried stuff. Mainly we would take a bite and then toss.

    Fried butter - YUCK. They should rename it to fried Petroleum Jelly.

    Fried Cookie Dough - Oh, WOW...so good. But, I have a sweet tooth and could have sucked the whole thing down.

    Fried Oreo - eh. Fried Peanut Butter cup macaroon - ick. Worse than the butter, IMO.

    All in all - I had more fun taking pictures of the fried food signs than actually eating it.

    Back to the grind today, sipping on coffee and Water and trying to be good...and not think of cookie dough.

    Up 4 pounds - and I'm surprised my ring still fits.

  2. Ok, sorry that you are sick, but w00t

    on those size 12s!!!!!! That is so freaking awesome Ebony!! Go Ebony, it's your birthday! [insert dance of choice here]

    That completely describes what I was going to say!!

    Ebony, it's been so cool to watch you shrink away before our eyes! Um, though, when you're done it's my turn...


    YOU'RE BACK!!!! I'm so excited!!!

    LOL - YAY...Alex and Susan gave me the thumbs up...so, here I am. :w00t:

    Now I've got that song in my head....I'm so excited....and I just can't hide it...

    Oh my! :thumbup: I'm in SO MUCH TROUBLE!! My 3 yr old is already starting some of that attitude crap! I can't imagine what we're going to be like in 7-10 yrs!!! :tongue:

    UGH! My MIL has always told DH that but the problem is that w/his work schedule, I'M the one who always gets to deal with it!!!! :(

    Actually, I've been a single mom so long that I am still the only one dealing with it. DH (fiance, really, but DH is easier) will give me a look like, "You gonna take that?" Otherwise, that little brat rolls right over me. :w00t: But, I luvs her.

    PJTP: Mom headed home a couple of hours ago. It was a nice visit but short. Always too short. DD decided she was going home with grandma. Hard to get her to understand why that wouldn't work out this time. She was disappointed!

    My mom, for better or worse, lives a few blocks away. So I'll get texts all the time, "Going to grandma's to print stuff." (The reason I don't want a printer and haven't hooked up the one we have!)

    Wonderful weather today! In the 90's yesterday and barely hit the 70's today and it's cloudy and wants to rain some!! I love this weather!!! I am so ready for Fall! Summer is my least favorite season. I hate the heat!

    It was mid-70's yesterday and just GORGEOUS. I love this weather!!! Jealous of folks who have fall leaves, though...miss that a lot!

    Gotta go! TTYL!!

    Thanks, Slim!

    "I love it when a plan comes together..." Col John 'Hannibal' Smith - the A-Team:tongue_smilie:

    Love the A-Team...they're making it a movie! I can't wait!!

    Ebony!!! It DOES seem like just a short time ago, you were just as shocked and happy over fitting a 16----girl you are melting!!! So happy for you!

    Seriously, isn't it the best feeling!!!???

    Exactly!!!! We've seen her melt!

    I had kids who sassed.....not all of them my own! I did own a day care! I think the very worst of all of the kid things was my oldest DD, and her rolling her damned eyes at me! I threatened to knock her into next week where those eyes would stay permanently rolled back! Drove me nuts!

    She would not say to my face I was full of it----but those rolling eyes sure said it, and man did it piss this Mama off!!! LOL

    Oohhhh....hate the rolling eyes! Why is that such a trigger?? I did it and I'll be darn sure to teach my grandkids how to do, if it doesn't come naturally.

    Hi all!

    Kat-I can honestly say that I can always find somthing else to do besides housework. :seeya:

    :w00t: I actually enjoy it SOMETIMES. Other times I couldn't care less. I actually get into moods to clean and I just go to town.

    I am sitting here sipping my coffee thinking that my body still doesn't want to run today. I am going to try it anyway, but I really don't want to.

    Man...I lost my mojo about a month ago and haven't found it yet....maybe if I clean the house I'll find it?

    Hi Glou!


    I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!

    They laid my boss off last week and I have another 2 weeks to go before the move to the new location. So, I've been helping others in the group pack - so I have been coming in late and wearing jeans.

    Still nervous about lay-offs and job security, but not like before.


    :scared2: Missed ya!

  3. She is being a "pre-teen" at the school's 7th grade football game. I have to leave soon to go get her.

    She's not doing so hot in math...and I'm horrible at it, so can't help her! But, her grades in other things are great, so I'm hoping we can just get through this "bump".

    But, that sassy tone comes out w/her, too... like nails on a chalk board!

  4. All right, Slim! Yeah, your Tuesday is almost over, right...since you go to bed at lunchtime? :(

    I can't wait for the weekend - going up to Dallas to meet Lu and KC!!!

    Dallas will never be the same.

    How's my future SIL doing?

  5. I think Heartfire had a great idea!

    Hi, everyone.

    So...PJTP - It's Tuesday, huh? Wow...time flies. I had this weird dream that I was gone for, like, a week something. Wow. Shaking that off...

    How's everyone else doing?

  6. Well, I'd have to say GO FOR IT!! And you might want to document the event with pics. Just sayin'.

    Well...if it's tonight and I'm documenting...you're gonna see a lot more of Bevo than you see on FB....

    Well it could be the 2nd pineapple mojito I'm about to make - but I agree and think that should be considered when you, Lulu and I are in Dallas next week!

    Okay, still - I'm the one taping. I'm no where near "camera ready" yet. :biggrin:

  7. 1 - KC awesome!!!!!!

    2 - so 12 complaints? Is that the magic number, as in that's the policy?

    3 - I haven't needed help, so I'm not lacking communication, but if people are trying to get help and can't then that's a problem.

    4 - taking this to FB if you're a mod then that should be instant banning of a mod.

    5 - if the mods are sending PMs to folks like HH making nasty comments that he has followers then that too is unacceptable and policy/mod limits need to be revised.

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