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Posts posted by JessM11

  1. I also made the 3 month mark (April 7) 175 as of now . My goodness I can not remember the last time I was this weight prob in 6th grade was the last time. It's so good to be under the 200's. Took a long time but worth it . And speaking of pizza, I can eat the cheese and meat all day slowly of course but the bread is still taking a while for me to handle. Anyways congrats and keep up the good work. Before surgery. I'm in the blue of course Just this past July 4th. And I'm in the white

    Amazing!!!! I can't wait to be under 200!!! It's getting so close! I'm at 205 right now:):) the last time I was under 200 was probably 8th grade as well:):)

    I have my 3 month follow up on the 30th of this month to see how I am doing..so far I am down 59lbs!

    I have been CRAVING pizza but I'm having the hardest time eating. I got sick and was on antibiotics for a week and since they were liquid it was hard for me to eat...so I think I actually shrunk my pouch a little. I ate 3 bites of chicken and ended up throwing it up:(

  2. I'm so glad to see that everyone is doing so well:) it makes me happy to see everyone else's success as well:):) I know it's soon to post another progress side by side but I was going through old pictures and found one of me from November of last year and I can't believe the change!!!! I am currently at 208 and I was 264-265 in the left picture


  3. I'm actually down 50lbs also!!! What is your diet like? Still having trouble with solids.

    YAY!! Congrats to you!!! I have good days and bad, I stick to soft foods mainly simply because I'm tired of throwing up:( Soups a lot...but I eat a lot of fish (salmon or tuna usually) I can comfortably eat a 2oz piece of grilled or baked fish and I know this is REALLY bad but tortilla chips, crackers are easy too. I was told ground beef would be ok but I can't seem to get mine at home to be soft enough because I but 93/7 so I tried a crunchy Taco Bell taco someone bought me at work and I was able to eat a little more than half NO PROBLEM. I just wish I could get my meat like that at home:/ I never liked fast food in the first place. chicken is the hardest for me to do..

  4. I've been experiencing a great deal of stomach pain and burning. I'm almost 7 weeks post op. I was doing fine. But now my appetite has decreased and this pain and burning is giving me the blues. Any suggestions?

    Have you talked to your doctor?? I don't think burning is normal:/ just call and see what he/she says.

    Decrease in appetite? Tell me about it. I had to have an abscess lanced and drained 2 weeks ago and I was on antibiotics, pain meds and anti inflammatory meds (which are all liquid because I still can't take pills. So in the morning...2 oz of Vitamins, 20 ml of antibiotics, 20 ml of liquid ibuprofen then the same in the evening plus 15 ml of pain meds. Because of the placement of the abscess, my doctor was afraid of infection and it hurt so bad for days...but anyhow because of all that liquid medicine, and having to drink a lot of Water on top of the antibiotic (as required) I just felt full and queezy all day:/

  5. I'm not sure that's how this went, and I can't find the right part of thread where everyone was talking about it, but there was a woman on this forum that ended up with fatal complications after she had to be opened up during her surgery and got her gallbladder taken out at the same time. Her complications costed her her life:( it's best to listen to your doctor. Gastric bypass is considered a major surgery and you need to heal, if your gallbladder causes you problems later, then you can get it removed. The surgeon that removed my gallbladder told me that a lot of people have stones and don't know it. Mine was like gravel in mine...that's why I had the pains I had.

  6. I had my gallbladder removed feb of last year. You do NOT want a gallbladder attack. I describe it as worse than labor pains! I had a gallstone get stuck in my bile duct and created a blockage it hurt so bad I could barely breathe! I had to have my mom pick up me and my 5 month old daughter at 5am and take me to the ER. After the ultrasound showed a blockage, they admitted me immediately for emergency surgery. In the hospital for 5 days:/

    I am glad I got it out over a year before my WLS. One of the first questions my surgeon asked was if I still had it. Said patients usually end up losing it soon after WLS.

  7. Sweetnel is right! No matter how much you try to prepare yourself, everyone is different. I am 7 1/2 weeks post op and have lost 41lbs so far. Yes you are going to have trouble eating, drinking, getting in all your nutrients but just make sure to listen to your doctor and take your vitamins!!! My joint pain has improved greatly and I am no longer having BP issues. I have a check up next week to see about my blood sugar and I'm hoping I'm out of the woods on that. I was never diagnosed diabetic, but I was told I was at risk of PRE diabetes (what ever that means). Of course it's all still new so I am still learning what I can and can't eat and actually just threw up because I was playing with my daughter and didn't chew like I know I am supposed to and it got stuck. You will learn your body and what you can and CANT do. It really is a lifestyle change and one that I never knew how unprepared I was but I wouldn't take it back for ANYTHING. I am so glad I had my surgery.

  8. I am using the timer on my phone. It serves a couple of purposes. I am taking a bite every minute for at least 25 minutes. Sometimes it takes more than 25 minutes to finish my 2 oz of protein/2 oz of fruit or veggie. But at one bite per minute I don't eat too fast. Then I can also tell when my 30 minutes is up and it's time to drink. I also leave the timer running so I can see when my 5 hours is nearing and I can stop drinking and prepare my next meal. I'm on a 3 meal no Snacks plan.

    That's very precise!!! I have learned at home or work I can take my time because I'm always working at my desk while eating and at home I am tending to my daughter, but sitting down just eating....that's when I run into problems....BC the reason for sitting down is to eat...I am a little nervous because I have a lunch date Saturday and I'm not ready to share the news about why I eat the way I do....:/

  9. Thats so good Jess!!! I eat crackers but I have not tried nuts or Protein bars or salad!! I can't wait to try salad!!! I've been eating loads of watermelon and grapes.. I can eat chicken, tuna, and salmon. I eat a lot of chili. Before this surgery I used to love eggs, but now they don't taste good.. I also have a problem with eating too fast, it doesn't hurt but I just feel that it's too fast. And I totally hate not drinking when I eat. I am grateful for the surgery because I know I could not have done this without it, but it is really hard especially emotionally!!! But I keep praying and keep going! Have a wonderful day!

    I feel the same way about eggs!! They don't taste as goo as they used to. I'm going to get some beaters and try an omelette in the morning. I have to go REALLY slow with the salad because I'm afraid I can't chew the lettuce as good as I need to.

    I had a bad problem with eating too fast. If I do, I throw up within minutes:/ that's what I am workin on getting used to. Mmmm chili sounds so good:)

  10. That's awesome Jess!! You are doing great and you look great!! I'm proud of your success!!! My weight loss is a little slower than yours but I'm so proud of all of us!! It has been a struggle and some days are better than others!! I'm still not 100% glad I had the surgery, but it's much better than it used to be. What kind of things have you been eating?

    Thank you so much! I am proud of ALL of us:) no worries I'm still not 100% happy yet either:/ I fight with eating everyday!! The same things that work one day, don't work the next:/ I am severly bummed that I can't eat chicken.< /p>

    What am I eating? I don't have like a standard plan, I keep thinks at work that go down easy for me like crackers, nuts, Protein bars...and that's usually what I eat through out the day. At dinner I can eat practically any type of food, it just varies on how much of it I can eat. I can eat fish, but no shrimp, I can eat brisket but no chicken:/ my friends dad made Breakfast tacos one day and I actually had a few bites of it like a normal person. They were small bites and lots of time between them. I have eaten salad, salmon, mashed potatoes, sweet potato, lunch meat and cheese, grits, crackers and cheese, canned fruits, I shared a grilled cheese with my 2 year old today for her lunch (she ate 3/4ths of it) and I'm planning on making us a low cal flat bread pizza for dinner tonight:) I can also eat barbacoa (the cheek meat only) and crawfish....YAY but I usually only can have a few bites of anything:/

  11. Congrats to EVERYONE!!!! We are all doing so well:):)

    I officially hit my 40lb loss mark and currently weigh 224.2!! When I started I was 264!!! My surgery was 4/23...downside is that none of my clothes fit and I feel like I am stalling...my weight has been fluctuating by 3-4 lbs for about a week now when I was losing 1-2lbs per day:/

    My pouch is the weirdest thing to get used to...everything my NUT told me that I would do well with I yack up and things like nuts, straws, grains and cheeses (even melted) go down NO PROBLEM. I can't seem to eat much chicken at all, no matter how it's cooked:/ 1 or 2 bites and I am uncomfortably full:/ but on the other hand, my mom slow cooked a brisket on Memorial Day and I ate about half a slice (probably 1-2oz) with A1 and a tbs of light mashed potato salad. The brisket practically melted in my mouth though. Also, I find it much easier to drink with a straw and my doctor told me that I could:)

    I just don't want to get depressed about my loss slowing down, and that's starting to REALLY get to me:/ I am attaching a picture of my self taken the day of the surgery and the next one was taken just a couple days ago:)



  12. Hey lady! Glad you're making such great progress!!!! Congrats! I don't think it's weird. If I understand correctly, the issue with the straw was taking in extra air which can be not only uncomfortable, but even painful. Did it once. Didn't work so well for me.

    Thank you so much!!! I feel like I am at a stall with my weight loss for the past couple of days:/

    Well it's not painful or uncomfortable using a straw, I actually prefer it so I'm just going to continue using one:):)

  13. Jess you seem like an excellent cook!!

    Thank you:) I love to cook. What I made for my lunch one day was I grilled some chicken tenders for my daughter....took 1 1/2 and cubed them, put them in the food processor with some lemon juice, a spoonful of avocado, lemon pepper and hit the button a few times....instant lunch and dinner...it was light but filling and tasted really good not to mention, it was pureed enough to go down really nicely

  14. I am so glad that nothing major happened to you

    Thank you sweetheart! Me too, I was so afraid:( i feel a little better today and even shared a serving of mashed potatoes with my daughter for my dinner (we couldn't share her chicken lol.

    BTW, I read a lot of you guys talking about drinking Gatorade for hydration, my doctor told me not too because there is too much sodium and will cause me to retain Water. He instructed me to drink pedialite instead. Just thought I'd share.

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