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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by HelenaMarie83

  1. I never expected it to be such an emotional experience for me. As I lay in the truck sobbing, I finally understood how I had been treating myself. I had gorged myself my whole life on disgusting junk food and while, for the most part, I never felt that way before, I could see the toll it had forced my body to pay. I'm fat, I have gallstones, my knees hurt, and the depression that I have experienced has been truly profound. I feel so sorry for this beautiful girl whom I repeatedly abused with fast food, sweets, and emotional eating. Instead of loving myself, I loved food. Instead of bring my own friend, I confided in French fries and burgers. When I had accomplished something in my life, food was there to give me a greasy high five. What a horrible frenemy food became. As I "rewarded" myself with food, food was digging a deeper (and wider) grave. I am ready for this life saving operation. I can't wait till my body reflects all these changes I've been making. I'm grateful and blessed to have MexicanGirl to go through it with me.
  2. HelenaMarie83

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Went on vacation over the weekend and ate a couple things I shouldn't have trying to stay awake. I didn't go crazy or anything, but it did worry me. I weighed in at my last pre-op appointment today and I've still managed to lose 5 pounds this weekend!
  3. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Todayis my last pre-op appointment!! Omg! June 16th is 19 days away!!!!!!!!
  4. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Less than 3 weeks!!!
  5. HelenaMarie83

    June 2014 Dates!?

    My pre-op liquid diet is only 2 days prior, I have been on a pre-op diet prescribed by my nutritionist of balanced meals, 1200 calories and carefully measured portions to lose the 15 pounds required by my surgeon. So far, I've lost 27 pounds. I'm grateful for my pre-op diet because I feel like I will be that much more prepared after surgery. The only thing I'll have to change diet-wise at this point once I'm back on solid foods is portions. I'm so excited. 20 days to go!
  6. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    I'm bringing some biotene spray because I heard my mouth with feel super dry. Also some baby wipes and dry shampoo so I don't feel gross. I'm also bringing earplugs in case the surrounding noises bother me and an extension cord so I can plug in my phone and not have to reach far to get it.
  7. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Dcostella, how was your process? I'm curious to know what the difference is between the kaiser, sutter, and UC Davis programs.
  8. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Yup, Sacramento! Mexicangirl and I went to our pre-op class today. LOTS of info! This is getting real!
  9. To revise a sleeve into a bypass, at that point it's more of a duodenal switch which is a much more malabsorbtive procedure than the RNY, and from what my surgeon said, is almost never done unless in very special circumstances. I was concerned with absorption too, which is why I initially went with the sleeve, but after deciding to switch to RNY, I found that the sleeve also causes malabsorption and there is no difference in the amount of vitamin supplements you have to take between the sleeve and RNY. They key is to take them they way they're advised, if you do that, you should be fine.
  10. Thankyou. She and I have always lived a couple miles apart, but when we started this process, I actually moved in with her to make it even easier, so now I'm just down the hall. It makes it easier, living with someone who eats the same way and is trying to achieve the same goal. Strength in numbers! We have our pre-op nutrition class tomorrow morning. I can't wait!!
  11. HelenaMarie83

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Only 1 month away! Aaaaahhh!!
  12. I don't think I could have done it without her! When we asked to be scheduled together, they said that I would be near impossible to do so, especially because we requested June 16th, but she checked anyways and our open spots were right there. We took that as a sign, for sure!
  13. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Caffeine is really harmful to your pouch. It can errode your new pouch and cause life threatening ulcers if unchecked. You should have heard everyone in my orientation class groan with dread when our NUT. said no more caffeine, ever!
  14. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    I cut out caffeine the day I met my surgeon. It was NOT easy!
  15. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    MexicanGirl is all about the plastic and I like fancier glass, so it really excited me when we found these adorable little expresso cups at IKEA. It came in a 2 pack so we each have one. I can't wait to feel fancy drinking my broth!
  16. MexicanGirl and I are cousins and we are doing this together....same June 16tg date And everything. When we first started, we were dead set on the sleeve...we wouldn't even consider RNY, but the more research we did, the more it made sense. What clinched it for me/us is our friend who got the sleeve in October. Everytime we saw her, she was eating/drinking something she wasn't supposed to. In one night we saw her eat a hot dog wrapped in a tortilla with mayo, chocolate milk and Reese's Peanut Butter cups, then have to go throw up because her sleeve was too full, then come back and eat 2 bowls of Cereal and some chips. She was eating everything bad, and didn't have to fear dumping syndrome. She claims that when she eats that way, she loses more weight. She's still losing, but it's very slow. We decided that we couldn't do that and we needed the threat of dumping to at least scare us out of eating bad food. Also, my Dad died because of diabetes and I'll be damned if I'm going to let my kids bury me too early too. I am so happy with my decision to switch to the RNY. MexicanGirl and I keep each other on the straight and narrow and when things get too tough, we say "June 16th" like a mantra. Healthy life, here we come!
  17. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    They're gonna hate us at that hospital. It's gonna be mayhem and tomfoolery the minute we start walking around post-op. Can't wait to do this with you! <3
  18. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Do you go to the support groups? I find them very helpful. I will definitely keep going.
  19. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Yay! That's so exciting!!!!
  20. HelenaMarie83

    June 2014 Dates!?

    Don't let it get ya down. Just climb on back up, you're doing great.
  21. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    That's so exciting!
  22. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Ladies, June 16th is gonna be a great day!
  23. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    I started on March 26th, it would have been sooner, but I was waiting to get on a health insurance plan. Sarah and Tracy and Dr.Kang at south Sac bariatric all said I'm way ahead of most people I started with. I could have the surgery sooner, like in the next couple weeks, but I said I needed more time to prepare my house and job.
  24. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    Yes, it's the 12 week class, but they made it so you can come in at any time.
  25. HelenaMarie83

    June 16th!

    I love Dr. Grinberg! I'm excited for you! Have you attended any of the mindful eating classes? I'm going to my first one next week.

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