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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Buffer

  1. Buffer

    pouch reset

    I am looking for parters for a Pouch Reset. Anyone what to do it together to inspire and hold accountable to keep it off.
  2. Buffer

    PAIN! WTF!?

    Please take a deep breath. I am almost 4 years out and my hair fell out the same way. It is your body going into shock. Mine came back when my weightloss slowed and plateaued. Then there was a horrible regrowth. Little hairs kind of curly in my straight hair first sticking out the top of my head. Then took about a year for my hair not to have fuzzy regrowth, but believe me......It will come back. Trust it. It is part of the deal. If you can make it through the choice to have surgery, do what it took to get it done and wait through the part that takes patience, you can make it through anything!!!
  3. Buffer

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Melissa, I am in the same situtation. I had my surgery October 8, 2014 and I am really struggling. I never reached my goal weight although I was close. I was content for a year at the same exact weight then out of no where I have gained 15 pounds. I don't think I am doing anything different. I got to travel this winter and was miserable because I couldn't enjoy the food as if it were pre-surgery. I was so disappointed to be able to have this opportunity and I can still only have a taste of things. The thought that I have to stay on a low calorie life to maintain is beyond me. Why? Why would not portion control be enough. Now that I have done my whining, I have started the pre-surgery diet for two weeks. shakes, applesauce and Soup. If that doesn't get rid of the 15 pounds I don't know what else to do. I was walking 3 miles a day but the weather has prevented that in the last couple of months. Maybe that is all it is. I will fight on, because I made this choice and it will not be for nothing.
  4. Buffer

    help I'm up 13 pounds

    I am so right there with you. I am two years out as of October 8th. I never reached my goal but I stayed at 160 for a entire year. I am up to 175 as of today. I am a wreck. I really don't know what I have done that is so dramatic to gain so much weight in such a short amount of time. I am going back to the pre-surgery shakes for two weeks.
  5. Buffer

    Clean eating/exercise no loss...

    Inner Surfer Girl, I am getting about 50 oz of Water a day, not including my Protein shakes. I am also usually above 70 grams a day. I am just at a loss, losing my hair in chunks.
  6. Buffer

    Clean eating/exercise no loss...

    I just don't know about the "Calories In fat out" thought process. I had the sleeve on October 8th. I track everything I eat. I eat approximately 800 calories a day on average and I walk 4 miles a day at least 5 days a week but often 7 days a week. I am only losing a pound a week since before Christmas. Daily menu; Grande Latte with non fat milk Protein shake with unsweetened Almond Milk and 24 grms of protein. Greek Yogurt 2 oz of chicken, roasted veggies or salad. If I am feeling low I will have a 1/4 of rice . I can also have occasionally a afternoon Latte. That's it. It just doesn't make sense. I need guidance. I feel sad and depressed that I am giving up so much. Do I have to live like this in maintenance for the rest of my life? If I do , it just doesn't feel worth it. Thank you for letting me vent.
  7. Buffer

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    Thank you!!!
  8. Buffer

    October 2014 sleevers check in please!

    October Sleevers, I need help!!!! I am not losing correctly. I am so frustrated and falling apart emotionally. I had surgery October 8th. I will be 6 weeks on Wednesday. I weighed 250 on the day of my surgery. Today I am 229 and I gained 2 pounds in the last 2 days. I have lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks and I had a 3 week stall. I lost 3 pounds after the stall. I could do better on Atkins on my own. I track every calorie down to the what I use to cook with, which at this point is not much. I have a hard time getting my shakes down let alone my Water. I am getting about 50 grams of Protein from shakes. I can't seem to eat any solid protein without a lot of pain. I can get at the most 32 oz of water a day. I am trying to force 500-650 calories a day. I walk every day. 10,000 steps and I work out 3 days a week in another type of exercise. I have tried to increase my calories by eating healthy fats like avocado and cheese. Nothing has changed. Any ideas?
  9. Yes!!!! it happens to me. I went to the doctor and said that the stomach is now close to the back and the contractions of the stomach are spamming the back. mine has gotten better over time. I had my surgery one month ago.
  10. ITs Jessica, I was sleeved Oct 8th and I am stalled too. I haven't lost any weight in 12 days. I lost 12 pounds from the date of my surgery until it just stopped. I walk everyday on the treadmill, I track everything I eat. I can barely get 400 calories down in a day. I added avocado to help increase my calories and high fat meats but I can only eat about a quarter cup at a time. It is pathetic that I am complaining about this. I would die 6 months ago not to be hungry all day. I was eating healthy mostly for the last couple of years and this is the battle I faced, but heck I could have lost it faster on my own.!!!!! I feel your pain. I hope everyone is right when they say be patient it will come off. I read the forums and some are "I lost 64 pounds in 4 months, I eat regular food just not a lot and I don't exercise much." That's what I hoped for. I am sorry you are going through it too but I am happy I am not alone.
  11. Buffer

    October Surgery Date

    AHAHaHHAHAHAH!!! Day 12 of no weight loss!!! I had my surgery on the 8th, I haven't had more than 400 calories a day. My doctor said I am producing too much coritsol. AHAHAHAHAH!!!! Thank you for letting me vent.
  12. Buffer

    Sleeved on 8h October 2014

    I did too! How are you feeling? Did everything go as planned? I haven't lost any weight in 12 days. I am super frustrated. Can't eat more than 400 calories a day.
  13. Buffer

    October Surgery Date

    Me too. I haven't told anyone of my family members. Only my husband , 2 kids and my best friend. I see my entire family for the first time in more than a year next Sunday, if they ask I will tell them then. My mother will be the death of me. She is a size 2 all of her adult life and just cant understand why I would let me self get this way.
  14. Buffer

    October Surgery Date

    I had surgery on wed the 8th. So frustrated.????
  15. Buffer

    October Surgery Date

    Good job amilynn. . I'm sure that was hard.
  16. Buffer

    October Surgery Date

    OMG!!!!! I Gained 2 pounds today!!! This is ridicuous. I can barely get 500 calories in yesterday and I forced that. 10 days out.
  17. Wow sounds like you could have done that kerosine on your own with weight loss surgery and lose that kind of weight. It is certainly a favorable way to meet consistent numbers. While in ketosis you are burning fat for energy. So if in ketosis then always burning fat. I'm sorry . I have been there and done that. It makes your mouth taste like metal. Worthers makes a great sugar free candy that can help with a treat and a change. Good luck. ????
  18. Buffer

    OCTOBER 2014

    Is anyone of our October sleepers able to drink more normally? I am having a hard time getting all my Fluid down . It is just so slow. I'm at a 5 day stall and can only get about 300 calories in. Anyone else?????
  19. Buffer

    Sleeved on 10/13/14

    Yes. The right hand corner is where they pull the remainder of your stomach out. It is the biggest incision. They also have to stitch your muscles together to prevent a future hernia. Mine took about 6 days before it felt good. Feels like an uncomfortable bruise. Btw... The cinch around your waist really helps.
  20. That is fantastic. I had mine on 10/8 and I'm still having trouble getting water down.

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