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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sofi_sunshine

  1. I used to harp on about fat acceptance, fat shaming and loving your body no matter what. Then when I couldn't run, was constantly hungry while constantly eating and nodding off at work because of sleep apnea I would wonder if maybe I was telling myself that to justify some bad, BAD choices.

    Then I got sleeved and everything changed.
    If you genuinely love yourself and you're morbidly obese, good for you.
    If you want to change, good for you.
    If you've ALREADY changed, good for you.

    The only thing I can't tolerate now is that idea that fat people are somehow weak or feeble. Couldn't be further from the truth because most of us are carrying so much more than we need to (physically and emotionally), so we're anything BUT weak.

  2. I agree that it's just a tool and in my case, one HELLUVA expensive tool because I'm paying for most of it. But that's the trade off.

    That's why I'm planning to doing everything to change my sleeve from a mere tool a catalyst. For me its a line not in the sand but in rock, so there's a clear before and after from the person that I was to the one I will become.

    You have to want it and I want it bad.

  3. Tomorrow is my three month sleeversary and I want to list the things I love about the sleeve:

    Controlling what I eat, instead of it controlling me

    Smaller clothes! Although this is ongoing and every changing

    Knowing my limit in terms of eating and feeling satisfied thanks to sleeve

    All glory to the sleeve LOL

    Also I want to know how many other sleevers had multiple attempts at changing their life through the corporate liars I call Weight Watchers. I have spent so much money and time with them and it was all for naught, please tell mesomeone else has had this experience.

  4. Just structure wise you could organize it into physical limitations and social limitations. Physical is everything in yourself that we chubbers can't or couldn't do. Social limitations is how our weight is a barrier to participating fully in life, like the seats being too small, weight limits, flying in a plane, wearing plus size clothes etc.

    I'm an English teacher, so despite the run on sentence I literally just used, I know a bit about essays.

  5. You've lost so much weight.... I have the same fear as you but I've lost significantly less. And, like you, I seem to be an emotional eater as well.
    Also, it doesn't matter how many people tell me I've changed and "good for you"- that all goes out the window if there's chocolate or sweets nearby. It makes me really doubt long I will keep losing.
    I can really relate to what you're saying.


  6. This will pass! It's ok! Don't regret the surgery, I was still really week about 2 weeks after my surgery! It was a month ago now and I'm feeling stronger every day! This is probably just a bad patch! You need to hang in there, even though I know how hard that is right now. Are you still really bloated?

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