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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Ageekygal

  1. I got my pre-op food plan and I do not have to have a liquid diet except for the day before surgery!

    I have a special food plan which is 3 meals and 2 Snacks a day with 1 or 2 snacks (or breakfast) should be a Protein Shake with skim milk and even certain fruits added like 1/2 cup strawberries! You do need to have 4oz. Of fish or 3 oz. of chicken or 4-5 oz. of tofu or Protein meat substitute (in case you are vegan) in at least 1 meal. I am soooo happy! Meals can include things like 1/2cup black bean Soup, 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese or ricotta cheese and all the non starchy veggies I want!

    I wonder if they want you to be in good shape and not feel starving when you have surgery so you will feel and heal better? All I know is I am grateful!

    My last labs, ECG and pre-op class is this Tuesday. I will bring some organic soup labels to see if any are acceptable as they say 1/2 cup soup in the plan. I'll keep you posted on that!

  2. OMG, OMG, OMG!! Got approval from my insurance and got all my pre-op and post-op appointments. Surgery date is Nov. 17!! So excited but also nervous! Any buddies for that date?? I need buddies!

    I also was told I won't need to be on a liquid diet for weeks but I will be on a speciall meal plan and liquids the day before. I'll find out for sure during my class on this Tues. Changes on the horizon!

  3. I fear the liquid only diet. I know it's happening soon for me but we have to do what we have to do to make us healthier. As for Crystal Light or any sugarless drink or food I get bad headaches from the fake sugars so they are out for me. I do like Water though and it's what I drink normally as I gave up soda many years ago. I do have a cup of Decaf in the morning and occasionally tea (decaf is fine) and even rarer--a hot cocoa.

  4. JazzyRing did you get off caffiene before your pre -op diet? Could it be a caffiene headache? Maybe try drinking some Water? Honestly, I am dreading my pre-op liquid diet but I slowly weaned off caffiene over the last few months so I wouldn't get more headaches--I already get Migraines a few times a month. I can't have sugar free Jello as the fake sugars giveme headaches. I will ask my NUT if I can have normal jello or make it with a little extra water.

  5. Honestly, if you get to have monthly classes with a nutritionist, psychologist and physical therapist plus a one on one with each and a monthly chat with the Nurse Practioner--all who specialize in baritric patients--then the cost is worth it. We need their expertise to succeed and this is a serious, yet elective surgery. My program is 6 months and is great! My total out of pocket cost for the classes, one on one visits, surgery and hospitalization is $2,000. Insurance covers the rest. They continue support classes afterwards and want you to continue a long term relationship with the baritric center. Even my surgeon told me will be working together for years to be sure I succeed.

  6. The EGD is not painful as its done while you are asleep. You also don't remember it due to the drugs they give you. Of course you need to have an IV put in but my IV nurse was fantastic and that didn't hurt. The only nuisance was having to not eat or drink for 8 hours prior and to take the day off work so you can spend the rest of the day at home sleeping. I was so sleepy that once my hubby took me home he elected to take the rest of the day off to be sure I was OK. I actually slept until the next morning when my alarm went off and I got home from the procedure at 3:30 pm. I was still a bit "out of it" until about 6 PM the next day!

  7. Congratulations Watson! My insurance is submitted and I am on pins and needles waiting!! There should t be any issues getting approval with my insurance and I have completed and passed everything and did my last class. I am wanting NOVEMBER TOO!! I want to be in the November club as well and want a buddy for moral and physiological support!!

  8. Like deana I was in such great shape and could choke a person with my muscle dense thighs (jogged, rode my horse 5 days a week, etc.), LOL. That was until I got a terrible pain disorder and had to take medications such as neurontin and similar meds. I also was on anti-anxiety and depression meds which are also notorious for weight gain. I was put on depression meds in my late twenties and that was when I became "overweight." I was still very active and amazingly looked good too. By my mid thirties when I was put on neurontin for trigeminal neuralgia I got to an obese BMI. It's got worse as high doses steroids where added to my drugs and I gained nearly 80 lbs. in 6 months, became cushionoid and nearly died. Two brain surgeries later and I finally was in remission and easily lost 30 lbs as I was weaned off the steroids. It stopped there and I am still battling the bulge ten years later. The sleeve is a tool I have been looking for. I don't expect to maintain a weight of 120 lbs., I am looking for a decent 150lbs. and at that weight I was a force to be reckoned with and very active.

  9. I agree, we have to be our own advocate and do our diligence. I don't have this issue but I am experienced at medical research for unusual problems. My mom was told she would be in a wheelchair for life and could bleed to death due to the close proximity of her misaligned bone to a major vessel by SEVERAL board certified specialists. Being a scientist I knew something could theoretically be done and researched the subject and especially surgeons who specialize in difficult orthopedic procedures. I found an excellent, well-respected surgeon in NY and set up an exam. Mom walks just fine today and is no longer under the stress of bleeding out due to this problem. She was the 13th person in the US to have the surgery (lucky 13!).

  10. I had my EGD and then my last class (other than the pre-op class as its done once your insurance is approved). The program I am in does it in order. I am at that stage and waiting for insurance approval now.

    I believe having the EGD first is because if you have any issues with your EGD then you would have to wait on surgery until the problem is resolved and then would have to re-submit for your surgery approval. It makes sense on all levels to do it that way so I wonder how your co-workers had surgery approval first? It seems counter productive and a waste of everyone's time. They would have had to have the EGD be acceptable in order to have the surgery in any case so it really doesn't matter but it seems to be the cart before then horse so to speak.

  11. I just finished the required 6 month program (classes and one on one appointments). The are submitting my insurance now so about 2 weeks to hear back and then schedule surgery and pre-op class. They said my insurance usually OKs the surgery without issue at this point so I hope no problems there. All my tests are done and cleared. I am getting nervous but excited too!! They said most likely I'll have my surgery in November---next month--YIKES!! Glad to have surgery "buddies" even if it's on the computer! Oh, I am in Oregon!

  12. I love this thread as I am in the same boat! I just finished a 6 month program and tests and now waiting the 2 weeks for insurance approval. I will have a pre-op class a week or so before the surgery. Yikes!!

    My big fears are many--just having liquid shakes for weeks worries me as I do not like most of them and cannot have any of the "fake" sugars. I found one that is tolerable but none taste good. I just tried an unflavored one in Soup today and it was tolerable but I only added half a teaspoon.

    I also worry about complications, pain and really worry whether I can get my MEDS down. I will have to take my normal 6 pills, cut them in half and swallow (do this twice a day) a capsule and my Vitamins. I cannot miss my pills as I have a pain disorder. How will I get all that down the first week!? Sheesh.

    I may be nervous about many things but I am also very excited too! I can't believe I let the summer go by without separating my clothes by sizes. I have to start that. I am trying hard to look past the surgery part and trying to think of what I need to do at a month, two months and 6 months later to get me through some of the anxiety.

    I know I am just doing it, biting the bullet and praying.

  13. I am getting nervous. Went to my last class on Wed. and my endoscopy came OK. So now just waiting for the OK from my insurance and that can take 2 weeks. I want a support group close enough to go to so I can keep up the momentum. I think a library (as mentioned by another poster) may be a good idea and there is one in Cedar Mill area by Bales Thriftway.

  14. With a strong science background I believe this has merit as well. There is a host of things the good bacteria in our gut is responsible for. I would have it done! I wouldn't get it from my hubby though as he is 6'2" and still has a twenty pound monkey on his back and he works very hard to keep his weight where it is. He cycles over 6,000 miles a year,does spin classes and in winter he takes core strengthening classes. For someone his height it's not as serous as it is for someone my height--4'11".

  15. I work at Legacy Emanuel Hopsital so I can see if they have a place for us to use free. It's located in North Portland and easy to get to from my side of town (I live in Beaverton).

    Since bariatric surgery is done at one of Legacy's other Hospitals (Good Samaritan) they may be more amenable with a group there. There are several staff members who have had the surgery too. I know they have pregnancy meetings all the time but they are run by one of their staff. I have not had my surgery yet (will be late Oct or Nov.) so will see what they think.

  16. We adore our fur kids!! We currently have a Belgian Malinios who was a explosive detection and patrol MWD in the US Air-Force. She was injured when she was barley two years of age so we had surgery done on her knee and she is normal! She is nine years old now and can run rings around most three year old dogs, LOL! We have a rescued corgi who is four and a seven year old kitty we adopted two years ago. We adore them all and they keep our home lively :)




  17. They worry about dehydration from coffee especially right after surgery as it is a diuretic. You have a hard time getting in your fluids right after surgery and they want you to be well hydrated. It is also a appetite enhancer and often a trigger by itself for many folks to eat. <br><br> It is acidic which they want to avoid for your newly healing stomach as well. I am on the six month program and am slowly weaning myself off caffeinated coffee to hopefully avoid the headache from giving it up as I get Migraines and/or bad headaches few times a month already ( I am a coffee snob too and drink Gevalia I have been for 25 years as I used to have it delivered). I don't drink soda at all so no issue giving up caffeine that way :)

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