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Posts posted by MammaMac

  1. I went out with two other couples and my husband (my husband is the only one who knows). I are slowly and talked a lot and when I was done, I just passed my plate to the waiter while everyone else was chatting away.

    It's harder with just one person because they can tell. My sister got on me about not eating... It's weird how I now look at what I eat as being a normal portion and everyone else eats a LOT.

    My advice? Order something like a big mixed salad. Then you can eat the Protein bits out, some veggies and move the rest around on your plate while you chat. Then pass your plate to the waiter when he comes to ask how you're doing. If she isn't paying attention, it'll be too late to see how much is left on your plate.


  2. I had my first glass of wine 2 months post op. I was terrified. I didn't know if it would make me sick or mega drunk and since no one really knew about my surgery, I didn't want either to happen.

    I cannot drink as quickly as I could preop so a glass of wine takes me awhile but I am not one of those that gets buzzed off of a glass either. I could drink almost a bottle preop before I got a buzz but I can't handle that capacity now. A glass or two on occasion for me is nice :-)


  3. Right after surgery, I weighed daily. It became an obsession. I would be so upset when it didn't move or when it move up a few ounces.

    Now I am a weekly weigher. I weigh in on Tuesday mornings. I find I like this much more. The scale almost always moves down a little (and sometimes a lot!) and I don't focus so much on the weight loss.

    One of the reasons I had my surgery was so I could stop obsessing over my weight. I know I'm losing, I don't have to track every lost ounce :-)


  4. I got married last weekend and we were there for four days with friends and family (almost none of whom know about my surgery). I took a small "desk" blender with me and I had Protein Drinks at least once a day. Other than that I tried to eat my Protein first. I did drink wine throughout the weekend *carefully*. Did I snack? Yes. Did I have a small piece of my wedding cake? Yes. Was I perfect during my four days? No way. But I was careful and I did pay attention :-) have a wonderful time!


  5. I got married last weekend and one of the things I was worried about what not being able to have a drink. My surgery was 4/23.

    I sipped several glasses of wine throughout the weekend and never even copped a buzz. I was so shocked since the general consensus seems to be that your tolerance will be very low.

    I drink very rarely, but it's nice to know that when I do, I won't be falling down drunk from a glass of wine :-)


  6. My surgery was 4/23. I get mega nauseous when I drink water... And a few other times through out the day for what I thought was no reason. Turns out, I'm hungry. I had no idea because I can't tell anymore. I am not on a strict eating schedule by my doc/nut so I'm learning my new stomach. I wake up nauseous many mornings and as soon as I start my Protein Shake, I start feeling better. I usually try and have some eggs and Beans while I drink my shake (over about 2/3 hours). Around 11:30, nauseous again. Lunchtime. If I drink Water during this time, it's like it makes my stomach mad. Like "hey I want food!" Lol when I get home from work, nauseous.

    My point is I get nauseous when I haven't eaten. Or if I try to have water instead of food.

    We're all different though ;-)


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