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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nanny'shappy

  1. Nanny'shappy

    4 weeks post op!

    Great job! I'm so proud of you! My surgery is a week from Friday and I'm so excited! Can't wait for the new chapter in my life!!! Thanks for sharing your results so far!
  2. Nanny'shappy

    Feelin' Stronger Everyday!

    Congratulations!!! So glad to hear the good news! Keep up the great work and keep us posted!
  3. Nanny'shappy

    family support

    My family are supportive of me, but very scared of the surgery. I can't wait to get the surgery over with....as much for their sake as mine. Then they can see that all is ok...and the decision to have surgery is substantiated. Bless your heart. I know it must be agonizing worrying about your family...but follow your heart and I'm sure all will be ok. Hang in there.
  4. Nanny'shappy

    Learning to reach out for support

    Hi Michelle! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! on your results so far! That's wonderful! I, too, have chosen to keep my surgery "quiet" and only a small group of family and co-workers know about it. My surgery is a week from Friday. I'm very excited to start this new chapter of my life! How are you doing since your surgery? You mentioned your weight loss numbers, but how are you doing physically and emotionally? Any problems or comments you wish to share? We'd sure love to hear from you! Thanks!
  5. Nanny'shappy

    Taking pills/vitamins?

    My doctor told me to take chewable or liquid Vitamins up to 6 weeks after surgery. I found all I needed...a couple at my local pharmacy (CVS), but the best selection was on Amazon. They have everything from liquid to chewable vitamins. I am supposed to take Iron, Calcium, Vitamin d, B12, 2 multivitamins per day and potassium. Hope this helps!
  6. Nanny'shappy

    Psych evaluation in the morning

    My psych eval was Monday. It was ok. It lasted 1 hour. The doctor and I just talked. He took a lot of notes....asked me about my life, starting from the beginning to now. Of course we also spoke about the surgery and what I expected it to do for me. I did the questionnaire prior to visiting him (he emailed it to me so I could have it done before the visit). Pretty simple. Shouldn't be anything to worry about! Good luck!
  7. Nanny'shappy

    One year out!

    Congratulations!!!! I'm so proud of you!!! My surgery is May 16 and I'm so excited to start a "new life". Thanks for sharing your story....you're a true inspiration!!!
  8. My surgery date is May 16, so I start my pre-op diet this Friday. My instructions are more of a Protein diet than a liquid diet. I must stay under 1200 calories per day. But those calories can be used with 4 protein shakes/bars with around 200 calories each (my choice how I want to alternate them), and one Lien Cuisine meal under 400 calories each. So, 4 Protein drinks or bars and one low calorie meal. Of course, lots and lots of Water too. I haven't started it yet, but I don't think it will be too bad. The protein drinks/bars don't usually taste real good, so I'll be looking forward to my Lien Cuisine meal more than ever! Good luck to you!!!
  9. Congratulations!!! I'm so proud of you! Not only have you already accomplished so much in a short time period, but your attitude seems to be so positive! I love hearing both the physical and mental/emotional improvements from having the sleeve surgery! Great job! And, thanks for sharing!
  10. Nanny'shappy

    Insurance approval

    Congratulations!!! I know you are SUPER excited!!!
  11. Nanny'shappy


    I am paying for the surgery myself too, and I believe it's the best investment possible. I will be saving money on actual obesity related health issues. But, more than that I will be living the rest of my life in "peace". I've tried so many weight loss plans and nothing has stuck. I'm so tired of putting so much mental and physical energy into something that bottoms out and does not "stick". It's very depressing. My surgery is $14,000 and I think it's so very much worth it to be able to live happier. They say money does not buy happiness....but in this situation I believe it does!!! Good luck to you!
  12. Nanny'shappy

    Things I won't miss...

    Thanks everyone for the incredibly detailed list of "things I won't miss..." Only those who have been there understand what it's like. My surgery date is May 16 and I CAN'T WAIT TO LIVE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!! I want to dress in beautiful, feminine clothes, that don't have an X in the size! I want to shop in the regular size sections of the department stores, and not ask where the "plus size" clothes are. It will be nice to shop for things that actually look good on me, instead of buying things that are the lesser of the evils. When a person is a smoker, the doctors label all health issues on the fact that they smoke. When a person is obese, the doctors label all health issues on the fact that they are overweight. I am so anxious to not be labeled as either. (quit smoking 10 years ago). These things, in addition to the same things other people listed above, are what keeps me focused on having the sleeve surgery. I can't imagine how wonderful life is about to become!!! I don't want special....I just want normal!
  13. Nanny'shappy

    I can cross my legs!

    Congratulations!!!! Only those who CAN'T cross their legs, or HAVEN'T been able to cross their legs knows what it's like!!!! Hoorraayyy!!! Great job!!!
  14. Nanny'shappy

    2 weeks band to sleeve update

    Congratulations!!! I'm so happy to hear your good news! It seems like a lot of comments are posted where the patient is NOT doing well or having problems, so it's nice to hear your positive experience too! I want to hear everyone's comments so I can be as informed as possible when my surgery date comes up. I'm so excited to begin this new chapter in my life!!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work! Your positive attitude will help get you through anything!!! Thanks!
  15. Hello everyone! I am just beginning the process for the sleeve surgery. I have Orientation this Friday. I already know my insurance will not pay, so I will be paying for the procedure myself. I figure it's ok to take money from my retirement account, so the rest of my life should be happier. So what if I have to work a few more years to make up the money I'm taking out of my account for the surgery!!! At least those years will be happier and healthier!!! Anyone know what time frame I'm looking at till I can have my surgery. No insurance requirements, just the normal tests, etc. the surgeon will do. Am I looking at 1 month, 2, 3??? When I make up my mind to do something...I want to get it done! I'm so excited to have a new beginning to my life! I'm 50 years old and I haven't been this excited about anything in a very long time. Any other "self-pays" know how long my wait time will be? Thanks!

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