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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ginaki

  1. SIMEGO, thanx, now im scared shitless, lol,, im gonna be extra good for the next 3 days, hopefully thats enough time to shrink my liver,,,omg,, im gonna die,,,
  2. getting banded on tuesday and my port will be put in between my boobies...lol..under my breast bone to be precise.......
  3. does anyone know if all those medical terms on blood test that have to do with the liver determine the size of ur liver also e.g Bilirubin , ALT, AST etc my bilirubin level is 9, the normal is below 25
  4. Thanx for the response Jacqui, i had bloodtest done a month ago and according to them my liver is in excellent condition, everything to do with the liver is below the normal range, heaps below,,, i just hope my little stuff ups dont lead to complications,,in 5 days we shall know!
  5. hi guys , im getting banded on the 30th toooooooo.. good luck to u both... its a countdown and before we now it the day will be here,,,the beginning our our new lives,, all the best and lets keep each other posted and support eachother.....
  6. Ginaki

    newly banded

    Good to hear, 6 days left and its my surgery :whoo:Cant wait! how are u coping on liquids?
  7. Ginaki

    Signatures....cute sayings?

    Fanny Adams beat me to it:clap2:
  8. Ginaki

    Signatures....cute sayings?

    HI, i started a thread not long ago titled Help!!!!How to get a ticker? its 3rd on the list of threads on page 1, hope its still there by the time u read this......... goodluck,,
  9. Ginaki

    Unfriendly Friends

    Thanx Jessica, I didnt get upset cause she said ill be a snob, cause this friend and i are very close,we spend every day together when our kids are at school.,, shes voiceing her concern, she is quite a character because prior to our msn chat she said i better not turn into a snob cause she will slap me to my senses,,,,she is excited for my transformation she cant wait till we share our clothes...... we will resolve this in the next few days, definetly,, we dont hold grudges....
  10. Ginaki

    Unfriendly Friends

    Im getting banded in 9 days and already had an argument with my best friend (on Msn)(i hate chatting to friends on msn, i always hget my self into trouble) about the changes that might happen after my weight loss..... She keeps saying im gonna become a snob and not want to talk to them all again (meaning the whole group, theres 5 of us) my response was treat me right and ill treat u all right....the conversation got a bit intense and because our friendship is constant lately hitting low but somehow we always bounce back to been really close, i proceeded to saying that the following year for me will also be a test for all my friendships, cause thats when im gonna need their support...its pretty easy to say u have friends but really guys ur friends show when u are at a time of need , and we shall see how many will run for me! i think i upset her, cause i went over to her place the next day(friday) and she seemed like she was crying all night, refused to talk to me about it, didnt hear from her yesterday and today i called her and she aint happy , i could tell in her tone of voice.... I was harsh, wasnt i? NO i wasnt it seems lately my bum chum gets upset with the other girls and takes it out on me! Thanx for listen to me guys, i needed to get that off my chest..........
  11. Ginaki is a gemini:bounce:
  12. HI,, 1KG = 2.2pounds therefore times ur kilos by 2.2 ...and to figure out your pounds to kilos Divide pounds by 2.2 so 96kgs = 211.20 pounds Im quite sure of this theory,, if im wrong please correct me!
  13. 12 days till surgery? :whoo: Started pre op today, its been tough! and to top it off not only a headache but my monthlies decided to visit today ,, made pre op diet even harder but glad they came so i wont have to worry about having them during surgery days......im so unbearable today , no body likes me ive been so grumpy............ love to hear from others whom are having their surgery on october 30th ..:bounce: would love to know if other smokers have quit prior to surgery and how many days or weeks before?:help: i cant quit!
  14. guys thanx all so much,, i admire u all..... well i better get cracking and quit cause i got 11 days to heal my lungs...lol Anyone re started after surgery? its gonna be a tuff one hey, the fact that we need to be on liquids after op, and not being able to turn to our cigarettes,,looks like my social life needs a rest hey,, im going into hibernation....... omg, i sound like an obsessed smoker..but when im on diets , my menthols (cigarettes) are my comfort,,, Water and smoke,,,,,,gets me through the day.... u all need a big star,, well done .............
  15. Ginaki

    Newbie from Oz

    hi Mandi, im from melbourne and will be banded in 12 days,, i have been researching the band day and night every day since may, it took me 3 mnths to finally say yep this is for me! in a matter of 3 weeks, i attended a seminar, had 1st cosultation with surgeon, saw the shrink and nutritionist and saw surgeon again and got a date......October 30th....... just like u i dont want my weight to rule my life no more....time to take control... for me the decision was easy to make cause i cant continue my life yo yo dieting for the rest of my life,,,,,, for the past 18 years ive probably followed a diet every year, with good results but putting it all back on and double...... i cant go on living like that............all the best
  16. Ginaki

    newly banded

    Gee, mocadiva hope its not a slippage and its only the after affect of the gas from surgery, u must follow doctors orders, keep us posted and we are here for support.......
  17. Ginaki

    newly banded

    Mocadiva, Just read this in the booklet the surgeon gave me, After leaving hospital and until day 14 to avoid discomfort and avoid stretching the pouch or displacing the band, you still need to sip small amounts and drink regularly throughout the day,,
  18. Anyone help me! ive read No soft drinks after lap band and ive read elsewhere that u can still drink soft drinks.......................... love to hear others views about drinking softdrinks meaning coke etc,,,, does it damage the balloon inside the band????? And how much softdrink do u guys consume a day.... I dont consume alot now (meaning b4 band) i only have 2 glasses of pepsi max with my meals,,, well after getting the band there wont be any drinking with the meal so that means NO Pepsi max for me!
  19. Ginaki

    newly banded

    Mocadiva, welcome back, asked about u in another thread a few days ago , glad to hear that u havent experienced any pain or nausea,,,,i havent been banded yet , 15 days to go, but i doubt by drinking u will expand the pouch, the whole idea of the clear liquid stage is so no tension is placed in the pouch and also allow the band to heal in place, therefore by drinking fluids they just pass through.......so i dont really think it will expand the new pouch................
  20. thankyou penni for ur response it helped, everyones responses help one way or another,, Jacqui good point never thought of metal plates, pins etc...... Thanx
  21. Ginaki

    Soft Drinks vs Band

    Thanx guys for all ur responses and drinking liquid candy and not much of a weight loss makes sense,,,,,,,, Can do without pepsi max, after surgery never gonna touch it and i dont think ill miss it,, i only have a glass with lunch and dinner and after surgery no drinking with a meal so i can do without,,,,,, The best is Water, YOU NEED TO DRINK TO SHRINK
  22. Cholestrol High at 330............ Hang on a minute i had my bloodtest and my cholestrol is in the normal range at 4.8 Who is right??
  23. Ginaki

    Hello from NewZealand!!

    Hi Tia, welcome to lapbandtalk, just want to reassure u that ur process could be fast like mine, i was also excited after i attended the seminar and wanted the band ASAP,, I attended the seminar on sep 10th, on the 13th i had first consultation with the surgeon, Sept 28 saw the nutritionist and psycologist and on October 4th saw the surgeon and got booked in for surgery ,,,,My surgery Is set for 30th October:whoo: Im in Melbourne, Aus and the surgery here is costing me $12,000 onkly because i cant wait for the year to be up so health cover can cover it,,, IF I WANT SOMETHING I WANT IT NOW........................ All the best and u will get your date soon.... As for people telling u its a waste of money, well u tell them that u are paying Not them. Surely the cost is nothing , our lives are worth more than $$$$ and without the band we will be all heading for health issues galore as we get older....................... Gina
  24. Guys, i want to hear from all u bandsters out there whom love to sleep on their stomachs, HOW long after surgery can u sleep on ur stomach?,,,Boy oh boy looks like im gonna have many sleepless nights after 30th October........<br /> Please people tell me ,,,, <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/help.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Help" smilieid="256" class="inlineimg" /><br /> IF I DONT <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/sleep.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Notagree" smilieid="19" class="inlineimg" /> WELL THEN ginaki will be grumpy! <br /> Also does the port sight hurt when sleeping on ur stomach?<br />
  25. Ginaki

    Tell or no tell

    <br /> <br /> Hi Donna, <br /> im getting banded on the 30th october, i thought about keeping the band a secret from people around me but i couldnt go have surgery and basically disappear for a few days, the people that i told are my closest girlfriends whom i socialize with them on a daily basis and know (hope) they are there to support me when i stumble onto difficult days. If i disappeared for a couple days they would send out a search party to find me, and most importantly of all if they found out later on down the track they will be disappointed in me,,,,,,,,,well there are days i regret telling my girlfriends because i swore them to secrecy cause i dont need the whole community knowing about it.....then again i also tell myself if the girls betray my trust and outsiders find out oh well there is nothing to be ashamed about, im doing this for me not for anyone else and if i can help others and educate them to look into weight loss surgery then BONUS....Im helping others....<br /> <br /> Gina

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