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brown eyed gal

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by brown eyed gal

  1. I'm just a little over 2 weeks out. Should I not put ore than 1/2 cup in my pouch at once?
  2. brown eyed gal

    6weeks post op

    I'm in the same boat, never eat over 700 calories and yet have only lost about 10 pounds, varies from day to day!
  3. brown eyed gal

    I never feel full...

    I'm 2 weeks and 2 days and I don't feel full either. I'm on pureed/soft.
  4. Well I read all about this and tried one Soup (only 7 grams of protein) in 1/2 cup of soup. I "can" eat it but certainly glad I didn't put 3 scoops in! And yes I waited until it was under 140 degrees before I added it.
  5. I know I can walk as soon as I feel like it but what about weights?
  6. brown eyed gal

    3 weeks post op and feel no restriction

    I had rny and feel the same way, I feel like I could eat normal but of course I don't try it. I'm only eating very soft things. Scrambled egg and cottage cheese is probably as far as I push it right now. I'm almost 2 weeks out.
  7. brown eyed gal

    Confused and disappointed

    I'm the same way almost two weeks out. I did think I noticed my stomach today being a tad smaller when I was leaning over and saw my reflection in the mirror. I'm only down 2 pounds from surgery day.
  8. brown eyed gal

    Why does my mouth get so dryed

    Mine too! I bought some biotene products yesterday. One of them was a spray that I keep by my bed and spray my mouth several times at night. There is also an oral rinse and some tab type deals you can suck on.
  9. I had my rny Oct 22nd, haven't posted much because haven't felt like it. I would like to see how other people are doing with my same surgery date. I'm 55. Stayed in hospital 2 nights, I'm on oxygen 24/7 for at least two weeks because of low oxygen level. I'm on liquid Protein meals now.
  10. brown eyed gal

    October 22nd surgery buddies?

    I don't have to crush my pills but none are large.
  11. brown eyed gal

    Kellogg's shakes

    I like them but my nut says they have too many carbs. After surgery for a 6-12 oz Protein supplement: Protein: 20-25 grams Total Carbs: 5 grams Total fat: 3 grams I did use them before surgery though.
  12. Wow Maimie, you are doing great. Boy that's not may calories. I'm just a little over a week out and most days I hit at least 600 calories. My nut did not give me a calorie goal, just Protein goal and I won't see her again for 3 months.
  13. brown eyed gal

    October 22nd surgery buddies?

    So far I've had runny cream of wheat, refried Beans w/cheese, & egg beaters and no problems yet. Fingers crossed!
  14. brown eyed gal

    OCTOBER 2014

    I read all sorts of info on the internet. I'm off pure liquids as of two days ago. Today I read for the first time (do not eat more than 1/2 cup or you could burst your pouch) Well that's scarey! Looking at my nutrition guidelines, what it says I can have doesn't ever equal more 1/2 cup but I've never heard it put just that way. It got my attention. I was telling my husband this and he said "yes, the doctor told you that in the hospital and told you that if the pouch burst, it's a mess to fix and you told him 'OKAY'." I remember nothing of that conversation. Thank God for my wonderful husband that was with me 24/7 while I was in the hospital. Just thought I'd throw that out there in case no one else had it put to them that way also.
  15. brown eyed gal

    OCTOBER 2014

    I see people posting about having staples removed. I had rny & they told me I have staples & stitches & I'll have them for life. I'm confused, are other people having staples removed also?
  16. brown eyed gal

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hi guys! I'm one week post-op today. Surgery October 22, 2014. I think I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Can't say yet that I'm glad I did it but I'm not regretting it so much. I'm still in a lot of pain, especially at night and first thing in the morning. I don't know if that is from laying flat all night or what. I'm stil taking my pain meds, was going to try and be tough and not do it but then when the pain hits, I change my mind. I still wake up sometimes and think, did I really do this? And was it stupid? So I'm waiting for the "I'm so glad I did it and wish I would have done it sooner" thinking kicks in! I got to start eating "real food" today. Yay! It tasted so awesome. For lunch I had 2 oz of refried Beans and 1 oz of 2% shredded cheese. For supper I had 3 oz of egg beaters with 1 oz cheese. Then I've had to have a couple of Protein drinks in between to make sure I get my protein in. I came across a blog that called this first week hell week, I tend to agree with that. The timing of the Water, the slowness of drinking the water! It does not hurt me to drink fast but I know I'm not supposed to because of my pouch. I'm supposed to make 8 oz last one hour! I drank a lot of water pre surgery so this is slowing me down. I'm staying on top of it though because my niece ended up in the hospital with dehydration. I'm on oxygen 24/7 for at least two weeks. For some reason after surgery my oxygen level was low. I wasn't breathing well and they'd have to give me breathing treatments, plus I have that little thing you suck on to expand your lung capacity. My surgery went well and I was supposed to get out the next day but because of my oxygen level, they did a cat scan on me and the next day a x-ray of my chest. I also was running a fever, so I guess better safe than sorry. I'm at the point now, that I need to plan my meals. The food that was introduced to me today, I will be on 3 weeks. I thought I'd shopped and bought plenty but turns out I haven't! I'm sure I'll have questions as this goes along. I have had no nausea which is great! I'm walking for about 10 mintues outside a couple of times a day. I would like to start lifting light weights (5 #) soon, I can already see my arms sagging! They told me not to weigh yet because they pumped me so full of water. I go for my 2 week surgeon checkup next Tuesday. I think I will use my home scales for my tickler since that is what I will use the most. Best of luck to all of you!
  17. Thank you for these ideas.
  18. brown eyed gal


    meat? I'm pre-surgery and my sister in law's sister had a bypass 20 years ago and to this day she cannot eat meat of any kind! I love meat, I would like to hear from any of you that can or cannot eat meat. I'm especially a steak eater. I realize I won't be putting away anymore 16 oz ribeyes!
  19. I see where people are using short term disability. I have that through my work but why take that if I have sick leave available? Am I missing something?
  20. It does not hurt to drink big drinks but from what I've read, I'm supposed to make 8 oz of Water last for one hour. How long do I have to keep that up? Of course I don't want to make my pouch leak but it's hard getting all my water in when I have to drink it so slow!
  21. I have my rny on October 22nd! Excited and scared! Start my yucky two week preop diet on October 8th! I can do this!!
  22. I'm presurgery but went to dentist today and they were asking if I had any new meds or surgery since last seen. I don't really see where the dentist office needs this particular info. Am I missing something? We are in a small town and I'm just telling close friends.
  23. Ok, I have one week left on my very strict liquid diet. Am I supposed to be having bowl movements? Even the day before, when I drink broth but there is nothing listed for a cleaning diet. Is that unusal? Sorry if TMI!
  24. brown eyed gal

    For those on liquid diets now.

    Thank you wild goose, i just put cinnamon in my chocolate sugar free instant breakfast, it did help! I have way more chocolate that variety (bought by mistake). Brooke, yes my headaches have gone away. I'm on day 6!!

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