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Everything posted by Babbs

  1. I didn't have one. *Ducks from someone throwing something at me* Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  2. Too bad she's not going to keep it off.
  3. Okay, but is it still okay to eat a pork chop 3 days post op?
  4. I had 2 consultations, but ultimately decided against a panniculectomy and breast lift. I can live with it for now. Plus I'm being a huge scaredy cat wimp. Now once you're healed up and I see pics of how fabulous your stomach looks, I'll have second thoughts again
  5. Babbs


    What the hell are you talking about? 60% of people mess up? Did you pull that number out of your bottom? Stop projecting. Whether people have sugar or choose to live their lives without sugar, it's ultimately about what works for THEM. Stop telling people that they are LYING if they choose a plan that works for them? I know a woman who had a bypass 15 years ago who has not had one peice of candy, cake, or anything like that because she knows if she does, she will spiral out of control. It's what works for HER, especially since she's kept the weight off for 15 years. Who am I to argue with her? I suggest you get a bit further along than a couple of weeks post op to find what works for you before you start accusing people of living a lie.
  6. Babbs

    Still smoking

    Hey, I hear ya. Why do you think I quit before my surgery? But telling someone they aren't ready for the surgery because they didn't quit smoking is a false equivalency. If you've never smoked, you don't realize how hard it actually is to quit. Just like with being obese, we KNOW it's not good for us, but we also have to be ready to do something about it. I sometimes find it ironic that people who needed major surgery to control our eating to lose weight get so judgy about smokers.
  7. Lol, I was waiting for the one. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App U always have to have this one. I promise you to GOD I didn't get fat from eating chips but from over eating chips. I will not deprive myself a snack sometimes as long as my sleeve likes it. Omg. Ppl kill me…… so what she askes about chips. Who are u to judge.. WowwSent from my SM-G928T using the BariatricPal App *Snert* You DO realize you can still 'over eat' chips even after bariatric surgery, right?
  8. Babbs with the bucket of ice water! It's a gift
  9. Babbs

    food funerals?

    haha yea after surgery I know I'm gonna want to change and take full advantage of this, especially since I'm self pay I don't wanna pay $25,000 for nothing! I wanna make the most and best out of this but beforehand I'm like ugh I love food! lol Well, and I'm going to be honest. I really haven't noticed any correlation to how well someone does post op, and whether they decide to have food funerals or not, contrary to popular opinion. I've seen people be totally on the straight and narrow up until the day they have the surgery struggle, and I've seen people who had food funerals be very successful post op. It can be argued that people who are changing their habits pre op will be more successful as a rule because they are "more ready" than someone who doesn't, but I don't agree. Sometimes it takes the actual surgery itself to give people the kick in the butt needed to succeed. It did me.
  10. Then there's the flip side to that when you get to thinking about it like "Wait. So you're saying I was a horrible beast BEFORE?"
  11. Babbs

    Still smoking

    Now I wouldn't go that far. That's just silly. My husband was a smoker when he had a bypass 10 years ago. Thank goodness he had no complications healing, but he was a textbook WLS patient other than that. Lost 130 pounds, and has kept off 110 for 9 years.
  12. Babbs

    Still smoking

    I hear ya. I smoked for almost 25 years before my surgery. 2 months before I quit using the vape. I started normal nicotine, then slowly tapered off until I was at 0. By the time I'd had surgery, I had completely lost interest in even vaping. You should try it to see if it will work for you! 2.5 years later smoke free, and even after losing all my excess weight and keeping it off for a year, I can honestly say I'm more proud of quitting smoking. You will be, too, if you can because it's so damn hard!
  13. Babbs

    Not feeling sleeved at all

    Think about it. When they sawed off half our stomachs and stapled things back together, nerves were cut. So until those heal, feeling is going to be a bit wonkey, if you're feeling anything at all. To prevent the possibility of literally busting a gut, MEASURE your food and stop when finished. It's a good habit to get into, anyway. Remember, just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
  14. Like @@jenn1 said, totally normal to have regrets at first when you feel like poo, can't eat and have just a general fear of the unknown. Rest assured, as time passes, you heal up and feel less like a patient and more like a normal person, you'll feel better about things. Ask 99% of the people on here.
  15. Wow you're doing amazing! It's normal to worry as we progress stages. Fear of the unknown. I say keep it simple at first. Lean proteins prepared the way you like, and if after the first bite it doesn't agree with you, try again later. Stick with what you know works, and get more adventurous down the road.
  16. There's a normal period of 'grieving' food. It doesn't last very long. You're completely normal
  17. Babbs

    food funerals?

    I was on a low carb diet before my surgery anyway, and didn't have a 'pre op' diet. But I did decide to treat myself to a nice prime rib dinner with a loaded baked potato and a huge craft beer about a week or so before surgery. But I didn't go crazy with eating everything in site. That's silly. It's not like we won't be able to eat any of that stuff ever again, or in my case would even want to. I like being healthy and fit more than anything I eat or drink. Well, maybe not craft beer
  18. You know what's funny about your comment "I 'think' I know she had WLS"? I honestly think most people figure it out. Most of us who think people don't know? I'd be willing to bet they do.
  19. The best way to stop sugar cravings is to stop sugar (or severely limit) and carbs found in white stuff like crackers and bread. All that stuff is processed in your body differently, and causes spikes in insulin and cravings for more, more, more! I'm almost 2.5 years out, and when I find myself off the sugar wagon like this past Halloween when I felt the need to finish the leftover bag of Kit Kats, I go strictly Protein (mostly chicken because it fills me up very quickly) and veggies and lots of Water for a few days until I feel the sugar cravings subside. Then I just continue with the non processed food, high protien diet that got me to goal and keeps me there. I always concentrate on protien first, drink lots of water, and that seems to help keep me satisfied once the cravings have subsided. It's not easy to get back on track, but very doable! You can do it!
  20. You've done great! Even if you don't make it to your ultimate goal, be very proud of what you've accomplished. You look amazing.
  21. Babbs


    Yup. Me too.
  22. There's a large percentage of people who don't 'dump' with the bypass, either. My husband is one of them. One of the biggest mistakes people make is depending on the tool itself to do the work and give you the will power. And it does...at first. But it's all on us the further out we get and beyond to keep the weight off. I have never thrown up or even had an upset stomach from anything I eat. Sleeve of steel at 2+ years out. It's both a blessing and a curse sometimes! Good luck with whatever tool you decide on.
  23. Babbs

    2 years post op

    What have you noticed as being your biggest change? I had to deal with a complete change in "friends" because I used to be the big girl in my group then I became what seemed like competition. Sent from my SM-N910W8 using the BariatricPal App Probably my relationship with food. It's just not the center of my universe anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still take pleasure in certain food, but I take more pleasure in being physically fit and being able to wear size 6 clothes
  24. Babbs

    2 years post op

    You look great! You've done an amazing job! I was 2 years post op in August

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