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Posts posted by pions9815

  1. Thank you! I did speak to my surgeon yesterday and they told me to call back if things weren't any better, I called them today and so they have me compazine to take in addition to the zofran. It helped a little and I was able to eat a piece of bread this afternoon. The weird thing is I was feeling great up until Sunday so I don't know if it's a virus or what but I guess time will tell. Hope it isn't a stricture but if it is glad it can easily be fixed. Thank you again! I know you had a really tough two years with the sleeve.

  2. Since this past Sunday I have not been able to eat anything but a small amount of broth the other day and a few crackers on Sunday night. I went to the urgent care yesterday, they did some tests and everything came out okay but they gave me iv Fluid to see if it was dehydration. The fluid seemed to not help at all. I was prescribed zofran for nausea but can only take it every 8 hours and it definitely does not last 8 hours. Even with it on board I can only eat a cracker and my stomach feels like someone is twisting it. I have been trying to keep up on fluids as best I can but it's tough with the nausea. I had surgery on 8-18-14. Anyone with similar problems or advice? I am feeling really discouraged at the moment.

  3. I am only a month out and recently flew to Seattle. Before surgery I should have used a seat belt extender but I was too stubborn to so I pulled and pushed the seat belt and sucked in what I could to finally get the thing buckled. This past flight was so much better, I didn't have to struggle at all to get it to buckle and the belt didn't feel like it was cutting into my skin. It was great!

  4. Hey guys! I am 1 month post-op today!!! :) Can't believe its gone so fast! I am back to work and things are going well, slowly getting better. Still have an incision that is healing but not needing to be packed with gauze anymore so yay! My biggest hurtle this week is hunger. I thought the hunger was suppose to go away, I am scared that something is wrong. I went to support group last night and no one seemed to know what I was experiencing :(

  5. There is an article from the national institute of health that researched pcos and the different weight loss options. It stated that roux en y is the best procedure for the treatment of pcos and should be considered one of the first line treatments. They suspect that it has to do with the bypassing of the first part of bowel. The second surgery to prove results was the lap band and then they shared that the sleeve did not do much to help pcos. I chose the roux en y because of the research, metformin was NOT doing a darn thing to help my insulin resistance and I want kids in the future so I felt this was my best option. I can't wait for my next round of labs from my endocrinologist to see the results I surgery!! Good luck to you all!

    • Sorry to hear about your issues Pion! You have it way worse than me! My scars are going pretty good - only have 1 that is kinds red around the incision - and have 1 that had a stitch sticking through it..cut it off as best I could but still feel a little of it! They had to use Glue for the incisions on me because am allergic to sterastrips. I hope you heal real soon..

    Thank you for your support! He used glue on all the rest of my incisions but he couldn't glue the largest incision so he stitched the muscle and now it's been healing from the inside out. It will get there I just have to remember its a process.

  6. I have been having a rough past few days with lots of nausea and abdominal pain so I hope that starts to improve. I am also kind of upset because I thought that my open abdominal wound would have been healed by now but I still have to pack it with gauze daily :/ . I am so sorry roostertail that this has been so rough for you and I pray that things get better for you as time goes on (hopefully sooner than later) if you need to vent or chat please feel free to message me! We are all in this together!

  7. My surgery is 25 Aug. I feel nervous and exciting.

    I do not know what to expect at hospital I am looking forward to surgery but not all the BS that goes with it.

    I guess i do not like hospitals or surgery just want it over.

    Ok my surgery went well woke up from recovery with severe chest pain doctor told me it was the gas. Stayed in hosptial 2 days and finally at home. Drinking liquids walking alot but still have gas pain.Hope it goes away soon.

    Congrats on surgery! I just had my 1week post op appts today. Everything has been getting better each day! Hang in there, the hardest part is over!

  8. Hello! I had my RNY on the 21st and am doing great! My butt is asleep still though. Did any of you experience that? I was up and walking a few hours after surgery and am very active. Anyhoo- hope you are all well!

    Congrats on the surgery! My butt wasn't numb but I do have an area on my lower abdomen that is still numb from surgery on the 18th lol

  9. OK guys - need some MAJOR support! I am now 3 weeks post op and I have only lost 10lbs! Lost those in first few days but since then the scale has not moved!!!!! Please tell me others are having same issue! WTF am I doing wrong? Fact is I am not eating but maybe a total of 1 to 1-1/2 cups of food (if that's what you want to call it) a day. I have not had good luck getting in the Protein. My counter looks like a GNC store with all the different protein powders I have bought - but NOTHING tastes good enough to allow me to drink the whole damn thing. I get in a few sips and I want to vomit! I am eating oatmeal for Breakfast and have had pureed something for lunch - today its bruinswick stew. For dinner I eat the remainder of the can if I can get that much down. WHY the hell isn't the scale moving!!!! Did I really do this to myself and spend 30K just to lose 10lbs, be nauseous all the time, tired all the time, and regurgitate daily???

    Hang in there roostertail2! Everything you have done has not been for nothing! It will get better! Just have faith and those numbers are going to start to go down, are you weighing daily? That's a mistake I made on the pre-op diet. I understand your frustration but I think it's still a little early and your body is still healing. Hang in there!!!

  10. Dr garza and his staff are amazing! The nursing staff is fantastic, I couldn't have asked for better care from the morning of surgery to discharge. The rooms were nice and I would have loved to have been able to check out the shower, it has a rain drop head in it :) if you have any questions about his staff or him or hospital stay let me know!! I just got to go home yesterday :) new tummy and all!!

  11. Well I am going into post op day three (surgery was Monday) and things have been getting better, Monday they had me on dilaudid for my Pca and it seemed to make things way worse so I stopped taking it Monday night and went without pain meds for about 6-8 hours until my swallow study came back okay. Since being on oral pain meds things have been good, I got to go home yesterday afternoon :) the only pain now is the open incision on my abdomen that is packed with gauze. I have been having loose stool and am wondering if anyone else experienced this as well.

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