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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Amy373

  1. Amy373


    I'm taking liquid Lortab for pain. 15ml every 4 hours and feel like I never had surgery! So happy to feel good. But also wondering what's wrong. Cause every weight loss attempt I have started I failed.
  2. Amy373


    I drank it in about 40 minutes.
  3. Amy373


    I alive! Ha everything went really well. I was in room by 11:30. Just a tiny bit if ass under rib cage. No pain!! Guess I had a hiatal hernia?
  4. I'm all set to leave my house at 4:30, hospital at 5:30, surgery at 7:30! I'm pretty calm! Excepting any prayers and or finger crossing! Thanks for being my Pal!
  5. Amy373

    Protein help!

    What about Carnation? And add a tbsp of protein powder? W 2% milk. I use Unjury pretty much taste less. It tastes like a chocolate shake! Yummy!
  6. Amy373


    I have to be at hospital at 530! Never had a surgery in my life. Had 3 beautiful kiddos naturally. Not sure about this while hospital thing. But handling it pretty well. Sometimes bad thoughts!!! Like what if this is the last time I see them. They don't know I'm having surgery don't want them to worry! So I will do it all. Sorry just a bunch of random thoughts!
  7. I'm having surgery on the 1st. I am debating on getting my highlights touched up tonight. But than wondering will that do more damage to hair so it will fall out easier? Or do I just do it and feel better about myself. Cause when I look better (in my mind) I feel better!!
  8. Amy373

    May 6th sleeve

    Yum wish I could have fruit!
  9. I'm interested in this thread! This pre op with all this fake sugar! Crystal lite, sugar free jello:(- pudding! Yuck!!!
  10. How many nights did u end up staying in hospital?
  11. Is it normal to be tired in pre op liquid phase? I'm on day 4 of 7day liquid. Surgery is May 1st!
  12. Amy373


    Thanks everyone:)) I am getting the necessary protein from shakes. I think it prob has something to do w no more diet coke!!! And low calories for a few days! I don't know if we can add on more protein?
  13. I am drinking 5 carnations (no sugar) w 5 grams of protein added to it (injury) w 2% milk a day. It's very satisfying to real hunger! The head hunger ( what I think is just used to filling my mouth when ever I want! Takes a lot of Will power! I just sip water. Get all the tempting food out of your house! Box it up. U can do it. May 1st is my VS day!
  14. I'm on day 3 of liquids and I work at a restaurant! I brought w 2 shakes well I should have brought 3 !!! Cause I just at 3 pieces of pizza! Now what! My surgery is on the 1st! I'm such a F up!
  15. Amy373


    Thanks everyone???? what has your experience been w being really tired on liquids? Soooo tired today! Could be the crappy weather up here in northern Wisconsin too!
  16. Amy373


    Thank u everyone! I'm soo ashamed I haven't told the 2 people who know I'm having surgery! Glad I have u all! Thank u. What does your liquid diet consist of?
  17. Amy373


    So should I drink my 2 Protein shakes when I get home? Not drink Because I will be over calories? Or drink cause it will increase protein for day? And does ones BMI higher mean fatter liver? Lower mean skinner liver? Ha
  18. Amy373


    Will this hurt me for surgery? I see so many w different preop?!?
  19. Amy373

    Any May sleevers out there?

    Today is day 4 of my liquid diet! It's hard!!! Food is everywhere when your a Mom!!! I still have to feed these rug rats!! But today I work and I work at a bar that I have full range of bar food!!!! I'm hoping and praying day flies by and I have the willpower to not shove anything in my mouth! I blame always working around found half my problem. When it's there I eat it!
  20. I tooo get stuck when I read bad things. I have been telling myself it's just like having gall bladder surgery or has the same risk. Which is low. I have also wrote a list of positive reasons to have surgery... Feel better emotionally and physically Look better More energy Not let food control me Get Full Stop drinking dcoke Save money? I'm sure there is more. Make your own list and look back when your not feeling so positive.
  21. May 1st is my day too! U guys start your liquid diet today?!?? My 1st surgery date was April 16th. I wasn't mentally ready. Feeling way better this time. Keeping fingers crossed I stay on the positive side of this!
  22. Amy373

    Any May sleevers out there?

    May 1st!! This is my second date for surgery I was 1st scheduled for the 16th. But that date didn't work for anyone but me. Ha Anyway, my nerves were SOOOOO bad last time. It was almost to much to handle! Any advise?
  23. The subject of who to tell!!! I feel like I don't want to tell people cause I don't want to have to talk them into why this is a good option for me. I don't want criticism. It's like when I finally picked a name for my kids before they were born. I put a lot of thought into their name. Someone would ask what are u gonna name baby if it's a girl. I would tell them. And they would wrinkle up nose and say ohhh I don't know if I like it. Really at this point keep your comments to yourself! Anyway sorry- guess I just needed to say that! Ha Good luck to all your amazing people who are scheduled tomorrow. Please let us know how u are doing! I will be checking up on u all.
  24. Amy373

    Surgery in 2 Days

    Thanks for letting me know. When someone I have been following kinda disappears makes me worry:))
  25. Amy373

    January 2014 Sleevers Come In!

    This is prob a dumb question and I really hope no one offended but...why are so many people going to Mexico for their surgery? Is it because insurance won't cover? Cause of BMI? Privacy?

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