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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by HYCIERRA

  1. Hi everyone. Ok, so I had bypass 9 months ago and it's been the absolute best decision ever. I've lost 120# and have about 20 more to go. This has truly been a life saver! There is a morbidly obese man that works in my office complex. I see him every day huffing and puffing walking to and from the building. I so desperately want to strike up a conversation with him and tell him what I've done but I don't want to offend him. He's 500# + and I don't want to be rude, but I want him to know the amazing success I've had. When we are morbidly obese, we know were heavy, no one needs to remind us! But I wish someone would have encouraged me along the way. Which is what I want to do. Knowing what I know now about the health risks associated with obesity, I want to help educate. What are your thoughts? Would it be rude of me to tell him what I've done and learned or should I just leave him alone?

  2. I'm 9 months out, lost about 120 pounds so far and have about 20 more to go. At my follow up yesterday we discussed removing the excess skin I have hanging. My doctor recommends waiting another 6 months, which I'm good with, but was curious what to expect. I've had 6 kids, so there is literally no hope for tightening things up. Anyone care to share before/after photos of your panni surgeries? My thighs are bad too, but I'm starting with the tummy first.

  3. I too just bought my first bathing suit: about 20 years. My last one was a size 18 and had become too small. This one I just bought is a size 10 and it looks amazing!! Never thought I'd ever say that about me and a swim suit!! Wearing it next weekend for a family party at the Water park and I can't wait!!

  4. I use Ojon reconstructive and thickening Shampoo and conditioner. It's absolutely amazing. I'm 7 months out, starting losing hair by the handful at about 3 months. Suffered with the loss for a couple months before I discovered this. Found it at Ulta. It runs $25 per bottle, but I'm still on my first bottles, so it lasts a while! My hair instantly felt thicker and within a week the Hair loss showed down. Now the loss is non existent! Best find ever!!!

  5. so, a huge NSV for me this weekend, I went shopping at the mall for the first time since surgery for new clothes. (bypass surgery 7/4/14 and down 101 pounds so far!!) (I've been to places like Savers and goodwill buying things here and there, but this was my first mall outing). I went into stores I've never stepped foot in... and I BOUGHT there too! WOOHOOO! I went to H&M, Aeropostale, Forever 21,just to name a few. So, since this is a whole new shopping world for me, where are some stores that you like to go in now that you're on the losers bench? My old go-to store was Dressbarn for Women, and I'm so happy to have a new variety of stores to shop at. Please share your new favorites- whether in store on online- I'm in the shopping mood! :D

  6. so, a huge NSV for me this weekend, I went shopping at the mall for the first time since surgery for new clothes. (I've been to places like Savers and goodwill buying things here and there, but this was my first mall outing). I went into stores I've never stepped foot in... and I BOUGHT there too! WOOHOOO! I went to H&M, Aeropostale, Forever 21,just to name a few. So, since this is a whole new shopping world for me, where are some stores that you like to go in now that you're on the losers bench? My old go-to store was Dressbarn for Women, and I'm so happy to have a new variety of stores to shop at. Please share your new favorites- whether in store on online- I'm in the shopping mood! :D

  7. I chose bypass for that reason. I am 40, 5'3, was 272 at my highest. Sweet tooth like you couldn't imagine. Loved sugar of any kind and just couldn't resist. For me, the fear of dumping was the push I needed. I had my bypass in July 2014, so a little over 6 months ago. I've dumped twice, I've learned my limits and never ever ever want to do that again! Seriously!!! It's worked exactly how i had hoped it would. I'm down 100#. I avoid sugary anything like the plague, and at this point, don't even miss out. You could set a plate of brownies in front of me and I wouldn't even think twice. Absolute best decision of my life, and yes, my decision was solely based on the benefit the bypass offers, which was dumping!

  8. Anyone know what they feel like? I've noticed the past couple weeks that every time I eat, even the smallest amount, my stomach hurts. Kind of like being punched in the stomach. No specific food triggers it that I recall, but it has me wondering if it could possibly be the beginning of an ulcer. I'm almost 7 months out, officially have lost 100#, and confident every single day in my decision to have this surgery. I've never had any complication, do I'm just curious what to look for. Thanks on advance for your insight.

  9. Ojon reconstructive thickening Shampoo and conditioner!! I discovered this after doing a lot of research. It's AMAZING and thickens your hair after the very first use!! I was losing handfuls of hair every day and this has been such a blessing. I buy it at Ulta and is about $25 per bottle, but soooo with it!!!

  10. Today is the day I've been waiting for, for a very, very long time. And it's finally here. Officially, this morning I've lost 100 POUNDS!!! Please friends, there is no need in sending out a search party. There is absolutely no reward in their return. In fact, I've got 34 more to lose to hit my goal. DON'T look for them, don't find them. They are no good, bad news!! :) Today is a blessed day. <3

  11. The biggest of big major victorious for me, I bought a pair of stiletto heels. I never wear heels, but I've lost 98# and wanted to sass things up. Put the heels on, and I'm able to walk in them!! Yay, but better yet, my daughter thought I should put a dress on to go with them. Since I didn't have one, she told me to put on one of hers. (She's 18 and wears a size 5). Thankfully she handed me a H&M knit dress, size Medium. I was able to squeeze it on!!! Way to short and wouldn't be seen in public with it, but I got it on!!! An amazing proud moment for me! She was do proud of me, which was an amazing feeling that's better than any scale victory

  12. I think we all have those concerns, and honestly week #5 seems to be a b!tch for a lot of us. I stalled that week. I've read countless posts of those who also stalled and even gained. You are not in this alone, believe me. I will say that my experience was that I did increase my caloric intake a little bit and broke the stall. At 5 weeks, we are struggling with the Proteins, struggling with the Water, so it's tough. Just keep doing what your doctor tells you and you'll get past this. I'm 6 1/2 months out more and have lost 98 pounds do far. About 32 more to go. You can do this.

  13. No secrets really, just follow your doctors plan and trust the process. I catch myself getting bummed that this seems like it is taking forever to lose, but when I see my comparison pictures, I'm in awe of my transformation. Allow the process to work, because IT WILL! Take photos each month, take your measurements, these are the things that will help you stay motivated when everything seems to be at a standstill.

  14. Hi. Just wanted to share my progress so far. Surgery was July 8, 2014. Highest weight was 272, current weight is 173 and I'm headed to my goal of 140. Although I have a ways to go, I'm.so ecstatic with the progress thus far. The before pics were taken in early June 2014. The in progress photo was taken just a couple weeks ago. :-) life is great! Best of luck to everyone out there on their me life journey!





  15. Jeaniek, I'm exactly where you ate and I've followed the plan to a t. Started at 272, I'm at 178. So whatever you are doing you sound on track to me. Next, I messed with the same 2 lbs all of December! Lose 1 gain 1, down 2 up 2. I just think month#6 is a rough one! Last weekend, I decided to go back to basics and only eat Proteins and cut my carbs. It worked! It pushed me over the hump and got me down 3lbs. Proteins and Water. Cut carbs and watch those sneaky snacks!! You can definitely get that last 20 off. Don't give up and don't settle. You'd be doing yourself a disservice. Best of luck getting over this minor bump in the road.

  16. Ojon revitalizing and thickening Shampoo is amazing! I use to have really thick hair and starting at about 3 months it fell out by the handfuls. It got so thin that you could see scalp. I did some research and so far the best product I've found was this ojon. I got it at Ulta. It's like $25 for the shampoo and another $24 for the conditioner, but we'll worth the money. I wash my hair every two days and it instantly began to feel like my old head of hair again. I love, love, love it!!

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