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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by sdvorak88

  1. Im only 4.5w out but i agree that you should go back to logging EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. Especially the slider food. Do that for a month and I'll bet you will see where you need to adjust a little. And you are NOT back where you started. ..your 150+lbs from that place. This is a lifetime of change and adjustments but worth the effort in health! ! Good luck

  2. I agree about the comparison to others. I keep reading about all these HUGE losses and second guess myself. I'm really trying to make this about ME and my journey to health at MY pace. I am so very glad to have people to talk to about ANYTHING that's going on and know you all have been there or at minimum understand what is going on. Thanks

  3. Sorry to hear that mick. I'm worried about that myself. I bought some baby pear juice today and going to try it. I'm also taking a softner each day and that has helped a little but not enough. My nut also has me taking some Fiber in to see if that helps as well. Not going to lie this sucks, but it could be way worse so I'm going to try every trick i hear! !

  4. I agree with bittersweet. Everything written needs to be worked on. Not just for yummy but anyone who's a little out of sync or losing at a slower pace. Remember slow & steady wins the race and the race is with ourselves no one else. Certainly not others on here. Every one is different. .sizes..metabolism. ..etc. but when we need help we can find each other here! Good luck all. Sleeved 7/28/14

  5. Do a search on here for "stall ". Your question has been answered a hundred times. There is actually a whole forum for this... "Don't Sweat the Stall Stuff" you should post this there and stay off your scale. You are in the infamous 3 week stall and the best way to end it is to stay off the scale. In the meantime, follow your doctor's plan and stay off the scale. Get in all your Protein and Water and stay off the scale!

    Stupid question how do you search for a topic?

  6. Had a horrible afternoon and night sitting on the pot until my legs went to sleep several times. I tried the Milk of Magnesia but found out later that it takes about 8 hrs to start working. I have dealt with a lot of pain but nothing like this. I thought I would have to go to urgent care.

    I finally called the Kaiser advice nurse, don't know why i did not do it sooner. It took them almost two hrs to get back to me. The nurse told me to try glycerin suppositories before I tried an enema. That finally did the trick a couple of hrs later.

    I am sharing this because if this happens to anyone, it is no joke. Horribly painful.

    I am really thankful for all of the advice from all of you. :)

    Where did u get them mick? How quickly? My legs are going numb EVERY day that goes by!! Does it hurt your tummy at all? Thanks not my favorite topic but quite a bummer when it happens????

  7. I was discharged being told to take a dulcolax every night until my bottle of them was gone (90!) and I'm not even sure it's helped much, since just taking that (before adding another remedy), I'd have a bowel movement maybe once a week tops. I told the RN and doc this, and they were quite surprised, and said I should have one more often.

    They told me to use Miralax but I hated the taste and so asked for an alternative (it's easier to get down if you add some flavoring like SF lemonade). They said I could try Milk of Magnesia - but it tasted worse to me. Both worked pretty well the first time I used them, but with an urgency factor in the morning. Also both worked less-well the second time, and so now I'm back to what I used pre- pre-op; Benefiber every day. It's helped and doesn't leave me wondering if i'm going to have to spend time making four rushed trips to the bathroom in a morning...but that's just me! good luck.

    Hi kate. Yes im about once a wk and miserable. Is benefiber in pill form or powder? How much do u take every day. Thanks for the help. Not like I want to go around asking about this..so glad for these boards and people who understand!

  8. I use Miralax too but before I had bought anything mine got really really bad. I had to buy an enema. I know it is gross but I was in agony. I felt much better afterwards. Better to get a jump on it, I belong to a group of sleevers from July and the majority of us ALL have Constipation issues. Best of luck.

    Hi I'm a july sleever 7/28 & just over 3 wks. I can count on 1 hand bm's I've had. Im miserable. ...ive tried eating prunes but super sweet and high calories. .help should I try an enema too. Never have but now it's making ir hard to eat & drink..

  9. I am having major trouble Keeping hydrated. Just can't seem to remember to drink enough fluids. Had to get hydrated at the Drs office the other day. Now I feel like I need to go do it again.

    Dehydration and feeling really weak have been my only problems so far. I also can drink more liquids than I thought I should be able to but thicker stuff is a lot harder to get down.

    I am three weeks post-op

    Hey mick. I too can drink quite a bit with no problems. Have u tried to thin the shakes with milk it has really helped me.

  10. Anyone else having a delay in their periods? I feel like a raving lunatic because I feel really PMSy but have not gotten it yet! I fear my children may run away to grandma if I do not get it soon.

    Hello. Not sure about delay but I got my "sort of" cycle 2.5 wks early & kinda comes and goes. Doc said hormones all out of wack because they are in ur fat cells & as u lose they are all over. I have been a little pmsy myself. It will pass as ur body adjusts I guess.

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