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Posts posted by ingyrob

  1. This is a bit late, but thanks Laurend for the Twinkies, however I think I will give them a miss.

    I once had a fried pizza. Has anyone else tried it? I must admit I was a tad shocked when I asked for a pizza and saw the man put it in the deep fryer.

    Do you guys get Mars Bars? My husband bought a fried one in Australia, I had a nibble, but did not care for it much.

  2. Hello Daisy22

    Welcome to the site. It is a shame that there is little money in Kent for Weight Loss Surgery. From what I can gather from other sites you have to really pester your PCT and a letter to your MP is a must. I don't suppose you would consider self pay? A lot of people have to. I have also got private health insurance and they will not pay for it either. Anyway good luck with your weight loss journey.

  3. Congratulations Green. It is great about the involuntary weight loss. I have never had that. Lots of involuntary weight gain though.LOL I don't envy you your root canal treatment. I have had that, and since then I have had dental implants. When the implants went in I looked as if i had gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Are you now fully recovered from your face lift? I hope so. My face is getting really saggy now that I am losing weight. I don't know what to do first TT or face lift. I think probably face as i have big bags under my eyes. Won't ramble any more. I am really pleased for you though - goal and losing!

  4. I am a nutaholic as well. My dietician recommended that i eat 10 almonds a day when I could not get my calories up to the required amount. However the numbers kept increasing and increasing and as I also bought nuts for my family I started dipping into their nuts as well. Well Friday night I lost it completely and and must have eaten about 4ozs. So Saturday I fasted, so I hope I have redeemed myself. It looks like I will have to get the nut-police in as well.

    I think they are substitutes for my sweet tooth. Good Luck Danbo with your withdrawal issues.

  5. I also think knitting would be a good idea. You can knit anything in any colour, and when your 15 days are up, you can take it undone easily and if you like knitting you can knit something else. If you don't,you can throw it away or give it to the thrift shop.

    Another good idea would be for you to knit squares and sew them together to make blankets to send to the illegal immigrants to keep them warm whilst travelling over the border. What about ponchos, they would be even better.

  6. Overweight Shortens US Citizen's Lifespan and Costs Society Billions What many Americans eat and how little they exercise could wind up costing them – and American taxpayers – some serious money. Moreover, the overweight and obese may lose months from their lifespans.26-10-2007

    Health care analysts predict an epidemic of weight-related diseases, as more baby boomers become senior citizens. A new study warns that the cost of treating such diseases through publicly funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid could increase significantly.

    “The changes in expenditures will be substantial,” said lead study author Zhou Yang, Ph.D. “Based on my current research, an elderly person who is overweight at 65 may spend $16,000 more and the obese person may spend $26,000 more than those who are a normal weight at age 65.”

    Given that 35 percent of the adults in the United States are overweight and another 30 percent are obese, the total extra cost of treating them could jump to hundreds of billions of dollars as they age, according to the study in the online issue of the journal Health Services Research.

    The study shows a direct relationship between body weight and cardiovascular disease, respiratory system disease, most forms of cancer and diabetes. Treatment costs were 6 percent higher in overweight men and 12.5 percent higher in obese men, while overweight women spent 10.7 percent more and obese women spent 16.8 percent more than normal-weight peers.

    Life expectancy for a man of normal weight is 76.1 years; for an overweight man it’s 75.9 and for an obese man, it’s 74.2. For a woman of normal weight, life expectancy is 74 years; for an overweight woman it’s 72.7 and for an obese woman it’s 71.6.

    To minimize additional financial burdens, prevention is critical, said Yang, an assistant professor at the College of Public Health and Health Professions, University of Florida.

    “We must do a better job of informing the general public about the health risks associated with obesity and promote a healthy lifestyle.”

    According to Nancy Wellman, Ph.D., a registered dietitian and director of the National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Aging at Florida International University, the key to lowering these health risks is universal access to quality nutrition information.

    “Everyone should be able to check with a registered dietitian about diet and health lifestyle choices in order to prevent the worsening epidemic of obesity,” Wellman said. “We give a lot of lip service to prevention, but are not willing to pay much [even] when such a payoff can be huge.”

    Health Services Research is the official journal of AcademyHealth and is published by Blackwell Publishing on behalf of the Health Research and Educational Trust. HSR is available online at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/hesr.

    Yang Z, Hall AG. The financial burdens of overweight and obesity among elderly Americans: the dynamics of weight, longevity, and health care cost. Health Services Research online, 2007.

    Source: Newswise

    Source: Health Behavior News Service

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