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Ginger Snaps

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Ginger Snaps

  1. It's interesting you talked about goals. I've been wondering what my goal weight will be (surgery in early June). According to BMI, my weight should be around 127. But I can't IMAGINE being that weight. So, if I set a higher goal am I shortchanging myself? Or if I set my goal at that, am I being unrealistic?

    I like your idea of just losing until your body tells you you're there and then maintaining that. Of course, I'm too early in the journey to have to make that decision yet! :)


  2. I'm a little worried about this myself. I've been treated by a psych for about 8 years for depression. I called him hoping he would just say "ok - I'll send over the OK" but instead he insisted I get a prescription from my surgeon and he wants to do a complete evaluation. I've been stable on meds for all these years and I've been through a lot stresses (divorce, moving, lawsuit) and managed to keep it all together, so I can't imagine he'll say I'm not mentally sound enough for surgery. But I have spoken with him several times about losing weight and he's always said it's just a matter of willpower and that I just need to eat less and exercise more. So, I'm worried he might deny me just because he doesn't think surgery is a good answer, not that I'm not a good candidate.

    Anyway -- I'm going to do that eval soon so that if he does deny me, I have time to see another psychiatrist who might approve. I'm just hoping it doesn't come to that.

    Surgery planned for early June.


  3. I'm kind of struggling with that too -- I've only told one very close friend, my 3 children (14, 20 and 23) and my ex-husband (because the kids told him). Like several of you, I have avoided telling people because I just don't want to make this decision by popular vote, you know? I've read and researched and attended support groups and feel like I'm making the best decision for me. I really don't want somebody to tell me "you're not that heavy" or "why don't you just diet and exercise" or "that's the easy way out".

    I will tell my parents just before the surgery and I'm probably going to tell the 2 people at work who keep candy jars on their desks. They are both good friends and I am their biggest customer, so I want to tell them to slap my hand if I reach for candy! :)


  4. My sleep study wasn't too unpleasant. The electrodes glued all over are a little annoying. I felt like I never really got to sleep at all but when the tech came in to put the mask on in the middle of the night, she said I had a 3 hour stretch of sleep and that I was having apneas. Probably the most unpleasant thing was her speaking through a microphone a couple of times during the night telling me I had to roll onto my back.

    Since I've had the machine I feel SO much better! I didn't realize how little sleep I was actually getting. It took me 3 masks to end up with one that fits and that I can rest in. I ended up with the nasal pillows. I take medications for depression and after being on this machine now for close to a year, I can say i feel so much happier and I think a big part of that is getting good sleep.

    I'm hoping for surgery in the first week of June and looking forward to dropping some pounds so I can sleep without the machine again.


  5. I'm hoping for an early June date. I'm in the process now of doing the pre-surgery appointments. My insurance doesn't require you lose or anything but I'm in a weird spot that I can't lose more than 4 pounds or I won't qualify for surgery any more. First time in my adult life that I'm not trying to lose weight! :)

    Look forward to "hanging out" while we wait for our surgeries.


  6. Hi -- I'm new to BariatricPal and I'm also new to the idea of having surgery. I'm in the approval process now and hope to have an early June date. But, I'd love to hang out here and hear about your early experiences!

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