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Ginger Snaps

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Ginger Snaps

  1. Ginger Snaps

    Panicked about Weight Plateau!

    I lost about 22 pounds the first 2-1/2 weeks and then stuck at that number for the past 10 days. Finally this morning the scale moved down a pound. I saw my doctor Tuesday and he was very happy with my progress. I'm determined NOT to let the scale numbers rule my happiness. Each pound I lose means another number on the scale I NEVER plan to see again. I know if I keep eating on the plan (right foods and right amounts) and exercising, this weight will come off. It HAS to! You cannot continually eat a LOT fewer calories than your body burns and NOT lose weight. The only way you'll stop losing weight this early is if you quit the plan and start eating like you used to (only I don't know how I could cram that much food into my stomach now). As far as getting stuck... I've found it really makes a difference on how moist the food is. I've never been one to use a lot of sauces or dips on my food, but now I regularly use fat free mayo mixed with my chicken or beef to help it go down. I've also heard it's good to dip in FF Greek yogurt so it even pumps up the Protein some. You can do this -- try to quit worrying about how fast and how much and just keep focusing on doing the right thing and learning how to fit the food plan into your life. This is temporary!
  2. @latido When I was on liquids and pureed, I never really felt full... kept feeling like I could eat more, but I just didn't do it. Now that I'm on more substantial food, I definitely feel that full feeling when I'm eating and frequently leave food on my plate. I do agree with the poster above, though... it would have been better to wait a while and maybe eat the yogurt later as a snack. Watch your portions carefully and stop before you feel full especially on the mushy stuff. Ginger
  3. Ginger Snaps

    3 days post op- help

    So sorry you are struggling... try to remember this is temporary and things will get better. It's easy to be overwhelmed and get depressed thinking you'll be this way for life. About catheters, I didn't have one after surgery. I guess all doctors do something different. But, I have heard about people having to have them put in if they can't urinate.
  4. Ginger Snaps

    Scared to death

    I'm sorry hearing bad stories brought up so much anxiety. But, it has to be taken in perspective too. Was the woman extremely obese? At risk for clots? Other medical conditions that could have put her at risk? How old was she? You know, if you look at anything with risk, you're apt to find stories that can terrify you. I used to ride my bike to work sometimes along a canal path (no roads except maybe 1/2 mile of the trip) and my friends at work were so terrified -- telling me how dangerous that was. I always laughed and told them they were in SO MUCH more danger driving the busy congested road they had to come in on. I'm sure there are fatal accidents on that road at least once a week. If I considered how dangerous accidents in cars could be, I'd never drive. If you weigh the risks of being obese with the risks of having surgery, you can probably come to the conclusion that surgery is safer. If you are at risk for blood clots, you'll probably have to take blood thinners for a while and take other precautions. Best wishes and I hope you find some peace about your decision.
  5. Ginger Snaps

    Largest incision site opened

    Owwwiieee! I have one incision that bled on me the night of surgery (soaking the gown, dripping on the floor)... the nurse that was walking me to the bathroom said, "Oh, honey... I'll get you a pad" and I laughed and told her "It's not coming from there!" That incision has taken a long time to heal and every time I removed a bandage from it, it would bleed again for about 2 weeks. The surgeon said the stitch inside must have torn but as long as it wasn't red, painful or hot, it would be ok and it has been. It's still the ugly one. Glad you called your doctor but I think you'll be ok.
  6. Boy, was that pound hard to lose! Been stuck at 186/187 for over 10 days (only 4 weeks out) and getting pretty discouraged but at least the scale moved this morning!

    1. shmily


      I saw my surgeons NP this week and she explained why folks stall. Its the body working on new set points......Glad you are on a new one!!

    2. PrettyFatGirl


      I've had a stall as long as well! Glad i'm not alone

  7. @ Wow... how insensitive! I've kind of had the opposite experience with some doctors. When I had my sleep study done and was diagnosed with apnea, they never mentioned anything about weight -- even though I know it's a contributing factor. When I got a copy of the report for my surgeon, the last sentence in the report said "Patient counseled to lose weight." Funny, I don't remember that conversation. My primary was always willing to talk to me about weight (encouraging more exercise) but I didn't have to have a referral from him or anything, so I don't know what his opinion would have been. I hope all goes well for you and you get the surgery you want and need.
  8. Ginger Snaps

    Day 1

    @daronb My surgeon told me just to keep stable... they understand even when insurance doesn't some times. If you're borderline 40 BMI you should be fine even if you drop a little below -- I was 36 with some comorbidities. I think the line of 40 is for if you don't have any other conditions. With the hypertension and cholesterol, you probably would still be approved under 40 -- but I'd check with insurance first. Also, my surgeon told me insurance uses the weight from your first visit, not the weight at surgery. I'm not sure if it's the same if you have to go through a PCP first (I just went straight to the surgeon) but again, it might be something worth getting on the phone with the insurance company to ask if it's true. Best wishes -- this has been SO GOOD for me!
  9. Ginger Snaps

    milk making me sick?

    It's WAY too early to throw in the towel (and that's not really an option anyway -- too late). I am lactose intolerant only to milk itself, not cheese or yogurt or anything -- just can't drink a glass of milk. I use Almond milk for my shakes and they are yummy. I lost 22 pounds in the first 2 weeks and have lost only 2 in the last 2 weeks. It's common to stall some and with you only being out 2 weeks -- you're still recovering. Your body may be holding on to fluids... did you know if you are well-hydrated your body holds onto less than if you aren't? It will get better. If you do what the doctor and NUT say, there is NO WAY you'll not lose weight. Best wishes!
  10. I'm four weeks out and LOVE blackened tilapia (grew up in Louisiana)... Yes, it leaves a major burn in the mouth (and the face sweating and nose running thing) but it's SO worth it to get the flavor! But, by the time I'm through eating, cleaned up a plate or two, gone to the bathroom, thirty minutes can be up and I can have a drink. You can do it -- I do because I wouldn't give up all that spice for ANYTHING!
  11. Ginger Snaps

    Palatable. Protien shake

    I wasn't allowed shakes until the 2nd week -- had to have clear Protein the first week. Isopure sucked... so did the Whey Protein Bullets. I could take some Isopure if I mixed it with flavored Vitamin Water Zero. I really struggled to get in any protein that first week until I could move to shakes. I did like the drinks they added to Crystal Light at the hospital -- Liquid Prosource -- can be ordered off Amazon. Or, you might beg off at the hospital and get them to give you a couple of packets to bring home. I did! Good luck!
  12. I agree about not stocking up. For the mushy stage, refried Beans were allowed, so I bought several cans of fat free ones. Of course, one can makes about 2-3 meals for me, so I don't go through a can that quickly. I stayed completely away from carbs, so no mashed or soft potatoes for me. I pureed chili, ate refried beans, had lots of greek yogurt (you can add in some sugar free Jello and it tastes like it's fruity without the fruit sugars). Added melted cheese into chili and beans... scrambled eggs. Still -- you don't have to stock up because one container of Better than Eggs will last for a LONG time even if you're eating a scrambled egg every day! If tuna is allowed on your mushy stage, you can make tuna salad with that and some FF mayo. I also chopped grilled chicken to death and mixed with mayo for chicken salad. I don't agree with the part about adding a banana into shakes and not counting that. I count everything that goes in my mouth using My Fitness Pal. I struggle some with getting enough Fluid (I don't count shakes towards my fluid for the day) but my urine is staying pretty light, so I think I'm getting enough between shakes and the extra liquids I drink. My doctor and NUT want me to have 60 grams of Protein a day and I struggle a little getting that much even without adding in carbs. If I ONLY eat protein, I may hit 60 but it means I didn't eat anything else. I just met with my NUT today and she suggested I add in a little more carbs (fruits and veggies) with Snacks when I am hitting 60 grams of protein because my calorie count is so low (300-350 a day usually).
  13. Ginger Snaps

    Barium swallow after surgery

    I only had to take a small sip -- not very much at all. It doesn't hurt at all and it doesn't taste great but it's not as nasty as some Protein shakes! You stand in front of the xray machine, drink a little and they film how it goes down. Try to get a look at it if you can -- it's pretty cool to watch.
  14. Ginger Snaps

    Ready to jump

    It's pretty much required that they tell you there is a risk of death. Any time you are put under anesthesia, there is a risk you won't wake up. Most likely you will have to sign a form right before surgery saying what surgery you are agreeing to and in all that fine print you never read, it will say there, too that there is a risk of death. Don't let it freak you out...
  15. Ginger Snaps

    Headache frim hell

    Were you a heavy caffeine drinker? If so, it's probably a withdrawal headache. Maybe you can try lying down with a cool washcloth on your face or take a nap in a very dark, cool room? Sorry you're suffering!
  16. Ginger Snaps

    Coffee, Tea or ?

    My doctor has the rule -- no caffeine, no calories, no carbonation with regards to drinks (except milk). I'm drinking Water, crystal light, decaff green tea with Splenda, Vitamin Water Zero... I know other people are allowed caffeine but my doctor said none... it can interfere with healing and even cause ulcers. I'm 4 weeks post op and I was a MAJOR Diet Coke addict presurgery but haven' even been tempted to take a sip of one since surgery -- just doesn't even sound good anymore.
  17. Ginger Snaps

    exercise.....where to begin?

    I've been walking at least 3-4 hours a week (mostly on treadmill, some outside which is slower paced) and my doctor just cleared me Tuesday to start lifting weights again (did before surgery).
  18. Ginger Snaps

    Feeling cold?

    I remember reading on a board somewhere that one reason you feel cold is that your body conserves energy for vital organs, so there is less going on out in the extremities... your core is taking all the energy. Not sure if it's true but I know I'm feeling cooler one month out from surgery (and not just because I've dropped weight and feel "cooler")...
  19. Ginger Snaps

    im STARVING!

    I remember in a WW meeting one time we talked about using the word "starving" or "starving to death". I know it sounds silly, but self-talk like that is harmful because it blows up the severity of what we're feeling. Maybe trying to limit the use of the word will help you not feel so desperate for food. Best wishes!
  20. Ginger Snaps

    Fall down 7 times. Stand up 8!

    Amazing! Great job!
  21. Ginger Snaps

    Flex for me!

    Saw my doctor Tuesday for my 4 week follow up and he told me I'm cleared to start lifting again as long as it feels ok. I had done a lot just before surgery and I'm ready to get back into it. I was worried that he would make me wait longer because I had a pretty big hernia but he said, nope... go ahead. Now just to get over to the gym to set up those personal training appointments again! Been doing treadmill and walking since about 3 weeks -- had pneumonia just after getting out of the hospital and that put me a week or more behind in recovery.
  22. I just found this great blog post that has some ideas about how to deal with haters -- those negative people who like to tell you what they think. http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2014/07/10/how-to-deal-with-haters 1) Understand that judgement is inevitable. 2) Consider the source. If you are getting criticized for your new lifestyle by somebody who is out of shape, unhappy, overweight, and generally miserable, it’s probably not worth your time and effort to worry about it! 3) Get them on board (if they are truly wanting to support you) 4) Consider how you spend your most valuable asset: time. We have a finite amount of time on this planet, and you have 100% control of how that time gets spent. Surround yourself with people that want you to be better. 5) Understand that you’re not alone.You can still have unhealthy friends and family members – just make sure you are ALSO spending time with people who are healthier and stronger than you too
  23. Ginger Snaps

    Generating Inspiration

    I cut pictures out of magazines of healthy weight women doing what I want to do -- riding bikes, walking, swimming -- and put the pictures on the inside door of my walk-in closet... where I can see it every day. I also used to have back problems, so I made a picture of a human skeleton's hip area, and photoshopped anvil type weights on the hips. I did one picture with 80 pound weights on each hip and then another one with smaller 65 pound weights. I don't remember where I got the numbers, but it was from an article that said we carry x% amount of our weight on our hips and low back. I look at those pictures and remind myself when I'm down 30 pounds, how much less pressure I am putting on my low back. I guess you can tell I'm a visual person! lol
  24. Oh no... I know the discouragement and it's easy to start thinking "what have I done to myself?" I was readmitted to the hospital 2 days after getting out for pneumonia. Once I got past that, I've had no complications or anything. Great job on the walking -- it will certainly help you feel better soon. Best wishes on a clean pass through tomorrow!
  25. Ginger Snaps

    Day 1

    I didn't lose any pre-surgery. I was borderline BMI being accepted and couldn't drop more than about 4 pounds or I wouldn't qualify. Before surgery, I told a couple of people, all who were very supportive. Only told 2 people at work because they are candy pushers and I didn't want to come back from surgery with a big box of chocolates on my desk! They were both understanding and I'm happy I told them. They have been supportive after surgery, too -- asking me how things are going and agreeing to slap my hand if I unconciously reach for the candy bowls on their desks. Since surgery, I tell most people who ask -- if they are people I have relationships with. I haven't had anything more negative than "you're not big enough to need that surgery" and I just say "insurance approved it so I must have been big enough". Regarding biggest change in life? Obviously the first 4 weeks were a huge change going through the progressive diet. liquids, purees, soft... now I'm on 'regular' food and I'm still surprised that I have NO feelings of hunger at all and I only have to eat a VERY small amount of food and I'm full. It's nice not to be driven by cravings. I have to watch the "walk-by-and-grab-a-bite-of-something-laying-around" urge but it's not hard when you don't really feel hungry. Haven't wanted or missed any bread or carbs and Diet Coke doesn't even appeal for some reason and I was a MAJOR addict right up until surgery. Best wishes -- hang out on the boards and you'll find more information than you can ever process!

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