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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by skewlteacher

  1. My surgery is July 21st. I'm a teacher and Dr. Said I'd be ok for professional development on 28th and 29th and then vacation week of August 8th. (A very relaxing and well hydrated vacation) Workdays start August 19th and he said I'd be more than okay by then!

  2. I'm scheduled for July 17th. I've been going to the area support group and talking with others. My surgeon is highly recommended in NC and even my OB/GYN who is 82 highly recommends him and is in support of the sleeve. I'm 5'4, 223. Of course everyone says I'm too small to weigh as much as I do , blah, blah, blah, but I'm 34, large boned and want to run with my almost 9 year old! The Dr. Said with the sleeve I won't get too skinny too fast which may help and give my skin time to catch up without being too droopy. If they move my date up I will let you know how it goes. I'm out all summer as I'm a teacher. Good luck. :)

  3. Knowing several people that had RNY, they have all had malabsorption issues and dumping. With the sleeve I like the idea of having a functional stomach without rerouting my intestines! I would think that for males it would be advantageous too for eating appropriate Protein amounts and working out plus calorie consumption needs would be easier met with the sleeve.

  4. I am 34, 5'3" and 233. I want the sleeve - all the research I've done pints to trouble and malabsorption. Having 2 young kids, if my 3 year old wants to feed me a bite of her birthday cake I don't want to get sick and puke like you would with dumping syndrome. I plan to stay away from sweets and sugar obviously but I want to live "normally". :) Do some research and attend a support group! Best wishes. Oh and looking at the week after July 4th for surgery!

  5. I am 34 and have 2 kids. Based on how you feel right now, how do you think it will be for me recovering this summer when I have surgery? I'm a teacher. One will be at day camp and one at the sitter each day. We live and the beach too and I wonder if I'll be able to go sit on the beach a week or two after surgery? It's awesome to hear you're doing well and I hope things continue to go smoothly for you!

  6. I have Cigna through husband's work. Google and download the PDF of their policy. Three months for me- they changed it from 6 to 3 a few years back. I got lucky- I go to my Ob/Gyn every year since as long as I can remember. I had yearly records from the same practice starting back 9 years ago when I got pregnant with my first baby. Lesson learned tough, write down every single reference number and reps name when you call Cigna and become great friends with your insurance claims person at your surgeons office! I went round and round trying to verify bariatrics was under my policy and thank goodness finally got a yes from Cigna and the benefits coordinator from my husband's employer!

  7. I think I am just obsessed with surgery as I am with end of grade tests for my kids. Kind of concerned- it's become a second job with me as I read posts, medical articles and follow lots of people on YouTube. Not obsessively, just helping me get through the last 68 days of monitored weight loss! Yes, I have a countdown app on my phone. I feel like a kid at Christmas! Cannot wait to start my new life as a happy, healthy and thin person!

  8. I am in Brunswick County. Moving through my steps and hoping for surgery in July. At our informational meeting earlier this month there were actually two guys that drove to Wilmington from Raleigh to see my surgeon. His statistics are amazing and has not had any patients with major complications or leaks. Makes me feel a LOT better.

    This whole journey is nerve wracking! I think I'm gaining weight faster than ever which is bad. I am a teacher and this time of year is stressful. I also feel like all I do in my spare time is watch YouTube videos of sleeved people and read forums on here! I am working hard on trying to eat Protein foods now and get myself into the habit. Do you have a support group in Cary you could go to? There is a support group in Wilmington once a month and I plan to go in June. It would be awesome to have friends in NC though to keep up with through this journey. :) I downloaded a book on my Kindle App- Shades of Hope - so far I'm really into it and it had 5 star reviews.

    Definitely keep in touch! We all need each other's support! (don't judge me though- I'm a Tarheel girl :)

  9. As long as insurance cooperates, I'm hoping for early July. I'll have all of my requirements met by then. The nurse is doing everything she can to help me as I am a teacher and have some weeks off this summer to recover while my kids will be at the babysitter and camp. Very exciting!

  10. Yesterday I went for my weight check, finally met the nurse and went to the required information session. Amazing how sitting in a room of large people is actually quite comforting. I'm a school teacher and had started this process late last year and am now starting over by choice. I have it planned out so that as soon as school is out, I should be able to start the 2 week liquid diet, have surgery, then spend the rest of my summer break recovering/adjusting to my new life. I asked the insurance specialist at my Dr's office today was everyone as obsessive as I am? I have made phone calls and lined every appointment up to a T so that I can complete the pre-requisites within the next 90 days. I feel like I'm rushing but don't think I am. Is it normal to feel like things are going so smoothly it's almost easy to go through this? Maybe it's just what I've needed and know that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel? I'm excited, nervous and anxious all at the same time!

  11. I think that anyone who judges you for your decisions should mind their own business. :P I approached the idea of surgery back in October and due to listening to family, I backed out after my first appointment. I would have had surgery by now and am starting over with psych apt tomorrow, weight check and the first class. It took 5 more months of dealing with my size (I'm 5'4 and think I weigh about 230 but won't get on the scale at home until they weigh me tomorrow). I have two young children and want to be around for many, many more years. If it means I can finally live and be comfortable with my body after being overweight all of my adult life, then I know the ones that understand will truly support me. My husband and I are very close and that's all that matters to me. Best of luck and hope all goes well for you through this journey!

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