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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by odesa

  1. Hi Mike,

    I'll have to agree with Andrew. Actually whatever size you are, you are. It only will seem to get bigger/longer because the extra fat/padding is used to fuel the body and it's more a ratio or proportion type of thing. Still yes mentally there is a bit of a surprise as what you see does make one feel as if a man's manhood as grown but again it is more to do with the area around it shrinking.

    Matt, you are doing great. I've only lost 73 pounds in just over 3 months so your loss of 74 in about 2 months is great news. Of course I started at 430 and had my surgery at 400 so I am still 327 and not active enough with exercise. I do walk much more now but actually excercising is still difficult for me.

  2. . Tell me how it's possible to gain 12 pounds in 4 days I'm so damn frustrated ugh. I eat nearly the same thing daily keeping my carbs under 20 sometimes yes I go over but never over 50. That is rare at that. Sigh but 12 pounds up in 4 days scares me. No I'm not pregnant. So today I attempted the liquid diet again. It's like the hunger has come back full force and it isn't head hunger. Hopefully a few days of liquid will shock my system. Has anyone been prescribed calorie blockers or diet pills or appetite suppressants since surgery. I know that seems odd to ask but am curious.

    It has been my experience that anything gained/loss in a short period of time is Water weight. I seriously doubt you gained 12 pounds of fat in 4 days. More than likely you had something that had much more sodium in it than you knew and your body retained extra Water.< /p>

    Just stick with your program and watch your sodium intake. If for any reason it concerns you do see a medical professional. Best of luck!

  3. Hehe,

    Oh yeah. I was use to eating at the speed of a NASCAR event and it took me three times having some type of food stuck in my esophogus (sp?) and having to dry heave to get it to dislodge and go into my sleeve before I learned to pay attention and slow it down. Now I eat like the grass grows and have well over half my food on my plate when my family finishes eating theirs LOL even though my portion is much smaller.

    So you are not alone and neither it appears was I. I told my surgeon about it last week at my 3 month follow up and he just smiled and called it a learning moment on my own learning curve :)

  4. Your post is a bit confusing and no responses after 40 views tells me I'm not alone. I am somewhat new to this forum but I will say that I simply saw in my profile a place for overall weight loss and another number for weight loss AFTER the surgery so I simply complied and put in the correct numbers.

    I don't think I feel guilty at all. My 30 pound loss was on weight watchers over the course of an entire year and not really part of a pre-op diet, or at least for me it wasn't but either way I am down 102 from my peak and every pound counts to me, pre op or post op I don't care and I certainly don't feel guilty.

    Lose 10 times that amount and instead of guilt you will be singing in the shower LOL. It's a great feeling to have lost weight no matter how it was done.

    Regards for now!

  5. I went with the sleeve because diets are temporary and 23 years of failure was enough for me. I wanted something permanent and I know myself well enough to know that I didn't want to compromise on this issue. I was lucky in that my op was paid for by my insurance so cost was not a factor. Best of luck to you either way you decide.

  6. Congrats! I had my 3 month follow up last week and was told that 30% of excess weight loss at 3 months and 50% at 6 months was the norm so it seems fairly similiar/standard. My loss was at 33% so I had that same feel good feeling you have right now but I'm just 3 months behind ya!

  7. Congrats on the good news but I'd say it's yet another misconception about us overweight folks that we have weak hearts etc. I'm 49 and my EKG/Heart tests were just fine despite my weight. Then again I wasn't going to wait around for another decade to test it so time to lose, it go fast so hang in there and keep us posted on your surgery date.

  8. Yes it's time for me....i have a three year old daughter and I work full time and go to school full time and i just feel over whelmed by it all.


    My baby boy (6th bio and 7th overall and LAST child of mine now) was born 2 weeks ago today. If your like me you'll want to be around a long time to watch the 3 year old grow old. The WLS for me was one of my better decisions in my entire life. I've lost 72 pounds in 3 months which was impossible in the last 23 years for me and I was nervous too so your emotional state is not unusual.

    Think of the benefits and use your tool wisely and hang in there, that is what this forum is for, that and for apperantly stuffing one's panties with all kinds of things hehe :)

  9. ... My panty is stuffed with things I thought I might need. Good luck!

    I try not to stuff my panties at all, oh and don't telll on me!

    J/K, I know what you meant, what a difference a single letter makes eh? LOL. Keep stuffing whatever you need Linda :D

  10. Hi and thanks for sharing!

    Just wanted to let you know that I too have had that same issue, I have so few pictures of me with my family because of how I hated the way I looked in them and now the past is gone and there is no 'do over'. Time to live life and accept where we are at and what we look like, the good the bad and the ugly. I need to get some before and after pics myself but I have so few that it's a damn shame LOL.

    You guys look great, keep up the good work!

  11. I am constantly told to just walk away from the table and don't eat anything! The less I eat the more I'll lose! I wish! Tried that too and it didn't work. All discipline and willpower that's all I need.

    Exactly. I was told the obvious. If I didn't eat I would lose weight. Duh! I'd lose half my organs too from shutting down, most my hair from lack of protien and the muscle mass and who knows what other complications from simply "not eating".

    I think my sleeve is a very great tool for me personally because my problem, personally... was not eating chocolates, cakes, pies, candies, doughnuts (well ok, I could polish off a bag of hostess chocolate covered dougnuts for desert but I do digress...) etc. My problem was going to the Papa John's and picking up two pizzas. One for the family and one for me. I'd tell myself it served a noble purpose by not subjecting my poor family to my pepperoni, onion, jalapeno mess but in reality I just wanted to eat a whole pizza by myself. I just tried a thin crust pizza after my 90 days and was lucky to get two of the smaller slices eaten.

    For some of us who know WLS was the only answer and in the last 3 months I've now done what I've failed to do in the last 23 years since I got out of the Army and that is a fact.

    So yeah, dumbest thing I was ever told was to simply not eat till I got to my ideal weight.

  12. My sister had the Roux N-Y done about 10 years ago and lost about 160 pounds and then after drinking too much beer with her girlfriends she gained back about 30 pounds but is still down 130 and now is going back to the gym and starting to eat healthier and last I heard lost 6 of the 30 she regained.

    That is my only real life knowledge on this topic and I have been a student of my sister's surgery for the last 10 years.

  13. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing, that is AMAZING! I am down only 58 pounds in about 10 weeks so seeing your stats tells me that it can be done and I am sure you stayed the course for the entire 11 months. I am already seeing signs of weakness in my own desires to eat as my tummy heals and reading what you have done really helps motivate me.

    Keep us posted on the 1 year mark. I've seen some others post losses of about 100 pounds in around 8 months so your doing awesome!

    All our best, keep it up!

  14. Hi and welcome yourself!

    I too did weight watchers since Jan 2013 and that is how I lost the original 30 pounds before my surgery so I'd say stick with it for your pre-op it is a good program.

    I too remember my journey pre insurance etc. back in October of last year. It is a lot of work to jump through the hoops to get the insurance to pay but it is worth it. After about 5 and a half months I had my surgery on March 12 and have no regrets. Well, fwiw there is a period from right after the surgery to about a week later where I had serious regrets, I pled and prayed that I would lose the weight on my own if only the Lord would make the pain go away LOL. Things are much better now. I feel I eat like a normal person and not like I did before. The surgery is only a tool but it is a powerful one. Just prepare yourself cause the food cravings will still be there and you will and can feel hungry though half of it is between your ears.

    Best of luck on your pre op activities and thanks for a wonderful posting. I've found this site to be a great support for me as I journey through the post op world of WLS. Glad you found it as well.

  15. Hi,

    A typical day for me 10 weeks post op and I consume between about 700 and 1,000 calories a day with a few select days I can hit 1,200 and you can imagine why LOL. My one stall I had was what I thought associated with reintroducing sodium to my diet and it only lasted for about one week.

    Of course I think it may be a gender thing too but I see more and more early stall posts on here usually by women. I am not a doctor so not sure if this is a hormone or gender thing or what but I've had only one week where I lost a single pound, a few weeks where I lost just a couple and a few weeks where I lost a lot (6-15) so I can't say I've stalled yet...

    I hope though that you recognize that every week you don't gain weight is a positive thing as well. I think most of us know that feeling all too well. My only advice I can post is to stay the course, you did this for a reason and stall or no stall you owe it to yourself to keep on plan and keep trying.

    The founder Alex posted an ezine article about plateaus and if I remember one thing you can do is to change up your calorie intake. Try like 300 calories less or 300 MORE. Vary your activity level. Vary the type of food you are eating and the times you are eating it and finally like I said and it's in my signature weight loss is a marathon not a sprint so keep running!

    Hope you stay the course and I wish you the best in un-stalling :)

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