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Posts posted by Jenuine629

  1. @@phillyfan99 I drink the ready made premier Protein drinks (chocolate) you can buy them at Walmart but I get the 12 packs at SAMs. I've been drinking them since pre-op.They have 30 grams of Protein per shake and 1g sugar.

    I agree with the Premier Protein. I've been drinking them since 2008. costco also sells them by the case. I get the chocolate & vanilla. They also have a Strawberries & Cream but I don't want a case I'll have to look for it at Walmart

    You can get individual premier Protein shakes in all flavors on their website (as opposed to buying the case). That was how I sampled which ones I liked

    As for Protein Bars, I like the Luna bars. Great for a snack!

  2. I am nine months post op from VSG and two days ago had my gall bladder out. Initially post op from the sleeve, I was vomiting daily and my surgeon did an ultrasound which had shown some stones. Since I wasn't having any pain, and we felt the vomiting was due to heartburn (switched around my meds and the vomiting stopped), my surgeon felt it was better to leave it alone

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I had severe back pain under my left shoulder and mid back. Back doc thought I did something at work and prescribed me pain meds. Thank goodness she did. Last week, I had my first gb attack. I had severe pain in the middle of my chest under my breast bone and excessive belching. I tried everything I could think of thinking it was indigestion. Nothing worked. Finally took a pain pill and had relief. This happened again the next day with vomiting. Called the surgeon who suspected it was the gb. Instructed me to do Clear liquids until he could schedule surgery and if not go to the hospital immediately. I was able to hold out until Tuesday and on tues had my gb out. Now back to recovering from that. Definitely sore and having some gas pains, but I feel like this was a little easier than the sleeve.

    I hope you feel better and if you need the gb out, just do it. Better than having all that pain. Good luck

  3. Thanks for the idea. I do still have my gall bladder. Finally after several hours and pacing last night, I took a pain pill and everything seemed to calm down. I was able to lie down, get comfortable and sleep. So far this morning I seem to be ok.

    Have an email into docs office, so waiting to hear.

    Thank you for the advice.

  4. Oh there are tons of meals you can do - I buy sliders at the grocery store if I want a burger (just no bun), meatballs (usually can eat three) will have that with a veggie side, chicken thighs make with a lemon sauce (so good), or I also bake (super easy recipe) 3/4 lbs of salmon and divide it into a 1/3 each and have that for a few meals, roast chicken is good too.

  5. Hey guys just want to run this past you and see what you all think.

    I am 9 months post op and down about 80lbs. I am absolutely happy and pleased with my surgery.

    It has been mostly smooth sailing...until tonight. I have been having severe upper gas pain with constant belching but no relief of pain.

    I have taken Gas x and tums and again no relief. I am calling my surgeon in the morning to see what they say. But I am nervous there is something wrong like a bowel obstruction or something else.

    Anyone else experience this?

    No nausea/vomiting and I have been having bowel movements.

    This is so strange and out of the blue...hope it's nothing serious

    Going to be a long night of pain, belching and pacing. Hopefully it will get better.


  6. Just an update... Ultrasound shows I have gall stones and sludge. Maybe the reason/cause of my morning vomiting. So I made a few changes. 1) went back to the soft diet again with a little bit of solids and do that slowly. 2) taking Prilosec twice daily. 3) at night I was doing a Protein shake as my last meal, maybe it was too much liquid and processed too quickly leaving the leave to empty for so long. So I tried cheese last. And 4) I took a zofran first thing this morning, waited about an hour before I took any other medicines. It seemed to work for today. No vomiting. Yay!!

    As for the gall stones, we are just going to wait and see. Since I have no pain, doc is not ready to send me back to surgery for removal just yet. Hopefully, this will be not a problem. Right now I can't afford this set back with work and all. I'm going back to work on Monday and just pray this all works itself out. Fingers crossed.

    More happy that I didn't sick this morning! Thanks for the support and information.

    To those getting sick too...I hope we all get better and things resolve for us. Hang in there

  7. I have thrown up so much the last 2 weeks that the back of my tongue is raw! It's definitely a mental thing because the moment I think of taking my daily meds the bile starts gurgling and my brain starts swimming. I would really be interested in knowing what people are taking to get over the mental nausea because otherwise I might never get over the buyers remorse!

    Have you tried crushing your meds or putting them in apple sauce or pudding? Maybe that would help. Distract you from thinking you are taking meds and eating a treat instead?

  8. I generally took them of an evening as I was going to bed cause my nausea started no sooner I opened my eyes in the morning. I would try whatever is accessible - just go and speak to the pharmacist. The regret will go as soon as the nausea settles down, i was in tears every day with it but it does get better. I still have days of ill feeling but its easy tolerated - my dr told me that things really don't settle down and get better for 6-12 mths after surgery. Some people are lucky no issues, but for us it will just make us stronger :)

    There are days when I want to slap those that say they have no issues, feel great and love the life with a new sleeve. Lol. I know they mean no harm and I am happy for them...but wish I had that just a little.

    I decided to pull myself back to the soft/ puréed foods for a little longer and see if that helps too and slowly introduce solids in time. I'm hoping you are right unhappy about it getting better soon. Fingers crossed.

  9. I know how you all feel but rest assured it does get better. I regretted my decision for weeks and then after taking the motion sickness tablets for a couple of days I got up one morning and felt 80% better. It took me about 4 mths to start feeling better although some days I still wake up feeling blah but it's way better. I am now 6 mths post op and have been nausea free for 2 mths and don't regret my decision half as much. Feel free to contact me anytime, this surely isn't easy but together we can help each other :)

    Oh my gosh. I have been crying, upset, and regretting this surgery for the past week or so. Unfortunately my family doesn't get it. This is terrible. I just don't feel right or like myself. It's so discouraging. I'm supposed to go back to work on Monday and I'm afraid I'll get sick at work.

    Are you taking Dramamine or is it a prescription motion sickness pill?. At this point, if you told me to stand on my and hold my breathe, I would. I'm willing to try anything in the name of feeling better. I had an abdominal ultrasound today to make sure it wasn't my gall bladder. I know it's not. That would be too easy. I'll ask my doc about the motion sickness pills.

    Thanks for the help and to everyone else who responded. I'm glad I'm not alone.

  10. What were some of the foods you are when you were finally allowed solid foods? I have been given the ok to have solids by my surgeon. Also been having some nausea & vomiting issues ( which MD is aware of). I'm taking it day by day and very slowly. Just wanted to get some ideas of what you all started eating.


  11. Hi all....hoping some of you can help me here as both my medical team & I are stumped by what's been going on with me lately. I have been experiencing nausea & vomiting in the mornings when I wake up. Without being too terribly gross, it's either bile or saliva that I am getting sick on. I take a Zofran afterwards and typically feel better a couple hours later. I'm getting my fluids, Proteins and Vitamins in post morning vomit. MD checked labs and EKG all normal. Had a crummy holiday weekend because I felt ill. Next step since still having symptoms is to have an ultrasound of abdomen to see what's going on. It's been 5 weeks since surgery. It's so bad, I decided to pull back from solid foods and go back to softs to see if it made a difference. Supposed to go back to work next week. I can't imagine doing that with how I feel now every morning.

    Has anyone else experience this? Thanks in advance!

  12. Hi all....hoping some of you can help me here as both my medical team & I are stumped by what's been going on with me lately. I have been experiencing nausea & vomiting in the mornings when I wake up. Without being too terribly gross, it's either bile or saliva that I am getting sick on. I take a Zofran afterwards and typically feel better a couple hours later. I'm getting my fluids, Proteins and Vitamins in post morning vomit. MD checked labs and EKG all normal. Had a crummy holiday weekend because I felt ill. Next step since still having symptoms is to have an ultrasound of abdomen to see what's going on. It's been 5 weeks since surgery. It's so bad, I decided to pull back from solid foods and go back to softs to see if it made a difference. Supposed to go back to work next week. I can't imagine doing that with how I feel now every morning.

    Has anyone else experience this? Thanks in advance!

  13. Thank you to all the veterans that do stick around and have the time and patience. I am one month post op and if it wasn't for this site and all the vets experiences, encouragement, and insights....I don't know what I would do. Right now, you are all my life line!! I wouldn't be able to do this without you all. And when I have become stronger and more stable with my new sleeve and weight loss, I will pay it forward to future newbies!

  14. Yes I have been taking Vitamins since post op. I called doctor this morning....they made me come in, vitals were normal and they drew some blood work. They did say I could be experiencing ketaosis flu...which is the body adjusting to rapid weight loss. Will know more tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll have answers soon. Thanks for the support!

  15. Hey fellow sleevers! I am four weeks out and feeling great buuuuut I haven't been able to sleep at night for maybe three weeks. Anyone having trouble sleeping too??

    I have not had a full nights sleep since coming home. Today is one month post op. Not sure what's going on because I think the lack of sleep is giving me headaches. Ugh. Hopefully this will pass and we can get a restful nights sleep soon.

  16. Reaching out here, hoping someone else has felt this way...I am one month post op. Eating my puréed/soft foods has not been an issue for, nor has getting in my Protein or Fluid requirements. (Thankfully). What I am having an issue with is weakness, horrible insomnia, and headaches. I think the headaches are from lack of sleep ( haven't had a full restful night since coming home) and therefore when I wake in the morning, I have a raging headache which makes me nauseous and sometimes I vomit. I go back to sleep for a bit and push myself to move on with the rest of my day (which headache will be dull or gone, can eat and drink w/o issues, etc). I don't think it's dehydration, but definitely have this weakness. It's a push to shower and do my daily walk. Past two days I have walked because the headache has been so bad. And at night the insomnia cycle repeats. I've tried warm milk, Benadryl, and mediation/soothing sounds with little relief.

    Haven't called doc yet because it's so vague. Any ideas?

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