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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by IVANinNJ

  1. IVANinNJ

    My 1st Dr's visit

    I can't actually feel the band in place. Even without a fill, if I eat to fast or don't chew more than I used to, I can feel the food getting caught up and like other have said, it feels like a gof ball stuck in your chest, and you have to let it pass. Nothing has come back up on me but I know I came close a couple of times. The port can be easily felt under my skin if I am feeling it with my finger, but I don't feel it otherwise. So at least for me, it was easy to get used to and does not bother or interfere in any way.
  2. IVANinNJ

    September's Verb

    I got the the gym 45 min before closing. Had an abbreviated work-out, but they turned off the AC early... Will have a chat with the owner about that tomorrow. We ordered Chinese for dinner and I counted 4 days until the first fill.
  3. IVANinNJ

    Help I need advice!

    Sorry to sail against the tide here, but I would disagree. We all know how absolutley crucial follow-up care is, and I would be very concerned about having a surgeon do the procedure and then step out of the picture. Who will do your follow-up? I say,take this situation as a sign. Tell Doctor V Thanks but no thanks, and find yourself another surgeon who you will be happy with for the surgery and the aftercare. Even if you have to travel a little, won't it be worth it in the long run? Find another doc right now, get a consult right AFTER the cruise and then you can sit back, relax and really enjoy the cruise. The cruise can truly be your last hoorah! You were on hold until November anyway, so timewise you will be no worse off than you were.
  4. IVANinNJ

    September Chat

    Another day where the bathroom scale gets spared a beating or dangled over the garbage can. I'm not sure what's on, I guess my body heard a rumor that I was going to get my first fill next week and it's kicking into gear for the sole purpose of embarrassing me when I get weighed at the doctor's office and he can see that I don't need a fill cause I am still (all of a sudden) loosing weight. I'm not complaining. But I still think I am eating more than I should be. I'm glad my new friend started this open rant thread, I often regret not starting a blog when I first began this adventure. Today was classified as productive because I made an appointment with one of the exercise guys at the gym to set me up with a real program. I have been doing mostly treadmill and recumbant bikes, but I was reminded that my surgeon doesn't really consider that cardio stuff as real weight-loss exercise. So while I am refreshing my memory as to exactly what the heck that means, I will pursue the other equipment and work it in on opposite days from non-weight loosin cardio equipment. In other facinating Ira-News, my wedding anniversary is coming up and the idea of going to a really nice place for dinner so that I can have 4 bites of something and watch her enjoy a full meal for 45 minutes is making me ill. I guess this is something I will have to get used to. Clearly whatever I order will have to be something that travels well. Such problems...
  5. IVANinNJ

    September Chat

    Yeah, where is Lisa? Next time you are going to a zoo let me know if you want some company. Ever been to the Catskill game farm? Today was the first day of school, (pre-school) and he was not happy. After he got home today he was a terror until he went to bed. I went to the gym after he went to bed, it was a little more crowed than usual, but not too bad. After clicking around the channels on the TV on the treadmill, I have concluded that Fox News channel is giving me the best coverage of Katrina comparred to the other networks. It is much more enjoyable to work out in the afternoon when Law & Order is on TNT. In case you were wondering what the heck I am doing writing this drivel at 4am, I am at work on my night shift rotation. It is awful, but I only have 2 more weeks and then I am back on a daylight shift. On the bright side, I noticed that the cost of gas is slowly starting to come down. I found a place right off Rt 80 that is down to $3.04.
  6. IVANinNJ

    would anyone like to late nite chat

    I tried liquid vitamins, I think battery acid would be more appetizing, and much less expensive. I am also taking flinstones chewables with iron Thanks to everyone who came to the chat room this morning, it was nice to meet you all.
  7. IVANinNJ


    I was cold all the time while is was quickly loosing the weight right after the surgery. Now that the weight loss is slowing down, I am still cold somethimes but it is not as bad. My regular doc said "get used to it" The Surgeon said "that's good, it means you are loosing fat" So, it seems like it's normal.
  8. (here comes the dark cloud) If the appointment to see the Doctor in 1 month was only a suggestion, hold off on seeing him. If you are really ready to get things back on track, make an appointment with the nutritionist, see her and follow her advice. Get back to Curves just a couple of days a week, and watch what you are eating. After 2 weeks you will be able to walk into his office guilt-free. I would submit that being "affraid" of the doctor has nothing to do with anything. If you need to be yelled at, I'm sure all your friends here would be happy to line up and take turns. (I'm picturing a scene from the movie "AIRPLANE") I don't know Dr. Bertha, but from everything I have read he is an excellent doctor, highly respected and very busy. Frankly, for you to walk into his office and say "Hi, I haven't followed any of your instructions, now help me", is just an out & out insult to him. If you aren't ready that's ok too. But really, don't waste his time. It's not fair.
  9. IVANinNJ

    September Chat

    I was just kidding... I don't think he needs me to bring in business.
  10. IVANinNJ

    September Chat

    In this case you will be better off having a nice big guilt-ridden meal on the way to the office. They don't use a regular scale, they use a body fat analyzer, which means that you have to get on bare-foot. I posted this once before, but so that you don't have to search for it, here it is again. You will get a print-out of all your numbers every time you go to the office. Oh, one more thing: Be sure to wear something that makes you look as large as possible. They will take a picture tomorrow, and when you compare it to the future pictures you will want the change to be as dramatic as possible.
  11. IVANinNJ

    Fast Food List?

    Sorry for the bump, but I just found a great deal at Burger King. They sell the pouch of grilled chicken (intended for the salad) for $1.20 It was just the right size to fill me up. It wasn't on the menu, all I did was ask if I could get the chicken without the salad. And, it was a great alternaitve to breaded and fried nuggets.
  12. IVANinNJ

    September Chat

    For the first time in weeks the scale was not physically assaulted today. Only had to get on once for an acceptable reading. We went out and took advantage of a couple of sales today. NJChick, please make sure you tell them where who sent you. I am looking forward to getting on his Christmas card list this year!
  13. IVANinNJ

    FAT VS. MUSCLE - Take A Look

    ok, that was very cool. Where do you come up with this stuff?
  14. IVANinNJ

    Has anyone ever tried ZETACAP?

    I really think this article's assessment of zetacap is more convincing than the zetacap claims: Weight Loss Fiber Supplement? Like my girl said... don't waste your money on that.
  15. IVANinNJ

    Support Group

    To everyone who PM'd me between yesturday and today, here are the answers to all your questions: yes she really does exist, yes she is just as friendly and enthusiastic in person as she is on the boards. No, she won't crack today. Yes, babe, No I'm often intimidated by taller women, no she didn't have us singing the Mary Tyler Moore show theme song.
  16. If I respond to your post within the next 20 minutes, do I get a free refrigerator magnet?
  17. IVANinNJ

    Support Group

    Hi Cookie Monster, I am pretty sure that answer will vary depending on where you are going. Some places do an open forum sort of thing, others have a structured program with educational lectures. The place you are going to does both. I'm not sure what's on the agenda this week, but because it is the first meeting since the summer, I am guessing it will be very crowded. No matter what they do, I guarantee you will learn something new. One thing you will find is that there a alot of people who come who are not sure if they want the bypass or the band. They ask alot of really good questions, and get some really good answers.
  18. IVANinNJ

    What would you do?

    Avoid the whole discussion by using a week's worth of vacation time for the surgery. Save your sick time in case there is some complication or you get sick. Remember you are making a commitment to follow-up appointments every month plus bloodwork plus who knows what. You never know when you will need to take a day. Take advantage of the fact that you can schedule this a month or more in advance. Since everyone is in agreement that there is no privacy at work and your boss will find out from the medical department anyway, don't get yourself caught up in telling a lie or half truth if he will find out anyway.
  19. IVANinNJ

    Nut Exam

    Congratulations! I told you it would be easy. There is plenty of parking at the nutrition place. Eat a healthy breakfast and luch so when she asks you what you had to eat today you wont have to lie.
  20. IVANinNJ

    medical billing codes for adjustments???

    ICD-9 Codes 44.98 - (Laparoscopic) Adjustment of size of adjustable gastric restrictive device. Infusion of saline for device tightening Withdrawl of saline for device loosening 88.76 - Abdominal ultrasound 88.09 - Abdominal wall fluroscopy 87.61 - Barium swallow
  21. IVANinNJ

    Surgery scheduled

    LESLIE, Only 9 more days! Are you ready?
  22. IVANinNJ

    August Chat - Everyone Welcomed

    Thanks... The craziest thing happened, all of a sudden I got my appetite back, and I am hungry all the time. I eat like I have been but then an hour later I am looking for a snack. I guess this means that I am all healed and I really need a fill. Right? (anyone)
  23. IVANinNJ

    I Am A Bandster....

    Congratulations! Rest easy. Don't get on the scale for at least 4 days.
  24. IVANinNJ

    August Chat - Everyone Welcomed

    Listen miss 6.88 posts per day, I'm sure you will be fine. Don't worry.
  25. IVANinNJ

    Full of worries....

    I'm sure you will find a doc. If you really think finding a doctor to do it will be difficult, I would start by finding a teaching hospital that has a bariatric program. They usually have the highest volume (which is always a plus) and typically are liberal with accepting any form of insurance. The docs that are affiliated usually follow the hospital. Once you find the hospital, then you can find the docs that are part of the bariatric program there. best of luck to you!

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