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Posts posted by meledl

  1. Hey

    I wanted the sleeve too but my surgeon really supported the bypass. I can't speak for your surgeon but mine has lots of experience in the field. I realized that she does this week after week and sees patient after patient...she sees the best results with bypass. I finally just decided to trust her and went with the bypass. I'm happy with my decision now. Don't know if that helps.

  2. I'm not sure why I got so hungry this morning but I was ravenous. I felt faint and couldn't concentrate. I ate a snack that was probably on the big side but then realized I was still "starving"....so I woofed down another too big sNack. I went back to work satisfied but a little worried I could eat that much. 45 minutes later I started throwing up.

    What I learned from this. 1. Could have tried drinking Water. 2. I should have eaten my snack and then waited 30-45 min. I wouldn't have died even if I thought I would

    Anyway. Thought I would share.

  3. I am really scared that I won't lose anymore weight. I have lost 9 since surgery 2 weeks ago, which I know is good, but i still worry. I guess because every diet I have ever done didn't work long term.

    Like I said I know this is prob irrational but does anyone out there feel that too?

  4. Hey everyone,

    I have only 2.5 lbs a week since surgery (even the first week). I have read the average is 5-15. I know that is still good to lose 2.5 but I'm confused because it's not as much as I thought. Let me also say this is only week 2. Did anyone have slow weight loss at the beginning?

  5. I was scheduled for a sleeve but had an agreement with my surgeon that if she got in my abdomen and there had been too much damage from the lap band I had taken out she would do a bypass. Anyway so I had a bypass. I'm having trouble with it mentally partly because I think any major surgery can mess with your emotions at first. And because I wasn't totally mentally prepared for it. (Btw I apologize for grammar mistakes etc). I'm typing on my iphone). The first few days I felt "altered". Almost as if I had become some sort of mutant. I am starting to do a little better. I know I needed a weight loss surgery so I think The right thing happened , but I am having an adjustment problem.

    I know many people will be going through the same thing. Hope to hear from you all!

  6. Ok. I'm 1.5 yrs out from removal of my lapband. I am having revision on may 5th and I still can't decide which one. I've read all the statistics and complications. Below are my fears with each one Please tell me your stories, to help me make the best decision

    Sleeve fears

    1. Reflux. I don't have it now but had it so badly with my band. It was horrible.

    2. Potential for another surgery

    Bypass fears

    1. I have rheumatoid arthritis I don't take NSAIDs now...but what if I need them one day

    2. Malabsorption/anemia

    3. Antidepressants. I have had severe depression in the past and am now stable with extended release Wellbutrin. Don't want to acre that up

    Any thoughts?

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