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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by aking4

  1. I don't have real answers, just wanted to say that I am in a similar boat. Had the surgery about 3 years ago, lost 100 pounds but need to lose more. I have also lost my mojo when it comes to doing this right. Need to get on track. Have you tried the 5-day Pouch test? I tried it once and it was fine but didn't "reset me."
    I don't know how to do this myself but what I want to tell you (or tell myself) is that vegetables aren't the big answer, just part of the answer. It's not like the old diets where eating veggies is the trick. Our trick is Protein. Protein first,then if there is room, the next thing in is veggies. chicken and shrimp are 2 of the really good things to eat. And chicken can be prepared 1,000 different ways. But, I would love to hear what others have to say.

    Thanks for your reply and it nice to know someone else is in a similar boat as me. And it's not just me. I have also lost my mojo to do it right. The temptations are always around when you have young kids and not only that my work hours are never the same. I get off work pretty late no time to really cook anything healthy. I have tried doing the prepared foods but when I go to reheat doesn't taste good or just tired of eating the same thing for 3 days.

  2. My 3 year mark is coming up on May 7th. My birthday is may 14th. Since having gastric bypass I have had skin removal and reduction. At that time I lost more weight but I have gained back some of my weight. I started before everything at 255 and now I weigh 165. My lowest weight was 139. At the time of my lowest I was still getting sick alot. And I still do sometimes. Now I am realizing I really need to get back on track. I really want to get back down to at least 145. I recently 2 weeks ago started really watching what I eat and drinking more Water. But I haven't seen the scale move in over a week. I am scared I am stuck here at 165. Now the only "vegetable" I eat and can stomach to eat is green Beans. I love chicken and shrimp. Any other ideas. Like Protein Drinks or diet plans. I am open to any suggestions.

  3. I am almost three years out from the RNY and I have never regretted it. It was alot of learn new feelings and now not being able to eat things as simple as eggs. But not everyone is the same. People with the RNY are usually able to keep it off and lose more due to the fact they have a small pouch (stomach) it hold less than the sleeve. And it takes a little longer to digest from what I was told. I was more scared to have the sleeve bc of all the stories I heard people would gain it back and I didn't want the surgery and time to be all for nothing if that happened to me. Either way it's a tool for a healthy life style. Everyone with WLS needed for a reason health issues, bad habits. But we all are choosing to change it for a even better reason.

  4. Thank you to everyone that has replied on this post. I'm almost 3 years post op and I have been at the same weight since 18 months post op. I've been trying to loose about 35 more pounds. But I grew up a picky eater and I have been that way my whole life. Literally only vegetable I eat is green Beans. Yes I have tried others I just can't stomach them. With work schedule and kids it's hard to eat like am suppose to again. Any tips on how to get back on track with being a picky eater? Do you think the reset will help me to were I do t crave sweets or soda. For months I have not gained or lost any weight. But it's time to change. Any suggestions?

  5. Hi I was reading ur post and it feels good to know that someone else may be having there surgery in may as well I finished my appt needed all blood work breathing test done my sleep test and the omly thing left is to have my cardiac test which is scheduled april 17th and my doctors office works pretty fast they said im looking about a month after to be having my surgery please keepme posted on ur updates

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