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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Melanie36

  1. How is everyone doing?

    I hit 70 pounds gone today! So exciting! Of course, I'm counting the weight I lost during pre op.... Since surgery, I'm down about 38 pounds. Still- it's unreal to me! I'm back at my college weight! Next stop, high school weight! (25 more pounds for that)

  2. Yes. I stopped it. I figured I didn't "need it" for diabetes, and my surgeon supported me stopping that and spironolactone before surgery. I wanted to be as drug free and healthy as possible.

    Now that I'm about 6+ weeks out, I'm thinking of starting the spironolactone up again. My surgeon didn't care one way or the other if I continued to take the met or Spiro, and she basically told me to ask my OBGYN that's been managing my PCOS.

    I'm down 62 pounds since I started my pre-op! (30 of them since surgery on 2/16)

  3. I think I "might" have finally pushed through the 3 week stalk... Am down a pound a day the last three days. I was starting to feel like this wasn't working for me! I'm now down 19.5 since surgery on 2/16-- I feel like I'm going to be a slow loser. My friend had surgery two weeks after me, and she's already lost more than me post-op! Frustrating, but I can't help but be happy for her. It really helps having someone in person to talk to about this process!

    So, I'm now down over 50 pounds since I started this journey in mid-2014! I think I'm ready to share a before and current picture! Anyone else ready to share a photo? :-)


  4. Hi Everyone! I hope everyone's surgery went well! I had my surgery 2/25 and everything went really well! But now I'm having this pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. If I'm just sitting it's ok, but if I bend over, roll over in bed, just about anything and I have this nasty pain. It's quite weird because I'm still numb to the touch on my stomach (they severed some nerves) almost feels like stabbing or stretching on the inside. I asked the surgeon and he said "probably healing". Not that helpful, I didn't think healing was supposed to hurt. Is or has anyone else gone through this? If so, how long does it last?

    Are you feeling any better, Grlfrny?

  5. I'm about a month out from RNY. (2-16-15 was my surgery). I'm doing ok at getting in my Water and Protein, and I'm down 19.5 pounds since surgery. (total of 51 down since I started the program last year)

    My question is calories. I just switched to soft foods, and I'm barely able to get to 400 calories a day. Yesterday, I ended around 320. Some days I can push to maybe 500 but it's really tough!

    My NUT didn't describe how many calories I should be at in this stage-- just for my pre-op and when I was on "regular foods" far out in the future. She was more focused on water and protein now-- and with the help of 1 protein supplement a day, I don't have issues getting over 60g of protein.

    Did your NUT have you look at calories when you were a month or two out? How many were you able to intake? I see my NUT again in two weeks, but I was hoping to hear from others and their experience prior to my appointment.


  6. I love my fitbit flex. I've had it over a year, I rarely take it off, and I've had no issues with the band. It's been perfect.

    All my friends have fitbit, too- and that makes it so fun! They have challenges where you can compete. It really is motivating!

  7. My surgeon said between 20-30 pounds first month for me... But my SW was much higher than yours!

    I'm only down about 14 or so since surgery, so I'm getting nervous. I haven't lost anything in 3 days now. I told myself that I wouldn't obsess over a number, but after my first post op appointment when the surgeon was insisting on 30 pounds next time I saw her, I'm starting to freak. That's only 3 weeks away to lose another 15 pounds!!!!

  8. Hope Crosby is doing well!

    I'm on day 2 of purée. I'm currently having lunch, and I might be having a fat free refried bean-gasm. I never knew Beans could taste this good!!!

    Had about half an egg this morning, and that was delicious as well. I'm feeling lucky because I guess many have egg issues.

    I can see Protein will be challenging on all food, so I expect to still have 1 Protein Shake per day at this point.

    What is every one else's favorite purée?

  9. I meet with my surgeon today! 10 day Post-op check up. I'm so excited to weigh in and see results. Also I'm so excited to eat pureed!!!!

    My liquid diet was 3 weeks pre surgery, so it's literally been like a month and a half since I've used my teeth! I'm dreaming about what to try first.... Have y'all moved on to purée? If so, what was the first thing you had and how did it go?

  10. Hey guys... So Protein shake questions how many ounces are your shakes?!? I made the body fortress whey Protein One for breakfast and it was about 14 ounces! I definitely could not finish it and low feel sooo bloated and gross from trying! Also my pain is ok but I have a sharp pain in my rt side that I imagine is where my stomach and internal stitches are does anyone else have this pain??

    I have this pain, too... It's not awful- mostly annoying. It gets better every day, but I'm still paying close attention to it. My surgeon told me that it was the site that would hurt the most, but it should get "better" and not a ton worse. If it got worse, I'm supposed to call.

    As far as shake size, I only do 8oz at a time. I think I'd drown if I did 14!

  11. Good afternoon! How is everyone doing? How is your pain and food progressing? Ang issues getting in your Water? Have you established a good routine? How about your surgical sites- are your band aids coming off yet? Do the incisions still hurt?

    And good luck to all going into surgery tomorrow and throughout the week! You can do it!

  12. Had a hysterectomy in September of 2013. Just had my RNY this month. (February 2015)

    Personally, 3 months seems short between surgeries. I would wait at least 6 months to a year between hysterectomy and RNY.

    I was lucky and have had a good recovery with both surgeries-- nothing to complain about. No major pain. All smooth. BUT- it was a year before I felt 100% recovered from my hysterectomy. At 6 months, I was good but still not 100% recovered with Core strength.

    Just my two cents

  13. Ask your local Rabbi. You might be able to get a "heter" :D Most of my Jewish friends who've had WLS have no problem fasting whatsoever. As a matter of fact, most find it a lot easier after WLS.

    Good to know that many of your Jewish WLS friends have an easier time! Thanks for jumping in on this one!

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