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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Melanie36

  1. Melanie36

    Syntrax Fuzzy Navel

    Syntrax Cappuccino and the Chocolate Truffle are my favorites! So thankful for their brand!
  2. I already decided to do a non-food activity with my family for my birthday. We are going to a pottery painting store! I can paint something to commemorate the day, and there's no pressure or worry about food choices.
  3. Melanie36


    Moyebrady- where in Wisconsin? I'm also in WI! (North Central part of the state)
  4. Call your surgeon. By day 5 things should be getting better-- not worse. Better to be safe than sorry. Keep us posted!
  5. Melanie36


    Great thread! I'm the Hazzan at my synagogue, and I'm terrified for how it's going to work. I just had bypass this Monday (2-16-15) and I'm already thinking about the Pesach Seder. I'll be up front and eyes will be on me and the Rabbi. I think I'll be at the start of soft foods, so I can make some moist fish work, but it'll be interesting to see if I'll have to dash out to use the bathroom!!! ???????????? Ritual foods like charoset, parsley and even wine will be off the table, so I'll have to cleverly disguise not eating them in quantity. I'm trying not to think about the High Holidays right now. Hoping it'll be okay by then, but if fasting will truly be damaging to my health at that point, I won't be ashamed to privately exempt myself for this first year post-RNY.
  6. Melanie36


    I'm 5 days post op, and I'm now living in my cuddle duds!
  7. Melanie36


    Dumb question- is anyone eating ANY fat? I just realized that the last three days, I've consumed ZERO fat. Anyone else? My NUT said fat free/low fat products, but doesn't the body need some fat to absorb some vitamins? Maybe I'm over analyzing it this early.....
  8. Melanie36


    Today is definitely better than yesterday which was better than the day before! I think my bladder has finally woken up a bit. I'm no longer scared to take in liquids because it's coming out slowly but surely. Protein is not been a problem. I switch to lactose-free milk and I'm using a lactose-free Way powder. (Nectar/Syntrax) so far nothing has disagreed with me. I think I'm probably dealing with some residual gas because I do have some chest tightness that I can work out with a good burp. My only issue so far is diarrhea. I understand that it's completely normal, but any plans of me going back to work at this point would be thwarted by my bathroom needs. Anyone else having diarrhea throughout the day?
  9. I had surgery 2/16. I was sent home from hospital on 2/17. Now it's my first full day at home. I am trying to get fluids in, but wondering how much I should be focusing on food/calories at this point. My guts are rumbling. I have diarrhea pretty bad. (Which is surprising to me since I've heard a lot about constipation- not diarrhea). I'm going to send someone to get lactose free milk in case that's the issue, but how hard should I be focusing on food vs Water day 3? I think I only got like 100 calories yesterday and can't imagine much more today? When did you really focus in on food? Oh- I have no nausea. I should add that. I just have zero appetite and the diarrhea is making me not want to eat!
  10. Melanie36

    Day 3- hard time eating

    Thanks. I have a suggested eating plan for the full liquids stage and I just can't even think of cream of wheats or yogurts this early. I'm just going to focus on liquids and protein (lactose free milk and broth with whey powders) and like you said, I'll let things take its course for the week.
  11. Melanie36

    Day 3- hard time eating

    Thanks. Yes, by food I definitely mean full liquids! :-) Trying cream of wheat with unflavored whey powder and even that is hard!
  12. Melanie36


    Having a rough time of it tonight. Left the hospital in zero pain. Now I'm feeling miserable. I only had Tylenol when I left. Now I have to wait for that to wear off until I can take the liquid Vicodin. Ugh. And I've had diarrhea really bad. And I can't pee. I really, really wish they didn't discharge me after 1 day. Meh.
  13. Melanie36


    Georgia Girl- Outpatient? I can't imagine- unless you had the band? What type did you have? I guess I'm on some new "fast track" program. It's a 1 night stay instead of 2. The nurses were telling me that they've never seen a successful one yet, but they think I'm the first. Hopefully, I can keep staying healthy. So far, I've had no pain- just discomfort. Also I've had zero nausea and I've had no issues getting liquids- however, I'm pretty sure the bowel peep dehydrated me, so I'm having issues catching up. If anything keeps me here another night, it'll be my bladder. It's having a hard time waking up. I'm pulling out every trick in the book to pee, but I've done a total of 1125 ccs so far, so I'm ok according to the nurses. It just takes me like 20 minutes to get like 400ccs. Frustrating. I have no urgency to go. Roxanne- here's to a no complication, pain tolerable procedure today! We'll be thinking about you!
  14. Melanie36


    In my room. Very little pain so far. Woozy but comfortable. Will update more tomorrow.
  15. Melanie36


    Holy crap! It's surgery day. Eeeeck!!! Awake, going to shower, will pack a few things, and then we make the 1 hour drive to the hospital. Yikes! I'll be in surgery around 11am. Send good thoughts! I'll likely vs back tomorrow to give a short update.
  16. Melanie36


    How was your pain level after GAPeach?
  17. Melanie36


    Okay seriously… A bowel prep after three weeks of a liquid diet is kind of ridiculous. I got over half a gallon of the stuff left to drink and I was already "finished" after 20 minutes. And less than 24 hours, I'll be on the losers bench! Crazy!
  18. I'm 37 and have no health issues other than PCOS and aches and pains. My BMI was about 44 but I'm down to around 40 now. (It's a requirement to lose weight before my surgeon would schedule a date) My RNY is tomorrow. (!!!) I looked at it this way... So I do it now when I'm healthy and lower risk? Or so I wait until I'm sick and have more chance of complications. I choose now. Additionally, when doing research I looked to see what people regretted about the surgery. I wanted to see if they could go back, would they do it again. By far, and I mean really--BY FAR, the only regret that people had was that they didn't do it sooner.
  19. Melanie36


    Woot! We just bought a mutual valentines gift! We ponied up some $$$ and got a super nice treadmill and weight bench! I invited over some friends and they assembled it for us. It's gorgeous! I'm all set for light, post op walking and eventual Couch to 5K training!
  20. Melanie36


    Monday is coming up so fast. Finished my last day of work. Today, I think I need to finish a bunch of house cleaning, make a shopping trip for last minute things, and I probably should start packing. So nervous!!!! I've also suffered from some last minute doubts- mostly fueled by the liquid diet weight loss. Between my own dieting and the liquid dieting, I'm down 30 pounds. I'm starting to look and feel good, and people are noticing. When I tell them I'm having WLS, they're mostly shocked. That hasn't helped. Thankfully, my lovely family has kept me focused and reminded me how many times I've done this yoyo.
  21. I'm making a rare trip to the "big city" and would love to get suggestions on what you buy at Trader Joes. My surgery is Monday (2/16/15) and I'm set for my liquid phases (pre and post op) but am interested in their full liquid and pureed suggestions. Also any soft foods for post-purée stage. What do you use from Trader Joes?
  22. Melanie36


    Surgery is Feb 16th. Surgeon approved FMLA paperwork for 4 weeks!!! I only am hoping for 2 weeks. I really hope she will sign me off at my 10 day appointment assuming no complications. :-( I have short term disability pay at work, but I have so many project to attend to--- even 2 weeks will be rough. :-(
  23. Melanie36

    Setting a goal weight

    I am also 5'11 and I looked back at a time in my life where I was fit and happy and healthy. I was the captain of my tennis team in high school. I worked out all the time and felt great about how I felt and looked. I was 200-215 at that time in my life. (I am very large boned) My surgeon was very happy when I suggested 199 as my final goal. I'm hoping to get to the 180s and then the 2-3 year slight gain will take me into the 195-199 range. The charts say I should be around 160.... I think I'd look gross that thin. I can't even imagine the 140s
  24. Melanie36


    Are you getting enough liquids? You had surgery Feb 5th, right? Maybe blood sugar? Can you have a small amount of 100% juice?
  25. Melanie36


    Part of my pre op appointment this week was a gall bladder ultrasound. If it showed any signs of issues, my surgeon would have taken it out. Mine was good, so I keep it, but my surgeon is putting me on a gall bladder medicine to prevent stones since like 40% of RNY patients experience gall bladder issues during the rapid weight loss.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
