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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by JanetteH

  1. It's unanimous - that's a BIG no-no!! Don't even think about straying from your doctors plan or you could end up with all sorts of problems later on.
  2. JanetteH

    Stretched pouch

    I found a good article/blog about this with a table of the energy density of various foods at: http://oliakcenter.com/blog/what-to-eat-after-weight-loss-surgery/ The ideal food choices after weight loss surgery are foods that are mechanically filling (solid high Protein foods like chicken, fish, beef), and foods that have a low energy density (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy). Good luck! Eat more chicken and less veggies for lunch to feel full - and don't forget to drink your Water before and after
  3. JanetteH

    Stretched pouch

    I totally agree with RNBSN - I was recently at a wedding and although I ate the correct kinds of food, I realized I had eaten way more than usual because it was served slowly in little courses. Taking over an hour to eat let me eat fruit and cheese, then soup, then salad, then chicken and veggies and I even had room for a bite of my husband's slice of cake! I normally eat 1 cup of food around 5 or 6 times a day (3 meals and 2-3 snacks) - I weigh my Protein (3oz) but use volume for everything else. So I guess I'm eating 8oz at a time which is what my doc suggested at 4 months out. I take 15-20 minutes to eat. He said my pouch will stretch out to around 1½ cups later. I also use MFP and consume 60-80g protein and around 800 calories per day.
  4. JanetteH

    Bloating after surgery

    Losing 15lbs since July 14 is amazing! Good job! But we have to be patient - depending on your shape (I'm an "apple"), we lose pounds and inches in different ways. I'm still wearing women's sizes although I've lost over 70 lbs - other people my weight are wearing size 12 already - we all vary a lot. You're doing great - and whether it's bloating or your new shape coming to be, just keep on trucking' Good luck!
  5. JanetteH


    I agree with the other comments - you blew it for one day but that doesn't mean you're a failure - just get right on the program again. You absolutely MUST stick to the program so you don't damage your new anatomy - I hear horror stories of people damaging their new stoma by eating forbidden foods and having to have more surgery to fix it! I craved real food so badly too - but you have to be kind to yourself - mushies only Good luck!
  6. Congratulations PrincessErin - you look fantastic! I haven't crossed the 200 lb mark yet but I'm getting there slowly - about 1-2 lbs a week now. I have inherited a couple of swimsuits but I don't think I'll be wearing a bikini without plastic surgery! Glad you had a good time in Italy, Claire - get ready for the USA now! You'll have to watch out for that good southern home cooking - fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, peach pie, sweet potato pie and sweet tea! Perfect "dumping" food
  7. I can now walk down an commercial airplane aisle without turning sideways..... I'm flying for the first time in September - can't wait to see if I can walk down the aisle that way too - and if I can do without the dreaded extension!
  8. Just checked out a BMI scale - I've gone down from "Super Obese" to "Morbidly Obese" and now I'm just "Obese" - can't wait to be "Overweight" and then "Normal"!
  9. JanetteH

    Roller coasters?

    I agree with Angel - I'd be very careful - the safety harnesses, safety bars etc on roller coasters might not be good for your stomach with all that throwing around. Check with your doctor.
  10. Hi Amanda - I too had terrible hunger (in my case, right from the start) - definitely NOT head hunger. My doc said it's the brain getting used to the new anatomy and it happens to around 1 in 10 patients. It was so bad that I wished I hadn't had the surgery - very unpleasant and a little scary. He told me I just had to grit my teeth and bear it and it would go away eventually. It did! Took about 4-6 weeks but by the time I was on soft food I started to feel "full" and not have hunger all the time. Be very careful to follow the diet plan so you don't delay the healing process. I know it's tempting to eat more - but it doesn't help anyway. Carefully go through the stages of liquids only - pureed Food - Soft foods etc as directed by your doc. So sorry this has happened to you too - but honestly it will get better with time.
  11. JanetteH


    Aggie - don't be too quick to blame yourself - you may not be falling short! Stalls are a normal part of the weight loss process - our bodies go into "starvation mode" due to the lack of calories and actually eating a little more can be the cure! MyFitness Pal is a great way to track what you're eating - I've been using it every day for about a year now (my NUT needed me to keep records for 6 months before my surgery). But it may not be your fault. Don't get discouraged - this will end soon - honestly! I had a 4 week stall a few weeks ago so I know how discouraging it can be. Eventually I just suddenly dropped 5 lbs. Another tip - don't weigh yourself every day - only once a week.
  12. JanetteH


    When my weight stalled, my NP suggested one day of higher calorie/good fats (avocado, olive oil) - no processed or forbidden foods. Then back to a regular WLS diet. It seemed to work - my weight dropped a couple of days later after a 4 week stall. I had RNY and while agree with Ladybandito on nearly every point, I have been advised not to go longer than 3 hours between meals/snacks (I'm on a 6 times a day routine - 3 small meals and 2-3 healthy snacks). Maybe a difference between lap band and gastric bypass? I also hear a lot of talk on this website about the 5:2 diet (5 days of normal eating followed by 2 days of "fasting") but I haven't needed to get that extreme yet.
  13. JanetteH


    Hi everyone - I had never heard of the 5/2 diet until now. However the concept of alternating higher calorie/good fat days with lower ones seems to be a well known trick for getting your weight loss going again after a stall. My nurse practitioner told me to try one day of higher calorie/higher healthy fats (avocado, olive oil etc) during the week to end my stall - and it seemed to work - my body became convinced that there was no longer a famine in the land Then back to normal WLS diet. Glad the 5/2 worked for you CowgirlJane - I'll remember that if/when I hit another stall.
  14. Congratulations millergirl - I'm jealous! I'm down to 216 from 285 but I still wear plus size clothing - I carry most of my weight around my belly so I'm still an apple - a smaller apple, but an apple! Regular skirts and pants still won't fit
  15. Welcome to the group bran79! Sounds as if you're doing great - 45 lbs is fantastic considering you started at 215 - I'm still over your starting weight! What a difference in your looks - particularly your face - you look so much younger.
  16. Isn't it amazing! I tried to lift a 60 lb bag of charcoal into my car - thought it was too heavy and asked my husband to help me. I used to carry 66 lbs more around with me all the time Congratulations Ginger Snaps - keep it up!
  17. Deanna - glad you're feeling more on track now. I agree with Claire - spoil yourself with your food choices on the cruise (lobster, shrimp, fillet mignon etc) rather than the quantity. Have a great time, do your best and forget the guilt! Wallflower - welcome to our little group! I had surgery Feb 24th so we're probably only a week or so apart! I have not started losing my hair yet, so sorry - no advise on that front. LLeigh - so sorry you've had such a rough time - it sounds awful! Hope you're on the mend now and can get into the swing of things. Are you still on pureed or soft food because of the problems? How much weight have you lost? Any tips for the rest of us? Claire - I think you would have great difficulty alienating anyone with your caring & supportive advice - I always enjoy reading what you have to say. Enjoy Italy!
  18. Hi Deanna Well its clear that we don't learn all the skills at one time I'm away from home for the July 4th weekend and have also not been as "good" as usual - had 4 fried clams yesterday. I'm glad you "fessed up" - now you have to make the effort to change. The thing I use is "do I want all the effort and pain of the surgery to work or am I going to give up"? If so, I have to use the tool - one lunch with fried clams won't kill me as long as I get back on the plan - but totally giving up and eating whatever I want for weeks on end will. I was stalled for 4 weeks and I think it was exercise that started me moving again - just a 20-30 minute walk or swim every day, nothing too ambitious. In fact, you've just inspired me to get out there for a walk in the park before the next cook-out!! Only you can change this - we can empathize and we certainly understand what you're going through, but only you control your own actions. Try to think positive - you will enjoy eating with your friends on the cruise, but you'll stick to 6 small (1 cup) meals a day and avoid fats and sugar as best you can. Food is not the only pleasure available on a cruise
  19. Deanna - you look fantastic - what a difference in your face alone. How about a shot including some body? How much weight have you lost so far? And yes you should smile for the next one - you look like you're really concentrating on taking a "selfie"
  20. My surgeon started me on ferocon (iron) but I got so constipated I had to stop taking it - apparently it also had B12 in it which is why I have to start taking that separately.
  21. I agree - just to be safe you better call in. I don't know anyone who had the same symptom.
  22. My hair hasn't started falling out yet - but I just ordered Biotin online (the nurse practitioner recommended it). She also told me I needed to take B12 (1,000 mcg/day). Anyone else on that? Claire - I'm still in the "women's" sizes - not shopping in regular stores yet Happy July 4th everyone. I just became a US citizen this year so this is my first as a "native"
  23. Hi Latido - congrats on getting your surgery. Try to relax - you're doing fine. We all have weird body sensations while we're healing. I too had the pain in the chest / the need to burp or hiccup sensation when I was full. It takes several weeks to heal physically and in addition our brains need to learn how to respond to our new physical structure. I totally agree with Wayne - small sips every few minutes is the answer. You will not rupture with Water From my experience, the worst that can happen is you will "overflow" - it's not really throwing up - just a mouthful comes back up because the pouch is full. So keep on sipping - you're doing great!
  24. I just discovered the silver lining! I "only" lost 2 lbs this week - but I'm so happy! After being stalled for 4 weeks, a steady 2 lbs a week will be wonderful
  25. Congratulations Tkauhi - that must be so encouraging. I'm wearing clothes that were too tight for me last year and now they're loose! I've rediscovered 3 swimsuits that I couldn't wear last year - great for the morale and also for getting that exercise in. Haven't bought any new clothes yet - they won't fit for long (she says hopefully!). We're off to CT for July 4th - my first trip where I'm not in control of food for 4 days and there will be a lot of eating out. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm excited but a little nervous too!

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