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Posts posted by fezik23

  1. I definitely get impatient with the rate of my weight loss. I try to remember that I'm 59 years old and have been on synthroid since my thyroid was irradiated years ago (due to uncontrollable Graves Disease.) It has become clear that any white carbs cause me not only to stall, but to actually see a slight gain. However, the reason I chose to post as a success story is that I did the math today and in 2 months I am more than 1/3 of the way to my goal. Now that seems like something to crow about!

  2. I don't like pain killers at all. Nevertheless I had IV morphine in the hospital, via a pump so I could self administer as needed. I would guess that I used it about 5 times over the first 10 hours. I was sent home with liquid Tylenol #3, which I used maybe twice. I still have a huge bottle that I should just dump.

  3. Since I've lost this initial weight--about 27 lb. --I've been having a lot of muscle soreness in my back. I do exercise, including light strength training. I have a 2 year old mattress that was fine pre surgery. But I've been pretty uncomfortable and it's actually getting worse. At first I thought it was my desk chair at work, but it's Saturday and it's still a problem.

    So I was wondering if anyone else has gone through this, or if it might be my body and muscles having to readjust to this change? I always visualize my weight loss in terms of 5lb bags of potatoes. And I have dropped 5+ of them.

    Any thoughts?

    PS I had one massage post surgery and have groupons for two more.

  4. I am about 8 weeks out. I think it was hard at first to tell hunger from other feelings. For me there was another feeling that I could easily mistake for hunger. I deduced that it was a very mildly acidic sensation. I was already taking a ppi in the morning. I added Zantac before bed and it has improved a lot. But the most important thing has been to really, really pay attention to the feelings and not automatically assume I was hungry.

  5. This is how mine went: The surgeon reviewed my current state of health and my history, such as any previous surgeries, my highest weight, etc. He was primarily looking at risk factors for surgery. He had me lie down and looked at my upper abs. He reviewed my current meds. He then went over the risks with me to make sure I understood and was willing to undertake the whole journey and not just the surgery. Then he told his staff to give me a surgery date. Pretty simple. I suppose if you have other risk factors you would be sent to have them checked out.

    After I got the surgery date he told me to see my pcp for medical clearance, and he gave me a lab slip for chest x-ray, check for H pylori, and EKG.

  6. Good for you! That has been hard for me too, but I've also learned to throw things away. I like to think of it as - I'm not a garbage disposal. If I eat more than I need to and have that extra food get processed through my body - it's no less wasteful than if I threw it away. It just went through me first.


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