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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tfarr

  1. tfarr

    Guess what!

    That's wonderful!!!! Such an exciting moment!!
  2. tfarr

    Just curious

    I'm only 2.5 weeks out and I think " am I ever going to have raw veggies again??" On my pre op diet that's all I ate lol But now, I'm not sure if we're allowed?
  3. tfarr

    Before and After

    Lookin fabulous!!!
  4. While In the hospital the PT told me no treadmills, no walking in 32 F and under. Well, it's December in NH and it gets pretty darn cold lol So I'm stuck? I need to walk, but no where to walk. I tried waking inside the house, nope, I can't my 2 and 3 yr old want to follow me all over . Which I normally wouldn't care, but not when I'm trying to walk for 10 mi. YA know? I need to get out and walk! I feel cabin fever setting in lol
  5. There's a mall about 10 mim away. My gym is 5 min away lol I just want to use the treadmill lol My f/u is Thursday, Maybe he'll give me the ok, fingers crossed
  6. My surgeon allowed it, so I bought some protein pudding On line. 15g of protein! Took me all day to eat, but still super good!
  7. Shower away! I had surgery December 2 and I still have some areas with some dermabond on it. I just never washed to hard or had to much direct contact with the shower stream on my belly the first few days home.
  8. Yes, I've seen it a few places also. Grocery stores, walmart. I was given the ok to take mirilax and milk of mag also. But I'm the complete opposite at this point lol A little too loose lol
  9. Now that you say that, it makes so much sense. Thank you
  10. Lots of people in my life have been asking " when will you be able to eat real food again??" Of course I laugh. My two week follow up is Thursday, but I'd like to know, what comes next? Puréed? Mushy foods? I never thought to ask what the stages were?
  11. @ kindle Im sure my nutritionist told me, but until met with my surgeon after all my required appointments I wasn't sure if qualified. So when I finally found out I I did qualify I managed to forget everything I was taught lol When I met with the NUT for the pre-op diet I never thought of asking.
  12. tfarr

    8 days post op

    I had a hard time sleeping also. Till about 5 days post op. Now it's sort of back to normal, sort of lol
  13. tfarr


    So exciting!!! That's such a great feeling
  14. tfarr

    Hunger pangs!

    Gosh Yes!! I wasn't sure what it was. It ended up being Gas, I got Gas X strips and it went away
  15. Mine will end up looking like the Bermuda Triangle lol
  16. tfarr

    Pre-op diet

    I actually didn't cheat. Which suprised me lol Only because I knew it was helping my liver shrink and make the surgery goes easier.
  17. It's really cold lately here (NH) Today was great 37 and no wind so I took advantage of that. But my PT told me at the hospital not to walk in 32 degree or under weather. I can't remember why I was half out of it lol But I've been trying to keep up
  18. I'm 7 days post op I went to the grocery store and then TJ Max. I was out for only an hour and a half. I came back with such a full feeling I thought I was gonna explode. I didn't eat anything, the last thing I ate was hours before ( Protein pudding I had been working on all day) I was just wondering if being out that long and walking around like that made my stomach produce more Gas? It felt like I ate a horse lol It went away after3 hours or so, and made its way out, but dang that hurt
  19. Man, I feel like Franken-belly! I'm the only one who has a huge one above my navel lol Aka, my second belly button
  20. these are my 6 day post op scars. 6 holes lol
  21. That's crazy! I'd be terrified about splitting my staple line! I am an LNA and are constantly lifting patients and pushing heavy equipment. I'm off 6 weeks and I hope I'm able to do my job safely when I go back. I'm so paranoid lol
  22. I don't think that's being vain. I'd do the same. I bet your teeth look awesome!
  23. tfarr

    Post Op Staples

    I was glued shut lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
