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Posts posted by Rogofulm

  1. There's a huge difference between "can never eat" and "should never eat". The two items my doc warns about are fruit juices and ice cream. They are high-sugar, high-calorie foods that go down easily, pass through your "stomach" quickly, and you can consume them without getting or staying full. He says they are the quickest and easiest way to "cheat your tool" and nothing good can come of that.

    This was warning, not a tip!

  2. Not sure how long ago you went off the tracks, but I'd do exactly what you posted. Try to do a couple of weeks of the pre/post-op liquid diet. Hopefully that will detox you from the sugar/starch cravings. If you just have to have something more substantial, I'd eat lean Protein only. And make sure you get at least 64+ oz of fluids in every day! That can help stave off the hunger. Then start fresh making the choices that you already know you should make. By the way, my understanding is that the sleeve procedure removes the stretchy part of our stomachs and leaves us with the muscle portion. As a result, it's less likely to stretch very much. Some, perhaps, but nothing like it used to. Don't let poor choices be an option. You can do this!!! Good luck!

  3. From all my lifelong roller-coaster dieting, I've discovered that whenever I get down around 180, people start telling me I'm getting too thin and need to slow down or stop losing weight. Really? According to the BMI charts, for my height 180 is still 25 pounds overweight! So this time around, for the first time, I'm not listening to them. If anyone tries to press harder, I say something like, "Thanks for the compliment, but I have a goal weight that has been approved by my doctor, and that's what I'm working towards." It seems to do the trick. They don't mean any harm, they're just not used to seeing us at the lower weight. Also, at some point we stop filling-out our wrinkles, so we may look a little gaunt. Just take it as a compliment and change the subject.

  4. Bottom line? Always have a plan for what you will eat. My family and I eat out all the time! Chinese? chicken and vegetables (no rice or spring rolls). Mexican? Steak fajitas or carne asada (no chips, tortillas or rice). Italian? chicken Picatta (no bread or pasta). Family restaurant? Chicken breasts or a small steak (swap the starch for a second veggie). Seafood? Salmon or even lobster. Car trip munchies? Beef or turkey Jerky, baby! Last week we traveled to New Orleans and Mississippi for a wedding, a 50th birthday party, an anniversary party, and Thanksgiving. We also went to at least 7 restaurants. Guess what? I ate great, never felt deprived, and still lost 3 pounds on the trip! I brought Protein shakes and beef Jerky for breakfasts and Snacks, and made good choices at all other meals. Just focus on Protein (and a few veggies), completely avoid all starches and Desserts, keep getting your fluids in, and walk as much as possible. If you always have a plan and follow it, you'll do fine.

  5. Thank you for your honesty! Posts like yours are the reason I started coming to BP in the first place. And they're the reason I keep coming back. My greatest fear is exactly what you are going through right now. The reality is that the beast is still out there for all of us. Statistics show that there is a high likelihood of a "bounce" from our low weight. But from what I've read, if you can get it back under control, you stand an excellent chance of making it permanent. You've taken the first step. Keep your sleeve full of liquid between meals to stave off the hunger. I wish you total success in your new journey. You know how to do this, now do it!!!

  6. Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the weight will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again like crazy!

    (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)

  7. I shared this thought with someone on another forum who had just posted before and after pics. She looked amazing, but still felt like a large person hiding inside a small person. Here's what came to me.....

    Having not known you "then", and only meeting you "now", I find it hard to believe it's you – even though I know full well how profoundly we can change. When you meet someone who has lost a whole bunch of weight, you are meeting a normal-sized person, not a formerly-heavy person. So we need to teach our inner voices how to "be" that new person that others are meeting for the first time, and let go of our former baggage. Maybe that would help us move forward more confidently instead of focusing backwards. Does that make sense?

    I recognize the whole, "those who forget the past are destined to repeat it" concept, but perhaps we should remember our past lessons, while living in the present and looking forward to the future. Sounds nice, doesn't it?

  8. When there is a fire drill at work and you climb back UP the 4 flights of stairs with your coworkers instead of waiting for the elevator when its over. Without thinking about it. Like it's NORMAL to climb 4 flights of stairs. And your make it with little problem. Dream come true :)

    Corollary... When you're on your way back from the bathroom and decide on the spur of the moment to do a lap around the stairs just to kick-start your metabolism! (My legs still burn every time, though.)

  9. Not offended but I recognize that the people who call me skinny are only are people who knew me fat. People who I meet now say nothing because I just look normal to them.

    Excellent point, @@erp! Actually, I have friends who now say, "Hey Slim!" when they see me. I know they mean it in a relative-to-what-I-was sense, but I love hearing it! And lots of folks say, "You're disappearing before my eyes." To which I respond, "That's the plan!" But today I heard a new one. A guy in my office said, "Holy s**t! If you turn sideways and stick your tongue out, you'll look like a zipper!" Made me laugh so hard I didn't think to respond, "You don't even need to do that to look like a d**k!". I really don't think anyone means to offend us when they say these things. They just want to compliment us in a humorous way. So that's how I take it. I'm relishing these compliments while they keep coming, because one day I know they'll stop. And then I'll miss them!

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