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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Rogofulm

  1. Rogofulm

    How did you determine your "goal weight"?

    I decided that my goal was one pound into the "Normal BMI" range. My surgeon agreed that would be a healthy weight, so that's exactly where I am now. But I'm working to lose 4-5 more pounds so I can have a little wiggle room as I transition to maintenance. Don't want to go back over that line every time I try something new!
  2. Rogofulm

    Help Please

    I had the same feeling a few weeks out and my doc told me that hunger is often thirst in disguise. Between meals, try filling your sleeve with fluids. That really helps curb the hunger. And lots of fluids are good for everything, including avoiding constipation and maintaining skin elasticity. But remember not to drink anything for 30-45 minutes before or after meals. Good luck!
  3. Rogofulm

    Stalled! Grrrrrr....

    Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the weight will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again! (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  4. Rogofulm

    Questions about results

    Just reached goal, and definitely have Sharpei-belly. I'm 55, but I'm still hoping that by drinking tons of fluids, getting regular exercise, and using moisturizer, time will take care of redistributing my skin. They say not to even consider plastic surgery until you've been at goal weight for two years. I'm going with that...
  5. Hi, @@mnmlst! Good to see you here too!
  6. Rogofulm

    Head hunger

    My doc told me that when I feel hungry and it's not meal/snack time, it's probably thirst in disguise as hunger. I tend to keep my sleeve full of fluids all day long. Weekends can be tricky, though, so if I feel munchy, I try to make Protein choices, even if they're high fat ones, like cheese or nuts.
  7. Rogofulm

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    What took you so long? You look fantastic! And way to maintain, man!!!
  8. Glad you posted the pics. You look fantastic! And a special congratulation on maintaining your weight since August!!! You're an inspiration and if I start to hit any traps, I'm coming to you for advice! Once you got to goal, what did you add back to your diet to stop losing but not gain any back?
  9. Rogofulm

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    Thank you, again, to everyone who has offered such kind words of congratulations and encouragement – they mean so much!!! I'm now entering the phase where my weight loss is old news to my friends and co-workers. As I've often said... If we do everything exactly right, eventually people will stop noticing our loss and our new size will seem "normal". Then the compliments that have helped us along the way will start to dry up and finally stop altogether. And that's part of the plan, right?!! That's when our internal strength (and our reflection in the mirror) have to keep us going for the rest of our lives. I pray that all of you will be successful too! Remember -- identify with the lower-weight person and don't look back over your shoulder in fear of what you used to be. That person doesn't exist anymore. And as I said, if you need tips just send me a message and I'll try to give you a thoughtful answer....
  10. Rogofulm

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    Thanks so much! I'm just really enthusiastic about this process and hope it can be contagious. But everyone has to realize that the the first year is the easiest part of the journey, so it's best to follow the rules and lose all the weight you can during the "honeymoon" period. Plenty of time to learn how to eat "normally" from a lower platform. Good luck!!!
  11. Rogofulm

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    Here you go, @InItToWinIt2015... Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the weight will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again! (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  12. Rogofulm

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    Thanks, @@Jovie62! Yeah, I've told anyone who asks what I was doing. But it was made easier by the fact that two of my co-workers had bari surgery a year before I did. If you follow the rules, it will be obvious pretty soon that you are losing a lot of weight very quickly. But no matter who I've told, I've always received a positive reaction. My trick is to enthusiastically explain the different procedures and why I made my decision (including the fact that I feel like I've started a diet every Monday morning of my life for over 45 years.) People are fascinated by the surgery, and after they hear about it, most are supportive, or at least understand what it's all about. Good luck with your surgery!!! You're making a wonderful decision for your health!
  13. Rogofulm

    Valentine's Challenge

    Hi Susan, Final weight for the Valentine's Challenge was 154. Hit my goal. Now on to the stretch goal for Easter! Thanks very much for doing these! They give us some accountability. Good luck to you as well!!! Rog
  14. Rogofulm

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    Thanks so much, everyone, your kind words mean more than you know!!! And for those who said I was an inspiration to them, that's pretty much the best thing I can hear! So to @@BryBro63 and anyone else who's trying to get up the nerve to post before and after pics, I can only say that 8 months ago I was embarrassed for even my wife and daughter to see me without a shirt (like in the beach photo), but I decided that the before/after comparison might help others see what they can accomplish if they set their minds to it. And while I'm not quite ready for the pool and beach yet, this summer will be certainly be different from years past. So here's a thought.... When you achieve weight loss success, embrace it, share it, and identify with the new you. The you that will step forward confidently into a new life. Be the person who looks and feels healthy because you make good choices and eat sensibly. Good luck and God bless you all. -Rog-
  15. Rogofulm

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    Thanks, everyone, for all the kind words!!! It's been a fun time, and the journey continues. I was below my goal weight for exactly one day. For the past 3 days I've bounced around 1/2 – 1 pound over it. And THAT'S why I need to continue towards my 4-5 pound stretch goal – to provide a buffer so I'm not constantly hopping back and forth across the goal line. But for now, to continue the football analogy, I'm claiming forward progress!
  16. Rogofulm

    GOOOOOOOAL! (w/Pix)

    Thanks! Yeah, well let's just say that the waistband on my shorts is strategically placed.
  17. People on this site tend to be either "austerity" people or "moderation" people, which is fine, because everyone is different, and what works for you might not work for me. What a perfect way to say it, @@AgentShepard! Wish I'd thought of that, and I'm definitely stealing it! Signed, Austerity Guy
  18. Rogofulm

    You've lost a pile of weight!

    Congratulations on losing your "pile"! I try to take every comment/compliment, even the weird ones as positive feedback. No matter how clumsily they say it, I think most people are well-intentioned. In my case, someone told me I had lost a "crap ton" of weight. I think that's my favorite compliment so far!
  19. Rogofulm


    Congratulations!! You look fantastic! I hit my goal today, so we're kindred bariatric spirits! Do you have a plan for maintenance? I'm thrilled for you!!!!!
  20. Rogofulm

    Sleep patterns are way off (wide awake!)

    If you're taking B-12 supplements, that might be the culprit. I take a timed-release B-12 around 8:00 am, and I'm often still awake at midnight, but I'm pretty darned happy! If you are taking B-12, could you back off on the dosage?
  21. Rogofulm

    Valentine's Challenge

    Hi Susan, 154 this morning. Made my Valentine's Challenge goal and my personal weight loss goal at the same time Yipee!!!!! Now to work on my 4-5 pound stretch goal..... Thanks, as always! Rog

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