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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Rogofulm

  1. Thanks, Alex! Looking forward to seeing what happens here in The Lounge...
  2. Rogofulm

    Unsupportive Mom :(

    Sounds like your Mom is projecting her issues onto you. If you haven't already, you might try educating her about the different types of surgeries . Be enthusiastic, and then ask for her help in making your decision about which surgery to go with. I found that people are fascinated by the subject and often get on board after that conversation. (Of course, the real decision about which surgery to have should be between you and your doctor!) I'm no shrink, but if her attitude persists, you may need to tell her something like, "Mom, I've made my decision and that's final. I'm doing this for my long-term health, and I really want and need your support. But if you're going to dis me about it all the time, I'm going to have to take a break from spending time with you because while I'm going through this I can't, and shouldn't have to deal with the negativity. I love you with all my heart, but if you keep it up, I'll have to step back for a while." And then do it. Good luck, this is a tough one!
  3. Rogofulm

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Hi Steph! Please start me at 148. Thanks! Rog
  4. Another excellent point, @JamieLogical. I find that when I eat a sit down meal with my family, it's easy to put down the knife and fork and chew, but when I eat at my desk, I just keep chomping away until I'm either finished or overstuffed - or both!
  5. Bingo again, @JamieLogical. I guess you're a Bariatric Master for a reason!
  6. No more bread! Starches and sweets will just make you hungrier. Carbs crave carbs, and sweets crave sweets. (Yes, I know they're the same thing, but I'm making a point. ) And PPIs usually contains the drug Omeprazole. they're not cheap, but they can be found in any drug or grocery store in the US.
  7. Read and re-read the post from @@JamieLogical over and over. She's got it right on. My doc told me that after bariatric surgery hunger is usually thirst in disguise. Take a daily PPI pill like Protonix, Nexium or Prilosec, and make sure you get 64+ ounces of Fluid in you every - single - day! Good luck!
  8. Rogofulm

    Stuck! For 2 months

    You're still early enough in the process that exercise may not matter too much. It certainly helps, but lack of it shouldn't be preventing weight loss. So I'd examine other areas... Are you logging your food and Fluid intake? You should be getting in at least 60-80 grams of Protein per day and drinking 64+ ounces of Water. Are you drinking alcohol, fruit juices or sodas? Are you eating starches or sweets? Look closely and honestly at what goes into your mouth and you may find the answer. If not, I'd talk to your doctor or nutritionist for suggestions. A food log will help them to help you figure it out. Good luck!
  9. Rogofulm

    NSV......Just dawned on me, :)

    Congratulations, that's awesome! Keep it up!!!!
  10. If you want to lose quickly, don't open the door to starches and sweets. Once it's open, it's hard to get it closed again. Follow all of your doctor's rules and you'll get to goal weight sooner, rather than later (or not at all). Good luck!
  11. Rogofulm

    Look what I can do!

    Fantastic! Good for you!!!
  12. For me it's all about the carbs. Doesn't seem to matter how many calories or fat I consume – if I can stay in ketosis, the weight comes off. Very slowly now that I'm at my goal weight, but it's still inching downward. So I'd suggest that you detox from the carbs, and eat your 60-80 grams of Protein plus drink 64+ ounces of Fluid every single day. Getting 30+ minutes of exercise helps too. If you like sandwiches, eat the guts without the bread, and supplement it with a protein shake, yogurt, or some other meat if you're still hungry. Tuna and chicken salads are pretty satisfying without bread. And if you feel munchy, always chose a protein option like nuts, cheese, Jerky, meat, or Greek yogurt. I sometimes find myself going back several times for a handful of almonds, but it doesn't seem to matter, as long as I don't have any starches. No booze, fruit juices or sodas either. And avoid all sugary desserts! If you crave something that tastes sweet, sugar-free Jello, pudding, or popsicles can help with that. And I agree with the others that you should log everything that goes in your mouth for a while. If you're honest with yourself and your food log, that will help you make better choices. If you can do all these things, you stand a good chance of making your goal. Good luck! We're all behind you!!!!
  13. Your body may be reacting to your new calorie intake earlier than some others. Check this out (especially the link) and see if it helps.... Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the pounds will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again! (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  14. Rogofulm

    What's the story behind your profile name?

    What a fun thread! Okay, the easy part is that my first name is Roger, or "Rog". The "ofUlm" part is from a Monty Python character named Johann Gambolputty, whose full name is: Johann Gambolputty-de-von-Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crass-cren-bon-fried-digger-dangle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelter-wasser-kurstlich-himble-eisen-bahnwagen-guten-abend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwürstel-gespurten-mitz-weimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-schönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittleraucher-von-Hautkopft of Ulm. (Try saying it out loud!)
  15. Rogofulm

    Serious Stall

    @@Aube, below is a "typical" day's menu: As for carbs, mostly I get them from my shakes, Greek yogurt, and the very limited veggies I'm able to fit in after my Protein. Other doctors and nutritionists give you carb targets, but my doctor just says to limit them as much as possible. If you're not logging your food yet, I'd suggest using http://www.myfitnesspal.com/. It helps you keep track of your protein and fluids, but also can help you figure out if anything is going off track and affecting your weight loss. Okay, here's an example of my day: I keep a 2-quart jug and a 24-oz Tervis tumbler (with a handle) both at home and at work. I count my morning Protein shake as a meal, not a Fluid. (Premier Protein - 30 grams of protein) 30-60 minutes later, I have a cup of coffee. (Count it as a fluid if you like.) After that, I drink a 24-oz. tumbler of decaf, sugar-free iced tea, like Crystal Light throughout the morning. (Lots of frequent sips) Then I walk for 40+ minutes. Then it's lunchtime - tuna salad or chicken salad, or leftover protein from dinner. (16-22 grams of protein) and maybe a bite of veggies if there's room. About 45 minutes after lunch, I'll fill another 24-oz tumbler of iced tea and sip that throughout the afternoon, finishing by 30 minutes before my afternoon snack. At around 4:00 or 4:30, my afternoon snack is usually a Greek yogurt (12 grams of protein) or some leftovers. (This is also a good time to get in some veggies or a V-8 if you're getting enough protein at other times.) Maybe a cup of hot tea in the later afternoon. (Count it as a fluid you like.) Then dinner – again, getting 20-25 grams of protein from lean steak, fish, chicken, or pork, and maybe a bite or two of veggies. Finally, another 24-oz cup of iced tea or Water 30-45 minutes after dinner that I sip throughout the evening. If I'm hungry later, sugar-free Jello, pudding, or popsicles are good. And if I'm short on protein or still hungry, another yogurt or protein shake. (I'm not worried about the calories because this menu only provides 700-900 per day.) All my Snacks are protein-based (nuts, Jerky, cheese, yogurt) So that's 70+ grams of protein and 72+ ounces of fluid, with some exercise as well. If you have a regular enough schedule, you can follow it every day. If not, maybe a modified version will work. The big trick is in pre-planning your meals and your fluids, especially if you're going to be away from home or work. In those cases, I always make sure there will be something I can eat, or I bring along a Protein shake or some kind of meat to carry me through. I've also gotten pretty good at restaurant eating. I avoid the bread and salad, order chicken, steak, lamb, fish, or pork, trade in the starch for a second veggie, skip the dessert.... and end up taking half of the meat, and almost all of the veggies home. I know we need to learn to eat "normally", but I'm not there yet – especially when it comes to carbs. When I get to goal weight, I'll work on finding my new low-carb "normal". Hope that helps! Rog
  16. Rogofulm

    Wow. I really changed a habit.

    INSPIRATION ALERT!!! I work on the first floor of a five-story office building. @@JustWatchMe, after reading your post, I left my office and ran up to the fifth floor, across to the other stair-well, and back down to my office. My lungs are burning and my legs are rubbery --- and I feel great! So thanks!!!!
  17. Rogofulm

    How is everyone doing 3-5 years out?

    It's always good to hear from you veterans that continue to fight the good fight, even years after surgery. Your stories are one of the most important benefits of BP membership. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us!!!!
  18. Rogofulm

    Fluid consumption

    I asked my doctor if I can stretch my sleeve or do damage by drinking 120+ oz of Fluid a day, some of it rather quickly. He said that the Water will find the easiest path out of the stomach -- that is -- down into the intestines, long before it can ever stretch the sleeve. In fact, the sleeve is mostly muscle, so it's not very stretchy at all. You would almost have to stretch it intentionally by constantly packing it with dense food -- and water is not dense food. Good news!
  19. Rogofulm

    Not losing

    Here you go.... Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the pounds will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again! (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  20. Rogofulm

    I'm 20 days post op

    Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the pounds will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again! (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  21. Rogofulm

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Hey Steph, You rock for taking this over!!! Please add me to the challenge. Just noticed that your starting and ultimate goal weight are pretty much identical to mine. Good luck! Current weight: 148 Goal Weight: 145 Thanks! Rog
  22. Rogofulm

    Easter's Challenge

    Hi Susan, Yesterday, I made my goal of 148!!! (Actually, 147.9, but who's counting?) You are awesome for doing this; it really helps!!!!! Thanks so much, Rog
  23. Hah! A year ago nobody would have ever said that. All short-sleeve, oversized, untucked shirts, all the time! Thanks for the compliment! It's a big change.

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