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Everything posted by Rogofulm

  1. Rogofulm

    What is happening

    Congratulations! You may have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall a little early. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the pounds will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again! (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  2. You bet! I followed all the rules, with one exception.... I drink coffee. Other than that, it's 80-100 grams of Protein, 64-128 ounces of fluids, no starches, no sugars, carbs only from Protein shakes, green veggies and Greek yogurt, and moderate exercise – every single day! I never leave the house without a plan for what I'm going to eat and drink while I'm out, weigh myself every day, and as incentive, buy (used) clothes whenever I fit into a new size. I donated all my big clothes to the very places where I've been going to buy my clothes. And now that I've reached goal weight, I'm buying new clothes because I don't expect to grow out of them -- in either direction. I know it doesn't sound realistic, but I haven't "cheated" on my program at all. Of course, during the losing phase calories and fat don't count on my program so that makes it easier. Now that I'm entering the long-term maintenance phase, I'm working out what I can eat that will stop the weight loss without bringing the weight back. I'm sure it will take lots of experimentation, but I hope to stay on top of it. If you need more specific ideas about protein, fluids, Snacks, or planning, please send me a message and I'll try to give you a thoughtful reply. Good luck!!!
  3. For those of us with skinny-butt syndrome, maybe these exercises will help.... http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/3-quick-kettlebell-workouts-for-all-levels
  4. Congratulations on your tremendous accomplishment!!! You need to update your profile to show that your weight lost is 100 lbs now!
  5. 10 months out, and I have a Premier Protein chocolate shake every single morning. It jump starts my day with 30 grams of protein, one-third of the way to my daily goal. "And it's so tasty too!" (Just like Vitameatavegamin, for those of you old enough to remember THAT one!)
  6. Rogofulm

    How is everyone doing 3-5 years out?

    Thanks very much, @@Ms skinniness! I wish you great success in getting a handle on your program too!!! You've probably already seen these, but in case you haven't, here are two sites that look helpful for that. I haven't tried them myself yet, but they do look promising. And take another look at your own quotes and tag lines.... They're inspirational for the rest of us, so why not for you too? Good luck! http://www.5daypouchtest.com/index.html http://forum.fastday.com/5-2_diet.php
  7. Same problem here! I was "all gut, no butt" to begin with. So now my backside gets sore if I sit for more than 15 minutes at home, at work, in the car, but especially if I'm in a meeting or at a show where you sit in metal folding chairs. Last weekend at a theatre, I found a way to hang my butt off the back of the chair to relieve the pressure. I wonder how that looked from the row behind me?
  8. Rogofulm

    How is everyone doing 3-5 years out?

    I'm not 2-3 years out, but I am below my goal and trying to figure out how to proceed. I've been posting a lot that my Snacks are all protein-based, like nuts, cheese, Jerky, and yogurt. I've also stated that fat and calories do not seem to matter. BUT.... The more I read from you veterans and how hard it gets to lose weight that has crept back on, the more I wonder about whether my tricks will continue to work in maintenance. My new theory is that while we're in ketosis, fat and calories really DON'T matter - the weight will continue to come off by nature of the ketosis. However... The only way to stop losing once we get to our final goal weight, is probably to knock ourselves out of ketosis, right?. And how do we do that? Probably by adding back some carbs. And that threatens to bring back the slippery slope! My doc said to only add back the carbs you would eat with a healthy meal (brown rice, whole wheat Pasta, sweet potatoes) and not anything that would tempt you to go to the fridge or pantry for a handful. Okay, that makes sense. But now I'm also thinking that once we stop the ketosis, fat and calories may start to count again. Meaning that we can't use those high-fat Protein snacks to stay satisfied anymore. (Goodbye handfuls of nuts and cheese.) So what do we replace them with in order to not gain weight, but not lose anymore either. Do you WLS veterans have any thoughts on this? Is this even an appropriate question for this thread, or should I start another? Thanks!!!
  9. Would you be less of am man if you no longer drank and got into bar fights? No, you'd just be sober and smarter. So now you're just thinner and healthier. It has nothing at all to do with "being a man", except to some guy who is overly worried about his own manhood. And by the way, in a few more weeks you'll be eating steak again just fine. Whew! It'll be nice to grow back your.... HAH! Stay confident. As the weight comes off you'll start feeling better about yourself and those other jerks will be jealous. Okay, since you're 3.5 weeks out here's what you need to know..... Congratulations! You have reached The Dreaded Week-3 Stall. It's perfectly normal, and just about all of us have suffered through it. You're not crazy, and your doctor didn't screw up. In fact, you might not lose any weight for two weeks or even longer. But don't worry – after that, the pounds will start falling off if you stick to your program. And, the inches will continue to come off even while the scale isn't budging. Here's a good article that explains why it happens and why we all have to go through it. Hang in there. Pretty soon it'll be in the rear-view mirror and you'll be dropping weight again! (Apologies to BP regulars who have seen this repeatedly, but it's a big deal to those who are going through it!)
  10. Rogofulm

    Memorial Day Challenge!

    Hi again Steph! Okay, let's go with 146 this morning. That'll keep me focused on the goal. Thanks for doing this!!! Rog
  11. Rogofulm

    Unsupportive Mom :(

    YES!!!! This is what I've been saying all along. Once you explain it to most people, they "get it" and become supportive. And with close family members, if that doesn't work, then they need to hear it from your doctor. My new approach when people ask how I lost all the weight, is to tell them. "I had bariatric surgery... and haven't had any starches, sugars, sodas, or booze for 10 months, and I'm exercising 5-6 times a week." That pretty much nips it in the bud.
  12. As I predicted in an earlier post on this thread, @@Butterfly512, you're getting tons of comments! In fact, I'll bet if an analysis were to be performed, the term "easy way out" generates more response than anything else on BP. Okay, since I'm an analyst by day, I'll do a quick one. Check this out... There are 40 pages of topics that include the words "easy way out", in that order, in one or more posts. There are roughly 25 topics per page. So that's roughly 1,000 topics on BP that include the phrase. So then I sorted that data set to find the 25 threads that generated the most responses. There were 197,852 total responses to the top 25 topics that include the phrase "easy way out". And that doesn't include the other 975 topics with the phrase. So that's probably 200,000 or more responses, folks! What this shows is that whenever those words are mentioned, it touches a raw nerve in all of us who are working our butts off to get healthy! Pretty interesting stuff, eh?!! Have a great weekend everyone who's taking, or hoping to take the "easy way out"! We've earned it!!! And I hit my final stretch goal of 120 pounds down today, so this seems like a nice way to celebrate!
  13. Rogofulm


    Okay, I know this is a disgusting topic but... two fingers down the throat does the trick. Again, I emphasize – not in a bulimic kind of way. This is very occasional, and only to clear an obstruction. I'm not trying to get rid of any "bad food" I've eaten. It's usually caused by some dry chicken or pork, or even kidney Beans. Actually, the last bite that puts me over the edge is often green veggies that land on top of the stuck Protein and pile up. Somehow, when I get to the last bite of my meal, I mentally move on, so I forget to chew it thoroughly. And that's when it happens. Okay, so here's the "good" part.... Since the food has never made it down to my stomach, there are no stomach acids on it and it's not too gross coming back up. It's not nearly as gross as what I've just written!
  14. Rogofulm

    Losing TOO MUCH weight?

    I get lots of those comments... "Don't lose any more weight." "You look great the way you are." "You're going to get too skinny." My standard response is a polite, "Thanks! Yeah I'm getting really close to the goal I set with my doctor." And then I keep on keeping on. But now, I'm one pound from the lowest I want to be. So for the first time in 50 years, I actually have to figure out how to stop losing weight. How weird is that?!! But that's okay. Better to figure it out from here than 50 or 80 pounds ago. So one suggestion I got from my "keep carbs as low as possible" doctor, is to add small amounts of starches back in. But very carefully, and only tiny amounts of the starches that you might eat as part of a meal, like brown rice, sweet potatoes, or whole-grain Pasta, but not bread! Stuff that doesn't taste good cold, so you won't be tempted to go grab a handful from the fridge or pantry. And then closely monitor how your body reacts. Stick to your goal, @@GreenEyes604, and don't let anyone derail your program before you get there just because they're not used to seeing you looking so great!
  15. Rogofulm

    Are the Peeps Calling?

    Nope. Used to love Peeps, but they're not calling this year. Reeces, on the other hand, are echoing faintly in the distance. But very faintly, so I can manage to ignore them.
  16. Rogofulm

    Drivers License picture

    Wow, great transformation @@kimpossible67! Congratulations!!! Mine looks crazy too. It's funny because before surgery the weight on my license was off by 60 pounds. It's still off by 60 pounds, but in the other direction! LOL!!!
  17. Rogofulm

    I can't even imagine

    It is so freakin' awesome to not "feel fat"!!! I was put on my first diet at age 7. How'd that work out? Last June, my BMI was 42.8, which is solidly in the "Very Severely Obese" range, and I had diabetes, apnea, asthma, high cholesterol, and borderline blood pressure. Less than 10 months later, my BMI is 23.6, which is solidly in the "Normal" range and all of my "fat guy" diseases are gone! I was wearing XXL-XXXL shirts then, and hated having to buy clothes. Now I buy Mediums off the rack (or online) and don't bother trying them on because I know they'll fit. I'm telling you, it's like night and day! So for those of us that have "felt fat" all of our lives, here are the best tips I can give you: 1) Follow all the rules of your program as closely as you can! The less you deviate, the quicker you'll lose weight. Yes, I know it's not a race. But I would suggest that those who stick to the rules and lose their excess weight more quickly are far more likely to get to their goal and stay there. Yes, I know we have to learn how to eat "normally", but again, I would suggest that learning to eat normally can happen at any time. So why not do it once you've lost the weight and have already developed eating and exercise habits that work? That way if you put some pounds back on while experimenting with new foods, you don't have to lose the new weight, plus all the old weight that hadn't come off yet. 2) Plan, plan, plan! Never allow yourself to be caught unprepared without something appropriate to eat and drink. If you don't know what's going to be available at your next eating situation, bring something with you. Don't allow yourself to get hungry at a social event. Drink a Protein shake in the car on the way. Try to learn to like beef and turkey Jerky. It's high protein, low fat, okay calories, you can buy a bag almost anywhere, and a 3-ounce bag is a meal. I can't count how many times my program has been saved by a bag of jerky from a convenience store! So keep a bag of jerky in the car for food emergencies. And bring your own pitcher of Crystal Light, or a squirt-bottle of Mio to the party. 3) Try not to fall off the horse, but if you do, get right back on track at your very next meal. Not tomorrow, and not next Monday morning. That's the pattern that got us here, right? We need to break those patterns, because they won't work this time either! 4) When you look in the mirror and see a slimmer person, believe it! If you're doing the right things and making the right choices, the "new you" is who you are now. Don't waste time and emotional energy looking back over your shoulder waiting for your former, heavier self to drag you back. Keep looking forward and enjoy your successes by setting and achieving lots of little milestones. Along the way... be sure to bask in the compliments, have fun trying on and wearing smaller clothes, take pride in your accomplishments, appreciate your new health and energy, and try to enjoy this amazing journey! Most of all, just keep making the next good choice! Good luck!!!
  18. Once you decide to do something about it, it's no longer a mess. It's a step towards cleaning it up!

    1. alwaysvegas


      Truer words were never said. :)

  19. Rogofulm

    VIP Member Check In

    Hi Gang! I'm 55 and happily married for 13 years, with a wonderful wife and 10-year-old daughter. So first and foremost, I'm a husband and Dad. By day I'm a government contractor specializing in safety, health, and environmental research, data analysis, writing, and presentation. For hobbies, I'm a theater actor and sound designer, pianist and composer, music collector, poet, birder, juggler, and a sports fan who roots for the Cowboys, Nationals, Capitals, and Wizards. I'm one pound away from my final stretch-goal of 145, and trying to learn how to eat healthfully without gaining (or losing any more) for the rest of my life. Oh, and I'm The Dreaded Week-3 Stall guy. Glad to be here! Rog
  20. A lot of people post that 'others' have told them they're taking the easy way out, and that always touches a raw nerve in this Forum! Since you're the one that's feeling that way, you probably won't get scorched by the responses. But so you'll be as well-informed as possible about this decision you're about to make, I'm going to let you in on what this deal is REALLY about. A message from someone who had gastric sleeve surgery, lost about 120 pounds, and is now living below goal weight..... Is this the easy way out? Well, yes and no. Yes, because the smaller stomach helps me control my appetite and the amount of food I can take in. Initially (but not forever), calories are greatly restricted because of the lesser volume consumed, but good choices still have to be made every single time I put something in my mouth. And... No, it's not easy, because since making this decision I have: Taken nutritional counseling classes Attended monthly bariatric support group meetings Been evaluated by a psychologist Been evaluated by a cardiologist Been evaluated by a pulmonologist Had an upper GI evaluation Had a complete physical by my primary care physician Gone through a two-week pre-operative liquid diet Gone through and recovered from a major surgical procedure that removed 80% of my stomach Gone through a two-week post operative liquid diet Gone through a two-week soft food diet Eaten zero starches (bread, Pasta, rice, potatoes, pizza, etc.) Eaten zero sugary Desserts (cake, pie, pudding, ice cream, candy, etc.) Eaten very few fruits Had zero fruit juices Had zero sodas Had zero alcoholic beverages Eaten 80–100 grams of Protein every single day Not had anything to drink for 30-45 minutes before eating Not had anything to drink with meals Not had anything to drink for 30-45 minutes after eating But still managed to drink 64–120 ounces of fluids every single day Always eaten protein first Always eaten non-starchy vegetables second (and there's never room for anything else) Exercised 5-6 times a week Logged everything I ate or drank for several months, and again whenever my weight loss slowed And through it all, I've watched my friends and family eat and drink whatever they want at restaurants, birthdays, dinner parties, sporting events, New Year's, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and so on.... Now, does that sound "the easy way"? Not by a long shot! (Just compare the 'yes' and 'no' sections above.) But it is a tool that makes the likelihood of long-term success much better than it would be without it. And, of course, now I'm starting maintenance, where I have to learn how to eat, exercise, and live in such a way as to not regain the weight I've lost – for the rest of my life! The easy way? Yeah, right!
  21. Rogofulm

    Serious Stall

    Yeah, I drink decaf when I need to warm up, but I'm afraid I drink coffee for the caffeine. It's the only vice I have left.
  22. I think it can. This is why I refuse to subsist on 800 calories a day of all Protein, no fat. Bring on the butter! Bring on the full fat sour cream and the good cheese. I am not afraid of calories, I am not afraid of fat, I am afraid of carbs. Not the complex kind, the sugary sweet refined kind. I did not want to maintain on 800 calories so I worked hard to get to 1200-1500 calories a day. That seems to be my maintenance point -- a point I can live with. Bingo, @@LipstickLady! That's how I'm approaching the maintenance phase (if you can call it that). I'm not worrying about fat and calories, just starches/sugars. The question is, with the new dietary guidelines coming out in 2015, what do we do about cheese and butter? They're the wrong kind of fat, but they don't seem to affect our weight loss much, as long as we're not also consuming the bad carbs. Guess we monitor our cholesterol once or twice a year and take it from there.
  23. Rogofulm

    Serious Stall

    I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day with Splenda and dry creamer. Unfortunately, I find that sometimes it makes me hungry. So I usually follow it up with a huge tumbler of Crystal Light iced tea to fill up my sleeve.
  24. Rogofulm

    Positive thinking

    Follow all the rules, and the weight will come off.
  25. I'm finding something different, and odd. Now that I'm below goal and solidly in the "normal" BMI, my weight loss should slow down or stop if I eat more calories, right? But because I still avoid the slippery slope of starches, my weight continues to decrease, ever so slowly. I exercise moderately and still eat mostly Protein, but I've added a whole lot more nuts and cheese to my diet. In fact, after dinner the other night, I was making microwaved cheese chips, and just kept making them until the block of cheese was done. When I checked the label, I discovered that I'd just consumed 800 calories as an evening snack! But it had no effect whatsoever on my weight. Sometimes I'll have 3-4 handfuls of nuts during the evening. Again, that's probably 500-100 calories. And still, my weight continues to creep downwards. I'll confess that, at least for now, I'm thrilled with that. But like some others on this thread, I don't understand how that can happen in a "3500 calories = 1 pound" world. My only guess is that remaining in a constant state of ketosis may change the math. Anyone know if that's possible? Thanks!

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