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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by gayle21

  1. I was banded Dec 26, 2007. I initially lost about 55 pounds and was soooo happy with my band. I was being pretty agressive with my fills. Then I started getting stuck A LOT! I had a few unfills and was happy for a while. Then about 3 months after my last unfill I had a horrible experience. I got stuck on something I ate and I was stuck for almost 3 days straight. On the third day I couldn't even drink Water. I tried to get into my doctor's but because of a recent change of insurance they wouldn't take me right away. I ended up in the ER and getting admitted to the hospital. They unfilled my band completely which immediately gave me relief. They did an upper GI and everything was normal. Almost 4 months later I am still completely unfilled and UP about 20 pounds. I still get pretty anxious when I think about what happened. BUT... I have realized that my band is a great tool that worked so well for many months. AND I have an appointment with my new lapband doctor on Thursday and I can't wait to start getting filled again. This time I'm going to take it slow and be patient. I hope my story will help anyone that is going through a tough time with their band! I still am very happy with my decision to get the lapband! I"m getting back on My Journey!! Can't wait! :tongue_smilie:
  2. gayle21

    Getting a Fill Finally!!! YAY!

    I changed insurance and hadn't set up with my new doctor yet. It was kinda my fault... Yes I am still down 35 or so! I am very happy that I kept some off and I have been working out and trying to eat healthy until my next fill. It is just so hard when I can eat the same as I did before I got the lapband... I am trying to get recommitted to my band and weight-loss! I want to be healthy and keep the pounds off for good! :tongue_smilie: Thanks for the encouragement!!
  3. PBs suck! From the many, I have finally learned that it happens USUALLY when I eat too fast or don't chew enough. But also when I eat TOO MUCH. It is really hard for me to recognize when I'm full... I always want to keep eating because that is what my head wants, but I have to learn to listen to my tummy. Good lessons that I know we all have to learn for ourselves. Good luck to all! ;^)
  4. I find that weekdays are a lot easier then weekends... :teeth_smile: Yesterday: B: 2 scrambled eggs with salsa S: 1c. watermelon L: sm salad, used salsa as dressing and 1 grilled chicken leg from El pollo loco S: string cheese D: 4 hot wings from Hooters... Like I said weekdays are easier! But they were so good!
  5. Hey everybody! I haven't posted here in a while... But I wanted to say that I have been reading a lot of your posts and they have really inspired me to keep better track of what I'm eating. So I have started a food journal; I am going to plan out my meals the night before when I'm not hungry :thumbup: and I'm determined to stick to them. Today was my first day... ()=calories Breakfast: 1/2c cottage cheese and 1/2c lite peaches, rinsed (170)Snack: 1 hard boiled egg and 1/4c trail mix (both= 190) Lunch: 1/2c tuna with 1/2 tbsp of mayo (185) Snack: 10 cheddar mini rice cakes (85) YUM! Dinner: Not sure, My wonderful boyfriend is making dinner... Probably grilled chicken or beef and veggies... Total calories so far today:630 so that leaves me about 570 calories for dinner. I aiming for 1200 calories a day. How am I doing so far? Today was easy, the hard part is sticking to this plan...
  6. gayle21

    Is it normal....

    Ya that happens to me also... I agree that it happens usually after the first couple bites due to my own errors in eating. I tend to not chew the first bite enough, therefore I know its my fault. I can usually feel the stuck feeling pretty quickly and when I do feel it, I STOP! Put the fork down and walk away. If it doesn't subside in a couple minutes I sometimes try some warm liquid, like tea or just warm water. That helps me sometimes. I too am scheduled for a fill in about a week and a half, and I'm kinda scared I'll be too tight after getting another fill. But I have learned that most of the time when I get stuck it is because of my choices in food. It is soooo hard to relearn eating habits, especially after our entire life of eating this way. I'm 7 months out from surgery and I'm still learning and struggling. It's soooo worth it though! :-) Hope I helped...
  7. I have felt that the band was not working... But then after a lot of truthful soul searching, I realized that it was not the band. It was me. The choices in food that I was making weren't what they should be, and my exercise wasn't enough. I have been told many times by other LBT'ers that the band on does about 15-20% of the work, and the rest is up to you and I. That is soooo true! Its hard but we just have to control the habits that got us here in the first place. Be patient, communicate with your doctor and nurses, and maybe try another fill. :teeth_smile:
  8. I weighed 246lbs the morning of surgery... and today I weigh about 190lbs... So I've lost about 56lbs so far. My surgery was 12/26/07; that puts me at almost 7 months post-op. FYI: My weight loss has slowed a little in the last month or so, my doc says this is normal. Just remember to be patient and keep on truckin! :-)
  9. gayle21

    June to Labor Day Challenge

    Name.............Current......Goal.........To Go Gayle.................190..........175............15
  10. gayle21

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    NAME .... Start Weight ... Goal ... Current Weight ... To Go Started:...........246.........190...........214.................24 Finished:..........246.........190...........191.................1!!! One stinkin pound! WHO'S COUNTING? :rolleyes2:
  11. When I first started getting fills I was obsessed with my "Sweet Spot". But now that I now what it feels like to get everything stuck and pb... I'm more concerned that I don't get filled too tight. I've learned to not be so aggressive with my fills and instead to make better choices in what I eat. My band is just a VERY helpful tool, I have to do the majority of the work myself! I love my band... but it doesn't love me when it's toooooo tight. :rolleyes2:
  12. gayle21

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Here's an update! Thanks for the motivation! Gayle.................. 246........ 190........ 194....................4 to go!!!
  13. gayle21

    Looking for locals in Orange County.

    Hey Jealee!!! Hows it goin? Good luck with your fill tomorrow. I hope it helps with the hunger. Luv always!
  14. gayle21

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Update: Gayle.................. 246........ 190........ 214....................24
  15. gayle21

    How Long Until You Got Surgery?

    My first consultation with my surgeon was oct. 17, 2007 and my surgery was Dec. 26, 2007... but I really worked hard to get things done quickly due to the fact that i wanted to get it done on winter break from school or i was gonna have to wait till summer... GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!
  16. gayle21

    OK, tell me this.....

    I have been banded for a little over a month now... And I can't tell you how wonderful it is to not have have my life revolve around food anymore. I have to plan my meals carefully, but I don't feel like I obsess over what I'm gonna eat anymore. I feel free from that constant obsessivness. And I love it!!! I also LOVE my band!!! P.S. My first fill is this coming wednesday and I can't wait!
  17. gayle21

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    NAME ... Start Weight ... Goal ... Current Weight ... To Go Gayle..... 246..... 190..... 221.....31lbs
  18. gayle21


    So last night I went to Sushi for the first time since banding and it was awesome!!! I always sit at the sushi bar and I asked the sushi chef if I could order cut rolls with no rice (not on my post-op diet for 6 months) and they said I could no problem... so I got my favorite cut roll that comes with cooked crab and shimp, avocado and cucumber wrapped in seaweed (I didn't eat the seaweed...) with raw tuna and salmon on top... OMG it was so delicious! I want to go everyday now. And it is such a great way to get protein! YUMM YUMM YUMM!
  19. gayle21

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    On Wednesday it will be one month since my surgery and I feel great!!! My NSV is that I can fit into 3 different pairs of jeans I had saved that I haven't been able to fit into in over 9 months! YAYA!! P.S And... there even starting to get loose now!
  20. gayle21


    So I was banded almost 3 weeks ago this wednesday and I have lost almost 25 lbs so far... let me just say that even that much has made such a big difference!!! All I'm gonna say is backseat of his car, just cause we could!!! :smile:
  21. gayle21

    I'm so excited!!!

    <p>So I had my post-op appt. today (8 days out) and it went great!! I've lost 16.5 lbs since my pre-op appt. which was two weeks ago!! So HAPPY!! And I get to start full liquids which is great cause I was starting to get a tad bit hungry and I hope this will help. Anywho, hope everyone is doing great and YAY to us for loving ourselves enough to get banded!!! <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/angel.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Angel" smilieid="132" class="inlineimg" /> How Blessed we are!?!</p>
  22. gayle21

    Could this be for real??

    Isn't it a fantastic feeling?! I'm 8 days out today and when I stepped on the scale at my post-op appt. today I could hardly believe my own eyes... Down 16.5lbs!!!!!!! Yippy for us!
  23. gayle21

    Feeling Yucky...

    Hey All... So today is one week since my surgery. I have had no problems and pretty much no pain with only a little discomfort in my shoulders; which is gone now. I have felt pretty good until yesterday... In the afternoon I went shopping with a friend to Target and I started having a stomach ache. I have had a little diarrhea and some stomach cramping. It has come and gone since then and I just feel pretty crappy today. Even emotionally I am drained. Tomorrow is my first post-op appt which I am excited for because maybe they can tell me what is going on. The booklet my surgeon gave says this is normal as long as it doesn't persist more then a couple days. Has anyone else experienced this??? Help! I'm frustrated... P.S. I have been getting in almost all my protein and been drinking a lot of water, except since yesterday when this all started cause its been hard to drink my protein. But I still have been drinking a lot of water...
  24. gayle21

    Feeling Yucky...

    Feeling much better today!
  25. I've heard it's called a SHART!!! Funny but very true... it happens to the best of us. At least we know we're not alone in this sharting business! ;~)

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