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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kpay10

  1. Hi all! I haven't been on for a while, as I've been very busy living life and LOVING it! I hit my goal weight several months ago, and am now actually 25 lbs. below my set goal weight! I feel fantastic and want to pay it forward, therefore, I have started a Blog! If you'd like to check it out, you can find it at kellyshrinks.weebly.com

    Best of luck to everyone and I hope you are all doing wonderful!!

  2. Hi ladies! Can I just say how great it is to be in contact again? I know my family and friends must get sick of hearing me talk about all this stuff all the time!

    I get my Bai5 at Target (near the Vitamin Water). They are pricey, but no more than I would pay for a Starbucks Or what I used to pay for fast food! LOL

    Keep working, ladies! It's still a battle for me every day to make the right choices. I guess that's the price to pay for being healthy. I never knew how a slim person lived before. I just always thought they were naturally that way and never worried about what they ate. Learning that is not the case! Oh well, I wouldn't trade how I feel now for all the carbs in the world!

  3. By the way: KEY for me was ditching the carbs! It was torture at first, but once I did, I didn't miss them! Now I'm kind of afraid to add them back because I don't want to start up the cravings again! I can't eat Pasta or rice at all! I've tried, and both make me throw up! I also find that if I don't drink enough fluids, it feels like I'm hungry, especially for sweets, so I drink a lot of Vitamin Water Zero and my new favorite, Bai5! I spurge on these and it gets me through! I also drank a TON of hot tea and SF Hot Cocoa this winter to get me through the evening snack attacks!

  4. Hi ladies! I'm so excited about our "Surgiversary!" I think you both are doing amazing! Keep up the good work! I can relate to the plantar fascitis, since I had it, too! I finally went to a podiatrist and got some insert supports which I wore for several months. I also iced it after exercise (on a frozen Water bottle) and even rolled it on a tennis ball. I did a lot of Water aerobics during those months!!

    I hit my goal weight in January and am now 20 lbs. below goal (still in the normal BMI range, so not to worry!). I still eat low fat, very low carb and I exercise 4-5 days per week, either elliptical or running (I started running a few months ago). I've lost a total of 182 lbs. since October 2013 and 132 since surgery! It still feels surreal to me! Now I'm just trying to slow the weight loss, but I can still only eat a few ounces per sitting. I'll be seeing the NUT on the 27th at my one year check up, so I'm sure I'll get some advice then!

    Wishing you all the best!!

  5. This made me laugh because it is so true! Here is my pic! I actually threw away all my old pants so I wrnt to Kohl's and grabbed my former size for a dressing room picture. It feels surreal, but so incredible!!


  6. Today is my first Thanksgiving since being "sleeved" on April 30th. My journey in pre-op began November 1st, 2013 and since then I have lost 140 lbs!!!! I am 22 pounds to goal, and I feel fantastic!! This journey has come with some sacrifices. It is not a quick fix, however, it is a wonderful tool, if you use it correctly! I exercise 5 days a week or more, I eat clean, avoid all carbs and sugars, and live on Protein, veggies, and a tiny bite of fruit now and then. I weigh and log everything that I possibly can on My Fitness Pal and I am sticking to an 800 calorie diet until I reach goal. I am bummed at times that I can't eat some of the yummy foods my family and others are eating, but I am in such a different mindset now that I get over it within minutes and I just keep on doing my thing.

    For those of you considering this surgery, I say DO IT, but keep in mind that it's not a quick fix and it won't make you "skinny" if you aren't willing to do the work. Yes, you can eat whatever you want in small amounts and lose weight initially, but from what I hear, keeping it off is the hard part. If you don't change/break those bad habits now how will you keep the weight off? That's been the struggle for us all along, right?? Just some "food for thought" on this food-laden day. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving, all! Stay healthy and eat healthy today (and a bit of exercise won't hurt, either). Your body will be thankful!

  7. It's all about choices. You have to decide what's more important to you, your health or the carb satisfaction? I am 5 months post op, and live with my carb loving family. There are chips, crackers, bread, Cookies, etc. in my house at all times and I haven't eaten any for the past 8 months. I'm no saint or perfectionist (well, maybe a little of a perfectionist). What I am is a scaredy-cat! I am a carb addict and I'm scared that eating carbs will put me back on the weight loss roller coaster. I am also scared of heart attacks and other weight-induced diseases. I'm scared of being the fattest person in the room again. I'm scared of not fitting in the largest plus size at the store. I'm scared of not fitting on airplanes, AND I'm terrified of not being around to enjoy my children and grandchildren. So I choose to stay away from unhealthy food. I love carbs and I sorely miss them, but it's not worth it! Again, it's all about choice.

  8. I'm in the middle of the hair loss phase at 5 months post op! I was told it should stop by 6 months, so hopefully only 1 month to go! Mine hasn't been too bad, but I've noticed it, especially when I wash my hair (I have strands of it in my hands and in my comb) and it looks a little lifeless. :( To keep the loss to a minimum, here's what I have been doing: I only wash my hair every other day, I comb and style it gently, and I started using the WEN cleansing system rather than commercial Shampoo and conditioner. My hair is looking fuller and it seems shinier and less dry (I had been noticing it looked dry and faded these last few months).

    I do have to say, the Hair loss is such a minor side effect compared to how I look and feel! Good luck to you!

  9. Hi Michelle!

    My first thought was that it could be the estrogen pills, but I'm no expert! Sorry about your stall! Sounds like you are doing everything right.

    I've been doing well. I'm still (and probably for the rest of my life) tracking what I eat. It's crazy how some seemingly harmless foods have SO many carbs or fat grams! I'm paranoid about gaining, so I monitor everything I eat! I know some on this forum have a different philosophy, but this works for me. I've been losing at a pretty steady 3 lbs. per week. I'm still only eating 600-800 calories daily and I think I've only hit 800 once. My goal is 75 grams of Protein, 30 grams or less of fat, and 50 grams or less of carbs per day. I was told no alcohol until 6 months out. Even then, I'm going to only have a sip or two on special occasions, since even small amounts always gives me headaches. I work out 4-5 times per week, but it's been a little spotty these past few weeks as I am adjusting back to work after summer break. I am on my feet and walking ALL day at work, though!

    Since my pre-op days (beginning last November) I've lost 116 lbs and have gone from a size 26-28 to a very loose 16!! I'm holding on to the 16's until the cooler weather is here and I can buy a few cheap pair of long pants and warmer tops (still in Capris and summer tops for now!).

    HANG IN THERE!!! Talk to your NUT and don't worry! How are you feeling? I'm sure you have more energy, feel so much better from eating healthy and working out, and are a healthier person overall! Sometimes I forget that that is the most important thing, not the aesthetic!

  10. Hi all.

    Has anyone else found weird lumps on the body after losing significant weight? I'm 14 weeks post op and a few weeks ago felt a lump/knot in the sternum area. Along with being sleeved, I did have an esophageal hernia repair and the lump is about 1/2 to 1 inch above my incision scar. I'm thinking/hoping it's just scar tissue! I have a mammogram scheduled in approximately 2 weeks, but would sure love to put my mind at ease before then! I also have a bump on one of my hipbones, but I'm not too concerned about that one!

    Thanks for any feedback!

  11. I'm 13 weeks out and my caloric intake is between 600-700 calories per day. I exercise intensely 5-6 days per week. I was afraid at first, too, but my doctor told me that NOT exercising will put my body in starvation mode and slow my metabolism. Lord knows, I didn't want that to happen! Since I've been exercising more vigorously (the past month or so- before that I was just walking a few times per week), my energy level has skyrocketed! I feel so much better! I make sure to,get 75 g Protein per day and get all my Water in and I'm good to go!

  12. I eat beef and turkey Jerky, too. Are you on My Fitness Pal? If so, when you input your food, it tracks EVERYTHING! I use it to keep track of sodium, among others like my carbs, fat, calories, and Protein. I highly recommend it! PS. Never gone over on sodium.

    I can relate to pretty much everything you said, too! Yay, for clavicles and hipbones! I am starting to feel, really feel, my ribs, too! :) :) I'm a little further out than you @ 13 weeks.

    Continued good luck and success on your journey!!

  13. @@SnohoGal98296 With Kaiser it is gradual. Weeks 3-4 the goal is 25-30g Protein a day. Weeks 5-6 the goal is 30-40 g. 3 months to 6 months the goal is 40-50 g. 6 to 9 months the goal is 50-60 g. 9 to 12 months the goal is 70%. So I am guessing 70 to 80 g. After 1 year all it says is to continue to eat your Protein first. You will still need to keep your portions small, at around 1 cup of food per meal.

    I'm with Kaiser, too, and I'm expected to be getting 75 grams of protein at 3 months out. I was never given a gradual plan.

  14. I haven't thrown up from any foods, either, but if I eat something and feel weird right away, I stop. The only thing I've had trouble with is carbs. I've tried whole wheat sandwich thins, toast, and whole wheat english muffin. After a bite or two it feels like a rock in my stomach! I'm so thankful for this because it's kept me away from carbs!!! I don't eat any sugar and rarely eat fruit (other than a bite or two (too many carbs!).

    School starts up in another 3 weeks :( so I'll be back to work. My exercise plan is to go to the gym straight from work and do my workout. I know if I come home first I'll be too tired and never get my butt back off the couch! LOL Luckily, my gym is literally 5 minutes away from where I work! I also know if I'm doing something I love, I'll be more apt to keep it up, so I'll continue with my aqua classes 2 days a week, then supplement the rest of the days with treadmill, elliptical, weights, etc. Or I can swim any day I want! Sounds easy, but I'm sure it will be hard the first month until it becomes my new routine. My motto: Just do it and don't think about it!

    Glad to hear you are all doing well! It's nice following you on MFP! Makes it feel like I'm doing this with a team!! :)

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