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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kpay10

  1. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Hey ladies! How are you all doing? I'm feeling okay, but still struggling a bit to get in all my protein/fluids. I go back to work Thursday, the 29th, but only for 8 1/2 days because then we are on summer break. lol! I've got some meetings/trainings through the end of June, though. It'll be interesting to see how I manage with my co-workers eating out every day. I'll just pack my little lunch, though, and tag along...
  2. I have that same plan that says no snacks, but then my packet said I can have snacks if I find I'm not getting in all my protein. The problem is, if I have a snack I have the whole 30 minute waiting period before and after and that messes up my fluids. Geez, I hope I/we figure this all out some day! lol
  3. Thanks. Most of you seem to be able to eat way more than I can at ths point. For example, I can't even eat a full container of yogurt yet. Last night I was able to eat 1 1/2 small meatballs for dinner, so I'm getting 1/2 the protein at each meal. I just got some unflavored protein powder and figured out 1 tablespoon is 5 g, so I've been using that when it fits with what I'm eating. Guess I'll have to break down and try to fit in an extra protein shake every day, at least for now Trouble is, I'm having an aversion to anything sweet, and the lukewarm Unjury chicken broth makes me gag. I'll just have to make it work...
  4. kpay10

    Stall so soon!

    I'm right there with you all. 3 weeks out and only down 9 lbs. I eat nothing but protein, no carbs, and walk 30 minutes a day. I average about 500 calories per day at the most. What gives? Starting to resent all the posts where people lose 20+ in the first week. LOL!
  5. How far out from surgery are you? I had some jaw pain and a stiff neck for the first week. I attributed it to the breathing tube and angle of my neck during surgery. Heat and Tylenol helped.
  6. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Here's a recipe I love: 1/2 cup ricotta cheese 1/4 cup grated Parmesan 1 1/2 tsp egg substitute 1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning Salt/Pepper to taste Mix all together and top with 1/4 cup marinara and 1/4 cup low fat mozzarella Bake in 450 oven for about 15 min or until bubbly I spread this out over 2 meals. It is my new favorite and about 10 g Protein per serving. I might add unflavored protein powder the next time to boost it. As far as the unjury unflavored, I only add 1 TBS to what ever I'm eating. It adds 5 g of protein and is tolerable, for me at least
  7. kpay10

    Need some meal ideas!

    I'm on soft foods and my favorite right now is the Ricotta Cheese Bake from The World According to Eggface. It's amazing! Two great websites I have found for recipes is the Eggface site and Bariatric Eating. They both have tons of recipes!
  8. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Hey ladies! Just wondering how you are doing? I'm working hard to get my Protein and Water in. I'm almost making my goals each day, but it's a lot of work! Vitamins have been a different story. I'm taking all, but Calcium and Iron. I ordered some chewable calcium that made me sick, so I'm waiting on some other kind to arrive in the mail. I'm still nervous about the iron because I don't want to get any more constipated. Been struggling a bit with nausea after I eat, but so far so good this morning... I think I'm trying to eat too much, not hungry, but just wanting to get my protein in. I've been walking a mile+ almost daily. This morning I went clothes shopping. I'm down 2 pant sizes and 2 shirt sizes since I started my liquid diet a month ago! THAT feels great and makes the struggles worthwhile! Hope you are doing well! Kelly
  9. I've been having some nausea, too, especially after dinner. I didn't take my vitamins today, either, because I wanted to see how I felt. I'm still nauseous after dinner tonight, though. Wish I knew what this was! My daughter suggested eating lighter in the evening (maybe having my protein shake for dinner instead of breakfast). I might try that tomorrow. If it weren't for this nausea I'd be doing great!!
  10. Silly question, but how do you take them with/after a meal when you have to wait 1/2 hour to drink?
  11. I've been taking Colace twice a day and now Miralax for the past 2 mornings. Seems to be finally working today, but oh, my tummy is rumbling like crazy and I'm feeling nauseous! I'm soooo looking forward to feeling "normal" again. Hope it happens soon! (2 weeks, 2 days post op)
  12. Hi Scylla. I am a little over 2 weeks post op and have lost 7 lbs. I know exactly how you feel! I was on a 1200 calorie diet beginning in November and then the 2 week liquid diet pre op. I lost 51 lbs. pre op and I truly believe that the people who are losing massive amounts in the first few weeks are losing Water weight, which we have already lost. My doctor told me not to worry, as long as I am losing. I <3 him! By the way, I put away my scale and am now only going to weigh once a week. I'm trusting the process and trying not to compare myself to others, as hard as that is at times! Good luck!!
  13. My doctor requires 1500 mg of Calcium per day and I can't find a supplement I like. I would prefer chewable. I bought a bottle of Celebrate chewable, but they make me feel nauseous.. The Bariatric Advantage look good, but are so expensive! What are others using? Thanks!
  14. kpay10

    April 30th!

    Glad I'm not the only one losing slowly, although I'd rather we were all losing FAST! lol. I like the Unjury unflavored. I can't taste it at all. I even put some in applesauce. It made it a funny color, but I couldn't taste it. I put 1 TBS in with 1/4 cup of what I'm eating. I don't know what it would taste like if I put any more, though.
  15. kpay10

    April 30th!

    I am going to order the unflavored, too. I had a sample and used it in yogurt and cottage cheese and it was fine. Yes, the heat is killer! I got out last night for a late walk and early this morning.
  16. kpay10

    April 30th!

    I'm only weighing once a week now, too. It's just too frustrating on a daily basis! So far my sleeve has tolerated pretty much everything. The only issue I had was on Mother's Day I tried some strained French onion soup broth. After 2 sips I knew it was not a good idea to continue! I've been having trouble finishing my meals, which is frustrating because I want to get in my Protein so I don't have to keep drinking these nasty shakes that sit like a brick in my tummy! How are you guys doing on exercise? I get in 1/2 hour 6 days a week. This is good for me since I hate exercising! lol
  17. This question is for the veterans out there: What is your average Protein intake per day? Do you have any tips or tricks for getting in all your protein? A lifetime of Protein shakes has me feeling depressed! Thanks for your help!
  18. kpay10

    April 30th!

    That's great, Michelle! I saw my surgeon today, too, and was advanced to soft foods My first meal was tuna salad. It tasted great! I might try refried Beans tomorrow! Possible TMI- I'm suffering from horrible constipation. I've tried colace, which works a little, but I think I'm going to get some Miralax tomorrow. It's really putting a damper on my recovery! Also, I only lost 6 lbs. these past 2 weeks. I'm feeling a little down about that. Seems others are losing more. I'm trying not to obsess about it, though. It will come off when it's ready, I guess....
  19. kpay10

    Any May 2014 sleevers?

    It will get better! I had the same issues. What helped me was chewable Gas-X and walking. I know, it's horrible, but it is only temporary. I ate/drank standing up r pacing for a few ads and that helped, too! I'm almost 2 weeks post op and feeling soooo much better! Hang in there!
  20. Thanks everyone! It's not the taste I mind so much, it's that I'm having a hard time fitting them in. I'm supposed to e drinking two 8 oz shakes a day. I drink 2-3 oz and I'm stuffed! I'm 11 days out so still on a modified liquid diet (meaning I can have cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and applesauce). I guess I need to space them out over the day more.
  21. They make an adult liquid Tylenol! I used it post op for pain. Check Walgreens or Rite Aid, if there is one in your area. Feel better soon!
  22. My surgery was on 4/30, so I am only 10 days post op. I've noticed how people have done in the first few weeks and was amazed at the huge weight loss. This is not the case for me. As of yesterday I had only lost 4.4 lbs, and this morning I am back up 1 lb. I have followed my Dr's Pre Op diet and now Post Op diet to the letter, so now I just need to sit back and trust the process. I did lose 51 lbs since November, which was when Pre Op dieting began, including a 2 week liquid diet prior to surgery, and I am ecstatic about that! This also means I didn't have a lot of Water weight left to lose during Post Op, but it sure would be nice to see a big jump in the scale and feel that rush! My plan is to not weigh myself until I go for my 2 week appointment on Tuesday. After that, I'll weigh myself every 2 weeks. Time to focus on how I feel and not the numbers! Hope everyone is doing well!
  23. Check with your Dr or NUT. My personal decision will be to not have any bread or carbs that don't come naturally in foods because carbs are my weakness and I don't want to be back on that roller coaster again! I've been carb free for over a month and I'm not turning back! Protein, protein, protein!!
  24. kpay10

    April 30th!

    I got to add yogurt, cottage cheese, applesauce, and no sugar added rice pudding today!! Of course, I tried them all over the day. The rice pudding was a little hard to eat, probably because I was worried about the rice in it. I get to go straight to soft foods, too, but not 'til next Wednesday. How are you ladies doing?
  25. kpay10

    Protein Shakes! Help!

    I love Nature's Best Isopure. For my 2 week Pre op I got a bag of vanilla and a bag of chocolate. They were less than $20 each on Amazon and lasted me the whole 2 weeks. I recently got more post op and I still love the flavor (well, as much as you can love protein shakes, LOL).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
